welcome wabz

Richard Nelson wabz at whatsbeef.net
Sun Feb 25 05:39:41 EST 2007

On Saturday 24 February 2007 08:57, Sean Egan wrote:
> wabz, who's been submitting great patches to gaim-text for as long as
> there's been one has just been given commit access to work on it.

Thanks! gaim-text has much improved my life...

I have a (possibly exaggerated) concern; revision f59170f3 fixes a 
vulnerability (definitely remote crash, probably remote code execution) that 
exists in gaim-text 2.0.0b6. It's very easy to trigger (have a buddy change 
their name to a format string, while you have the buddy list visible), and 
svn users/downstream don't have the fix.

-- Richard Nelson

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