Revision 68618aa315b7dce2eac1e5ef7ba309c7cc6c8e92

nwalp at nwalp at
Wed Apr 4 06:18:49 EDT 2007

o     -----------------------------------------------------------------
|\    Revision: 68618aa315b7dce2eac1e5ef7ba309c7cc6c8e92
| |   Ancestor: 437e6f11b1b4135556057db73061de861c27c862
| |   Ancestor: b043ef74cd2699857810ee4e31137890a68d4462
| |   Author: nwalp at
| |   Date: 2007-04-04T10:18:36
| |   Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin
| |   
| |   Modified files:
| |           finch/gntdebug.c finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c
| |           finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h finch/libgnt/gntkeys.c
| |           finch/libgnt/gntkeys.h finch/libgnt/gntutils.c
| |           finch/libgnt/gntutils.h libpurple/debug.c libpurple/debug.h
| |           pidgin/gtkconv.c pidgin/gtkdebug.c
| |   
| |   ChangeLog: 
| |   
| |   merge of '437e6f11b1b4135556057db73061de861c27c862'
| |        and 'b043ef74cd2699857810ee4e31137890a68d4462'
| |   
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- pidgin/gtkconv.c	e8b186bd4c383763fed35a411ddbd583007132d1
| |   +++ pidgin/gtkconv.c	117e2569d857a75b3136f366dfae95a305bfe05d
| |   @@ -3105,8 +3105,13 @@ typing_animation(gpointer data) {
| |    static gboolean
| |    typing_animation(gpointer data) {
| |    	PidginConversation *gtkconv = data;
| |   +	PidginWindow *gtkwin = gtkconv->win;
| |    	const char *stock_id = NULL;
| |   -	PidginWindow *gtkwin = gtkconv->win;
| |   +
| |   +	if(gtkconv != pidgin_conv_window_get_active_gtkconv(gtkwin)) {
| |   +		return FALSE;
| |   +	}
| |   +
| |    	switch (rand() % 5) {
| |    	case 0:
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- finch/gntdebug.c	4bc6f0ba9624589a087586b26ec5aae164313f29
| |   +++ finch/gntdebug.c	7bacf29457fce603a1923ab441b0351c8e52c58c
| |   @@ -106,9 +106,16 @@ finch_debug_print(PurpleDebugLevel level
| |    	}
| |    }
| |    
| |   +static gboolean
| |   +finch_debug_is_enabled(PurpleDebugLevel level, const char *category)
| |   +{
| |   +	return debug.window && !debug.paused;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |    static PurpleDebugUiOps uiops =
| |    {
| |    	finch_debug_print,
| |   +	finch_debug_is_enabled
| |    };
| |    
| |    PurpleDebugUiOps *finch_debug_get_ui_ops()
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c	d801f524e90a0c44c22a79c05ac0cce584b501e0
| |   +++ finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c	2e03db8d836c1587e2d25cbd0f1693ae97dbd0d5
| |   @@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
| |    #include <sys/stat.h>
| |    #include <unistd.h>
| |    
| |   +#if 0
| |    #include <glob.h>
| |   +#endif
| |    
| |    enum
| |    {
| |   @@ -87,12 +89,76 @@ is_tagged(GntFileSel *sel, const char *f
| |    	return find;
| |    }
| |    
| |   +GntFile* gnt_file_new_dir(const char *name)
| |   +{
| |   +	GntFile *file = g_new0(GntFile, 1);
| |   +	file->basename = g_strdup(name);
| |   +	file->type = GNT_FILE_DIR;
| |   +	return file;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   +GntFile* gnt_file_new(const char *name, unsigned long size)
| |   +{
| |   +	GntFile *file = g_new0(GntFile, 1);
| |   +	file->basename = g_strdup(name);
| |   +	file->type = GNT_FILE_REGULAR;
| |   +	file->size = size;
| |   +	return file;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |    static gboolean
| |   -location_changed(GntFileSel *sel, GError **err)
| |   +local_read_fn(const char *path, GList **files, GError **error)
| |    {
| |    	GDir *dir;
| |   +	GntFile *file;
| |    	const char *str;
| |   +	
| |   +	dir = g_dir_open(path, 0, error);
| |   +	if (dir == NULL || (error && *error)) {
| |   +		return FALSE;
| |   +	}
| |    
| |   +	*files = NULL;
| |   +	if (*path != '\0' && strcmp(path, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S)) {
| |   +		file = gnt_file_new_dir("..");
| |   +		*files = g_list_prepend(*files, file);
| |   +	}
| |   +
| |   +	while ((str = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
| |   +		char *fp = g_build_filename(path, str, NULL);
| |   +		struct stat st;
| |   +
| |   +		if (stat(fp, &st)) {
| |   +			g_printerr("Error stating location %s\n", fp);
| |   +		} else {
| |   +			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
| |   +				file = gnt_file_new_dir(str);
| |   +			} else {
| |   +				file = gnt_file_new(str, (long)st.st_size);
| |   +			}
| |   +			*files = g_list_prepend(*files, file);
| |   +		}
| |   +		g_free(fp);
| |   +	}
| |   +
| |   +	*files = g_list_reverse(*files);
| |   +	return TRUE;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   +static void
| |   +gnt_file_free(GntFile *file)
| |   +{
| |   +	g_free(file->fullpath);
| |   +	g_free(file->basename);
| |   +	g_free(file);
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   +static gboolean
| |   +location_changed(GntFileSel *sel, GError **err)
| |   +{
| |   +	GList *files, *iter;
| |   +	gboolean success;
| |   +
| |    	if (!sel->dirs)
| |    		return TRUE;
| |    
| |   @@ -105,42 +171,43 @@ location_changed(GntFileSel *sel, GError
| |    			gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(sel));
| |    		return TRUE;
| |    	}
| |   +
| |   +	/* XXX:\
| |   +	 * XXX: This is blocking.
| |   +	 * XXX:/
| |   +	 */
| |   +	files = NULL;
| |   +	if (sel->read_fn)
| |   +		success = sel->read_fn(sel->current, &files, err);
| |   +	else
| |   +		success = local_read_fn(sel->current, &files, err);
| |    	
| |   -	dir = g_dir_open(sel->current, 0, err);
| |   -	if (dir == NULL || *err) {
| |   +	if (!success || *err) {
| |    		g_printerr("GntFileSel: error opening location %s (%s)\n",
| |    			sel->current, *err ? (*err)->message : "reason unknown");
| |    		return FALSE;
| |    	}
| |    
| |   -	if (*sel->current != '\0' && strcmp(sel->current, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S))
| |   -		gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_strdup(".."),
| |   -				gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), ".."), NULL, NULL);
| |   +	for (iter = files; iter; iter = iter->next) {
| |   +		GntFile *file = iter->data;
| |   +		char *str = file->basename;
| |   +		if (file->type == GNT_FILE_DIR) {
| |   +			gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_strdup(str),
| |   +					gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), str), NULL, NULL);
| |   +			if (sel->multiselect && sel->dirsonly && is_tagged(sel, str))
| |   +				gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD);
| |   +		} else if (!sel->dirsonly) {
| |   +			char size[128];
| |   +			snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", file->size);
| |    
| |   -	while ((str = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
| |   -		char *fp = g_build_filename(sel->current, str, NULL);
| |   -		struct stat st;
| |   -
| |   -		if (stat(fp, &st)) {
| |   -			g_printerr("Error stating location %s\n", fp);
| |   -		} else {
| |   -			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
| |   -				gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_strdup(str),
| |   -						gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), str), NULL, NULL);
| |   -				if (sel->multiselect && sel->dirsonly && is_tagged(sel, str))
| |   -					gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD);
| |   -			} else if (!sel->dirsonly) {
| |   -				char size[128];
| |   -				snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", (long)st.st_size);
| |   -
| |   -				gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), g_strdup(str),
| |   -						gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), str, size, ""), NULL, NULL);
| |   -				if (sel->multiselect && is_tagged(sel, str))
| |   -					gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->files), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD);
| |   -			}
| |   +			gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), g_strdup(str),
| |   +					gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), str, size, ""), NULL, NULL);
| |   +			if (sel->multiselect && is_tagged(sel, str))
| |   +				gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->files), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD);
| |    		}
| |   -		g_free(fp);
| |    	}
| |   +	g_list_foreach(files, (GFunc)gnt_file_free, NULL);
| |   +	g_list_free(files);
| |    		gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(sel));
| |    	return TRUE;
| |   @@ -151,8 +218,13 @@ dir_key_pressed(GntTree *tree, const cha
| |    {
| |    	if (strcmp(key, "\r") == 0) {
| |    		char *str = g_strdup(gnt_tree_get_selection_data(tree));
| |   -		char *path = g_build_filename(sel->current, str, NULL);
| |   -		char *dir = g_path_get_basename(sel->current);
| |   +		char *path, *dir;
| |   +
| |   +		if (!str)
| |   +			return TRUE;
| |   +		
| |   +		path = g_build_filename(sel->current, str, NULL);
| |   +		dir = g_path_get_basename(sel->current);
| |    		if (!gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, path)) {
| |    			gnt_tree_set_selected(tree, str);
| |    		} else if (strcmp(str, "..") == 0) {
| |   @@ -169,64 +241,67 @@ location_key_pressed(GntTree *tree, cons
| |    static gboolean
| |    location_key_pressed(GntTree *tree, const char *key, GntFileSel *sel)
| |    {
| |   -	if (strcmp(key, "\r") == 0) {
| |   -		int count;
| |   -		glob_t gl;
| |   -		char *path;
| |   -		char *str;
| |   -		struct stat st;
| |   -		int glob_ret;
| |   +	char *path;
| |   +	char *str;
| |   +#if 0
| |   +	int count;
| |   +	glob_t gl;
| |   +	struct stat st;
| |   +	int glob_ret;
| |   +#endif
| |   +	if (strcmp(key, "\r"))
| |   +		return FALSE;
| |    
| |   -		str = (char*)gnt_entry_get_text(GNT_ENTRY(sel->location));
| |   -		if (*str == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
| |   -			path = g_strdup(str);
| |   -		else
| |   -			path = g_strdup_printf("%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "%s", sel->current, str);
| |   -		str = process_path(path);
| |   -		g_free(path);
| |   -		path = str;
| |   +	str = (char*)gnt_entry_get_text(GNT_ENTRY(sel->location));
| |   +	if (*str == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
| |   +		path = g_strdup(str);
| |   +	else
| |   +		path = g_strdup_printf("%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "%s", sel->current, str);
| |   +	str = process_path(path);
| |   +	g_free(path);
| |   +	path = g_path_get_dirname(str);
| |   +	g_free(str);
| |    
| |   -		if (!stat(path, &st)) {
| |   -			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
| |   -				gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, path);
| |   -				goto success;
| |   -			}
| |   -		}
| |   +	if (!gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, path)) {
| |   +		g_free(path);
| |   +		return FALSE;
| |   +	}
| |   +#if 0
| |   +	/* XXX: there needs to be a way to allow other methods for globbing,
| |   +	 * like the read_fn stuff. */
| |   +	glob_ret = glob(path, GLOB_MARK, NULL, &gl);
| |   +	if (!glob_ret) {  /* XXX: do something with the return value */
| |   +		char *loc = g_path_get_dirname(gl.gl_pathv[0]);
| |    
| |   -		glob_ret = glob(path, GLOB_MARK, NULL, &gl);
| |   -		if (!glob_ret) {  /* XXX: do something with the return value */
| |   -			char *loc = g_path_get_dirname(gl.gl_pathv[0]);
| |   -
| |   -			stat(gl.gl_pathv[0], &st);
| |   -			gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, loc);  /* XXX: check the return value */
| |   -			g_free(loc);
| |   -			if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !sel->dirsonly) {
| |   -				gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
| |   -				for (count = 0; count < gl.gl_pathc; count++) {
| |   -					char *tmp = process_path(gl.gl_pathv[count]);
| |   -					loc = g_path_get_dirname(tmp);
| |   -					if (g_utf8_collate(sel->current, loc) == 0) {
| |   -						char *base = g_path_get_basename(tmp);
| |   -						char size[128];
| |   -						snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", (long)st.st_size);
| |   -						gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), base,
| |   -								gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), base, size, ""), NULL, NULL);
| |   -					}
| |   -					g_free(loc);
| |   -					g_free(tmp);
| |   +		stat(gl.gl_pathv[0], &st);
| |   +		gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, loc);  /* XXX: check the return value */
| |   +		g_free(loc);
| |   +		if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !sel->dirsonly) {
| |   +			gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
| |   +			for (count = 0; count < gl.gl_pathc; count++) {
| |   +				char *tmp = process_path(gl.gl_pathv[count]);
| |   +				loc = g_path_get_dirname(tmp);
| |   +				if (g_utf8_collate(sel->current, loc) == 0) {
| |   +					char *base = g_path_get_basename(tmp);
| |   +					char size[128];
| |   +					snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", (long)st.st_size);
| |   +					gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), base,
| |   +							gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), base, size, ""), NULL, NULL);
| |    				}
| |   -				gnt_widget_draw(sel->files);
| |   +				g_free(loc);
| |   +				g_free(tmp);
| |    			}
| |   -		} else if (sel->files) {
| |   -			gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
| |    			gnt_widget_draw(sel->files);
| |    		}
| |   -		globfree(&gl);
| |   -success:
| |   -		g_free(path);
| |   -		return TRUE;
| |   +	} else if (sel->files) {
| |   +		gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
| |   +		gnt_widget_draw(sel->files);
| |    	}
| |   -	return FALSE;
| |   +	globfree(&gl);
| |   +success:
| |   +#endif
| |   +	g_free(path);
| |   +	return TRUE;
| |    }
| |    
| |    static void
| |   @@ -329,6 +404,24 @@ clear_tags(GntBindable *bind, GList *nul
| |    	return TRUE;
| |    }
| |    
| |   +static gboolean
| |   +up_directory(GntBindable *bind, GList *null)
| |   +{
| |   +	char *path, *dir;
| |   +	GntFileSel *sel = GNT_FILE_SEL(bind);
| |   +	if (!gnt_widget_has_focus(sel->dirs) &&
| |   +			!gnt_widget_has_focus(sel->files))
| |   +		return FALSE;
| |   +
| |   +	path = g_build_filename(sel->current, "..", NULL);
| |   +	dir = g_path_get_basename(sel->current);
| |   +	if (gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, path))
| |   +		gnt_tree_set_selected(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), dir);
| |   +	g_free(dir);
| |   +	g_free(path);
| |   +	return TRUE;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |    static void
| |    gnt_file_sel_class_init(GntFileSelClass *klass)
| |    {
| |   @@ -350,6 +443,7 @@ gnt_file_sel_class_init(GntFileSelClass 
| |    
| |    	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "toggle-tag", toggle_tag_selection, "t", NULL);
| |    	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "clear-tags", clear_tags, "c", NULL);
| |   +	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "up-directory", up_directory, GNT_KEY_BACKSPACE, NULL);
| |    	gnt_style_read_actions(G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(klass), GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass));
| |    
| |    	GNTDEBUG;
| |   @@ -505,3 +599,9 @@ GList *gnt_file_sel_get_selected_multi_f
| |    	return list;
| |    }
| |    
| |   +void gnt_file_sel_set_read_fn(GntFileSel *sel, gboolean (*read_fn)(const char *path, GList **files, GError **error))
| |   +{
| |   +	sel->read_fn = read_fn;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   +
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h	f8ef0ccc30968d6335477df5db8bb59193adea8a
| |   +++ finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h	4c9b6fadb1111c4208a44cc5e7a1af7cae1511f5
| |   @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ typedef struct _GntFileSelClass		GntFile
| |    typedef struct _GntFileSel			GntFileSel;
| |    typedef struct _GntFileSelPriv		GntFileSelPriv;
| |    typedef struct _GntFileSelClass		GntFileSelClass;
| |   +typedef struct _GntFile             GntFile;
| |    
| |    struct _GntFileSel
| |    {
| |   @@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ struct _GntFileSel
| |    	gboolean dirsonly;   /* Show only directories */
| |        gboolean multiselect;
| |        GList *tags;         /* List of tagged files when multiselect is set */
| |   +
| |   +	gboolean (*read_fn)(const char *path, GList **files, GError **error);
| |    };
| |    
| |    struct _GntFileSelClass
| |   @@ -52,6 +55,20 @@ struct _GntFileSelClass
| |    	void (*gnt_reserved4)(void);
| |    };
| |    
| |   +typedef enum _GntFileType
| |   +{
| |   +	GNT_FILE_DIR
| |   +} GntFileType;
| |   +
| |   +struct _GntFile
| |   +{
| |   +	char *fullpath;
| |   +	char *basename;
| |   +	GntFileType type;
| |   +	unsigned long size;
| |   +};
| |   +
| |    
| |    GType gnt_file_sel_get_gtype(void);
| |   @@ -76,6 +93,12 @@ void gnt_file_sel_set_suggested_filename
| |    
| |    void gnt_file_sel_set_suggested_filename(GntFileSel *sel, const char *suggest);
| |    
| |   +void gnt_file_sel_set_read_fn(GntFileSel *sel, gboolean (*read_fn)(const char *path, GList **files, GError **error));
| |   +
| |   +GntFile* gnt_file_new(const char *name, unsigned long size);
| |   +
| |   +GntFile* gnt_file_new_dir(const char *name);
| |   +
| |    G_END_DECLS
| |    
| |    #endif /* GNT_FILE_SEL_H */
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- finch/libgnt/gntkeys.c	95eb0afb238ae740445bb50f7261e6d92de5e328
| |   +++ finch/libgnt/gntkeys.c	cb4762e33238786fd1b27d13b39abf9ebf1ea56f
| |   @@ -134,6 +134,28 @@ const char *gnt_key_translate(const char
| |    	return g_hash_table_lookup(specials, name);
| |    }
| |    
| |   +typedef struct {
| |   +	const char *name;
| |   +	const char *key;
| |   +} gntkey;
| |   +
| |   +static void
| |   +get_key_name(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
| |   +{
| |   +	gntkey *k = data;
| |   +	if (k->name)
| |   +		return;
| |   +	if (g_utf8_collate(value, k->key) == 0)
| |   +		k->name = key;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   +const char *gnt_key_lookup(const char *key)
| |   +{
| |   +	gntkey k = {NULL, key};
| |   +	g_hash_table_foreach(specials, get_key_name, &k);
| |   +	return;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |    /**
| |     * The key-bindings will be saved in a tree. When a keystroke happens, GNT will
| |     * find the sequence that matches a binding and return the length.
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- finch/libgnt/gntkeys.h	ea874e6a62562643aa32a296fb75e904902dbe10
| |   +++ finch/libgnt/gntkeys.h	bae7bdc7217ff340c9679893ed56c9dd868c856b
| |   @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ const char *gnt_key_translate(const char
| |    void gnt_init_keys(void);
| |    void gnt_keys_refine(char *text);
| |    const char *gnt_key_translate(const char *name);
| |   +const char *gnt_key_lookup(const char *key);
| |    
| |    void gnt_keys_add_combination(const char *path);
| |    void gnt_keys_del_combination(const char *path);
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- finch/libgnt/gntutils.c	862a78656bf0c148967b6bae4bc12a5c592549a2
| |   +++ finch/libgnt/gntutils.c	6912876a951f348c45517419f0391a0db0613ab4
| |   @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
| |    #include "gntutils.h"
| |   +#include "gnttree.h"
| |    
| |    #include <stdlib.h>
| |    #include <string.h>
| |   @@ -145,3 +146,47 @@ gboolean gnt_boolean_handled_accumulator
| |    	return continue_emission;
| |    }
| |    
| |   +typedef struct {
| |   +	GHashTable *hash;
| |   +	GntTree *tree;
| |   +} BindingView;
| |   +
| |   +static void
| |   +add_binding(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
| |   +{
| |   +	BindingView *bv = data;
| |   +	GntBindableActionParam *act = value;
| |   +	const char *name = g_hash_table_lookup(bv->hash, act->action);
| |   +	if (name && *name) {
| |   +		const char *k = gnt_key_lookup(key);
| |   +		if (!k)
| |   +			k = key;
| |   +		gnt_tree_add_row_after(bv->tree, (gpointer)k,
| |   +				gnt_tree_create_row(bv->tree, k, name), NULL, NULL);
| |   +	}
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   +static void
| |   +add_action(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
| |   +{
| |   +	BindingView *bv = data;
| |   +	g_hash_table_insert(bv->hash, value, key);
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   +GntWidget *gnt_widget_bindings_view(GntWidget *widget)
| |   +{
| |   +	GntBindable *bind = GNT_BINDABLE(widget);
| |   +	GntWidget *tree = gnt_tree_new_with_columns(2);
| |   +	GntBindableClass *klass = GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(GNT_BINDABLE_GET_CLASS(bind));
| |   +	GHashTable *hash = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
| |   +	BindingView bv = {hash, GNT_TREE(tree)};
| |   +
| |   +	gnt_tree_set_compare_func(bv.tree, (GCompareFunc)g_utf8_collate);
| |   +	g_hash_table_foreach(klass->actions, add_action, &bv);
| |   +	g_hash_table_foreach(klass->bindings, add_binding, &bv);
| |   +	gnt_tree_adjust_columns(bv.tree);
| |   +	g_hash_table_destroy(hash);
| |   +
| |   +	return tree;
| |   +}
| |   +
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- finch/libgnt/gntutils.h	5f9d0ee3076de91ee4ebf81581698666b6036ecc
| |   +++ finch/libgnt/gntutils.h	5822a6e45200b34731e684b2c9b7fd229d8dbc57
| |   @@ -34,3 +34,8 @@ gboolean gnt_boolean_handled_accumulator
| |    				  const GValue          *handler_return,
| |    				  gpointer               dummy);
| |    
| |   +/**
| |   + * Returns a GntTree populated with "key" -> "binding" for the widget.
| |   + */
| |   +GntWidget *gnt_widget_bindings_view(GntWidget *widget);
| |   +
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- libpurple/debug.c	745300c76e6379ea95e2aaecf10c46ff5450bfab
| |   +++ libpurple/debug.c	5ed8c00d8287bcff93ec5998f561d1867950e53a
| |   @@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ purple_debug_vargs(PurpleDebugLevel leve
| |    
| |    	ops = purple_debug_get_ui_ops();
| |    
| |   -	if (!debug_enabled && ((ops == NULL) || (ops->print == NULL)))
| |   +	if (!debug_enabled && ((ops == NULL) || (ops->print == NULL) ||
| |   +			(ops->is_enabled && !ops->is_enabled(level, category))))
| |    		return;
| |    
| |    	arg_s = g_strdup_vprintf(format, args);
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- libpurple/debug.h	c01ce3088152c93f0b4ae3f44f71e4e5b910d6d0
| |   +++ libpurple/debug.h	34e893acfcf84ace3f8e548e912918862b80b907
| |   @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ typedef struct
| |    {
| |    	void (*print)(PurpleDebugLevel level, const char *category,
| |    				  const char *arg_s);
| |   +	gboolean (*is_enabled)(PurpleDebugLevel level,
| |   +			const char *category);
| |    } PurpleDebugUiOps;
| |    
| |    #ifdef __cplusplus
| |   ============================================================
| |   --- pidgin/gtkdebug.c	32b11f4028502fc9383ccc841a6897fa2fd464d7
| |   +++ pidgin/gtkdebug.c	15b6f15cf85543d662e57e49062b11dac29b8818
| |   @@ -1046,8 +1046,8 @@ pidgin_debug_print(PurpleDebugLevel leve
| |    	gchar *ts_s;
| |    	gchar *esc_s, *cat_s, *tmp, *s;
| |    
| |   -	if (!purple_prefs_get_bool("/purple/gtk/debug/enabled") ||
| |   -	    (debug_win == NULL))
| |   +	if (debug_win == NULL ||
| |   +		!purple_prefs_get_bool("/purple/gtk/debug/enabled"))
| |    	{
| |    		return;
| |    	}
| |   @@ -1104,9 +1104,17 @@ pidgin_debug_print(PurpleDebugLevel leve
| |    	g_free(s);
| |    }
| |    
| |   +static gboolean
| |   +pidgin_debug_is_enabled(PurpleDebugLevel level, const char *category)
| |   +{
| |   +	return (debug_win != NULL &&
| |   +			purple_prefs_get_bool("/purple/gtk/debug/enabled"));
| |   +}
| |   +
| |    static PurpleDebugUiOps ops =
| |    {
| |    	pidgin_debug_print,
| |   +	pidgin_debug_is_enabled
| |    };
| |    
| |    PurpleDebugUiOps *

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