[Cabal] Logos. Second draft

Christopher O'Brien siege at preoccupied.net
Sat Jan 20 02:54:05 EST 2007

On Jan 19, 2007, at 10:05 PM, Kevin M Stange wrote:
> Sean Egan wrote:
>> Also, if everyone could come up with a numerical grade from 0 to 100
>> for their overall opinions.
>> Ethan gives it a 55.
>> I give it a 69.
> A numerical grade for the overall thoughts on the second draft, or  
> on a
> specific entity?  Overall I think I give it a 60.  We're sort of  
> lead to
> this design through the progression of the designer, and while it's
> certainly a distinctive logo and has some merits, I don't know that it
> feels like it fits with the project.

I'd give overall a 75. I have a hard time letting go of the old Gaim  
"dude" image.

My biggest thing is that I don't like purple, but I realize that this  
is supposed to be a pun off of the "prpl" prefix for protocol  
plugins. Purple seems very soft to me, whereas I think I'd prefer  
something in blue and grey a bit more (though I'd hate to have it  
mistaken for a relation to the OO.o seagulls)

- siege

Christopher (siege) O'Brien
siege at preoccupied.net

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