[Cabal] Coming out of the monotone closet

Sean Egan seanegan at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 21:22:33 EST 2007

On 1/21/07, Ethan Blanton <elb at psg.com> wrote:
> Since it looks like we really are adopting monotone, how do people
> feel about me informing the monotone team that Gaim is in the process
> of adopting monotone?  I've told them we were considering it (and been
> telling them I was going to push it for a long time), but the
> confirmation would be nice.

Anything's fine if it doesn't give away our surprise. How about just
telling them that we're currently experimenting with it.

>  A monotone "summit" is coming up, and it
> would be nice to take some official Gaim positions on needs that we
> have on the summit agenda.

Man, it seems like Google is hosting *every* open-source "summit"
these days. It looks like it's mostly a hackfest, but I can probably
stop in and say hello if it's worth it.

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