im.pidgin.pidgin: 22063f98b8f8c85736543418467f33f7048afdd8

resiak at resiak at
Tue Dec 18 11:05:54 EST 2007

Revision: 22063f98b8f8c85736543418467f33f7048afdd8
Ancestor: 1eae93501cff51faf3f1d65be12e9c2c9011794f
Author: resiak at
Date: 2007-12-18T16:02:35
Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin

Modified files:
        libpurple/request.c libpurple/request.h


Documentation tweaks and more g_return_if_fail checks for NULL parameters which
shouldn't be.

-------------- next part --------------
--- libpurple/request.c	87261bb476cca047e96707ecf4a022e9c53edbf3
+++ libpurple/request.c	e969dc6380e260c9571c975571560e18441342f7
@@ -1208,6 +1208,8 @@ purple_request_choice_varg(void *handle,
 	g_return_val_if_fail(ok_text != NULL,  NULL);
 	g_return_val_if_fail(ok_cb   != NULL,  NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail(cancel_text != NULL,  NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail(cancel_cb   != NULL,  NULL);
 	ops = purple_request_get_ui_ops();
@@ -1296,6 +1298,8 @@ purple_request_fields(void *handle, cons
 	g_return_val_if_fail(fields  != NULL, NULL);
 	g_return_val_if_fail(ok_text != NULL, NULL);
 	g_return_val_if_fail(ok_cb   != NULL, NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail(cancel_text != NULL, NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail(cancel_cb   != NULL, NULL);
 	ops = purple_request_get_ui_ops();
--- libpurple/request.h	a0bdfffd6295aef38045eb1fe51349e74e4e04d4
+++ libpurple/request.h	ccce59a40976baf2ce1839701d9f1b217efc20e2
@@ -183,39 +183,53 @@ typedef struct
 typedef struct
+	/** @see purple_request_input(). */
 	void *(*request_input)(const char *title, const char *primary,
-						   const char *secondary, const char *default_value,
-						   gboolean multiline, gboolean masked, gchar *hint,
-						   const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
-						   const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
-						   PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						   void *user_data);
+	                       const char *secondary, const char *default_value,
+	                       gboolean multiline, gboolean masked, gchar *hint,
+	                       const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
+	                       const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	                       PurpleAccount *account, const char *who,
+	                       PurpleConversation *conv, void *user_data);
+	/** @see purple_request_choice_varg(). */
 	void *(*request_choice)(const char *title, const char *primary,
-							const char *secondary, int default_value,
-							const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
-							const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
-							PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-							void *user_data, va_list choices);
+	                        const char *secondary, int default_value,
+	                        const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
+	                        const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	                        PurpleAccount *account, const char *who,
+	                        PurpleConversation *conv, void *user_data,
+	                        va_list choices);
+	/** @see purple_request_action_varg(). */
 	void *(*request_action)(const char *title, const char *primary,
-							const char *secondary, int default_action,
-							PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-							void *user_data, size_t action_count,
-							va_list actions);
+	                        const char *secondary, int default_action,
+	                        PurpleAccount *account, const char *who,
+	                        PurpleConversation *conv, void *user_data,
+	                        size_t action_count, va_list actions);
+	/** @see purple_request_fields(). */
 	void *(*request_fields)(const char *title, const char *primary,
-							const char *secondary, PurpleRequestFields *fields,
-							const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
-							const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
-							PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-							void *user_data);
+	                        const char *secondary, PurpleRequestFields *fields,
+	                        const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
+	                        const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	                        PurpleAccount *account, const char *who,
+	                        PurpleConversation *conv, void *user_data);
+	/** @see purple_request_file(). */
 	void *(*request_file)(const char *title, const char *filename,
-						  gboolean savedialog, GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb,
-						  PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						  void *user_data);
+	                      gboolean savedialog, GCallback ok_cb,
+	                      GCallback cancel_cb, PurpleAccount *account,
+	                      const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	                      void *user_data);
 	void (*close_request)(PurpleRequestType type, void *ui_handle);
+	/** @see purple_request_folder(). */
 	void *(*request_folder)(const char *title, const char *dirname,
-							GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb,
-							PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-							void *user_data);
+	                        GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	                        PurpleAccount *account, const char *who,
+	                        PurpleConversation *conv, void *user_data);
 	void (*_purple_reserved1)(void);
 	void (*_purple_reserved2)(void);
@@ -1159,198 +1173,247 @@ PurpleFilterAccountFunc purple_request_f
  * Prompts the user for text input.
  * @param handle        The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                      things this is EXTREMELY important.  The
- *                      handle is used to programmatically close
- *                      the request dialog when it is no longer
- *                      needed.  For PRPLs this is often a pointer
- *                      to the PurpleConnection instance.  For plugins
- *                      this should be a similar, unique memory
- *                      location.  This value is important because
- *                      it allows a request to be closed, say, when
- *                      you sign offline.  If the request is NOT
- *                      closed it is VERY likely to cause a crash
- *                      whenever the callback handler functions are
- *                      triggered.
- * @param title         The title of the message.
- * @param primary       The main point of the message.
- * @param secondary     The secondary information.
+ *                      things this is <em>extremely</em> important.  The
+ *                      handle is used to programmatically close the request
+ *                      dialog when it is no longer needed.  For PRPLs this
+ *                      is often a pointer to the #PurpleConnection
+ *                      instance.  For plugins this should be a similar,
+ *                      unique memory location.  This value is important
+ *                      because it allows a request to be closed with
+ *                      purple_request_close_with_handle() when, for
+ *                      example, you sign offline.  If the request is
+ *                      <em>not</em> closed it is <strong>very</strong>
+ *                      likely to cause a crash whenever the callback
+ *                      handler functions are triggered.
+ * @param title         The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                      no title.
+ * @param primary       The main point of the message, or @c NULL if you're
+ *                      feeling enigmatic.
+ * @param secondary     Secondary information, or @c NULL if there is none.
  * @param default_value The default value.
- * @param multiline     TRUE if the inputted text can span multiple lines.
- * @param masked        TRUE if the inputted text should be masked in some way.
+ * @param multiline     @c TRUE if the inputted text can span multiple lines.
+ * @param masked        @c TRUE if the inputted text should be masked in some
+ *                      way (such as by displaying characters as stars).  This
+ *                      might be because the input is some kind of password.
  * @param hint          Optionally suggest how the input box should appear.
- *                      Use "html," for example, to allow the user to enter
+ *                      Use "html", for example, to allow the user to enter
  *                      HTML.
- * @param ok_text       The text for the @c OK button.
- * @param ok_cb         The callback for the @c OK button.
- * @param cancel_text   The text for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param cancel_cb     The callback for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param account		The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who			The username of the buddy assocaited with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv			The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param ok_text       The text for the @c OK button, which may not be @c NULL.
+ * @param ok_cb         The callback for the @c OK button, which may not be @c
+ *                      NULL.
+ * @param cancel_text   The text for the @c Cancel button, which may not be @c
+ *                      NULL.
+ * @param cancel_cb     The callback for the @c Cancel button, which may not be
+ *                      @c NULL.
+ * @param account       The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                      NULL if none is.
+ * @param who           The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                      or @c NULL if none is.
+ * @param conv          The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                      @c NULL if none is.
  * @param user_data     The data to pass to the callback.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
-void *purple_request_input(void *handle, const char *title,
-						 const char *primary, const char *secondary,
-						 const char *default_value,
-						 gboolean multiline, gboolean masked, gchar *hint,
-						 const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
-						 const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
-						 PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						 void *user_data);
+void *purple_request_input(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary,
+	const char *secondary, const char *default_value, gboolean multiline,
+	gboolean masked, gchar *hint,
+	const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
+	const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	void *user_data);
  * Prompts the user for multiple-choice input.
- * @param handle        The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                      things this is EXTREMELY important.  See
- *                      the comments on purple_request_input.
- * @param title         The title of the message.
- * @param primary       The main point of the message.
- * @param secondary     The secondary information.
- * @param default_value The default value.
- * @param ok_text       The text for the @c OK button.
- * @param ok_cb         The callback for the @c OK button.
- * @param cancel_text   The text for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param cancel_cb     The callback for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param account		The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who			The username of the buddy assocaited with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv			The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param handle        The plugin or connection handle.  For some things this
+ *                      is <em>extremely</em> important.  See the comments on
+ *                      purple_request_input().
+ * @param title         The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                      no title.
+ * @param primary       The main point of the message, or @c NULL if you're
+ *                      feeling enigmatic.
+ * @param secondary     Secondary information, or @c NULL if there is none.
+ * @param default_value The default choice; this should be one of the values
+ *                      listed in the varargs.
+ * @param ok_text       The text for the @c OK button, which may not be @c NULL.
+ * @param ok_cb         The callback for the @c OK button, which may not be @c
+ *                      NULL.
+ * @param cancel_text   The text for the @c Cancel button, which may not be @c
+ *                      NULL.
+ * @param cancel_cb     The callback for the @c Cancel button, which may not be
+ *                      @c NULL.
+ * @param account       The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                      NULL if none is.
+ * @param who           The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                      or @c NULL if none is.
+ * @param conv          The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                      @c NULL if none is.
  * @param user_data     The data to pass to the callback.
- * @param ...           The choices.  This argument list should be
- *                      terminated with a NULL parameter.
+ * @param ...           The choices, which should be pairs of <tt>char *</tt>
+ *                      descriptions and <tt>int</tt> values, terminated with a
+ *                      @c NULL parameter.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
-void *purple_request_choice(void *handle, const char *title,
-						  const char *primary, const char *secondary,
-						  int default_value,
-						  const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
-						  const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
-						  PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						  void *user_data, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
+void *purple_request_choice(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary,
+	const char *secondary, int default_value,
+	const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
+	const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	void *user_data, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
  * Prompts the user for multiple-choice input.
- * @param handle        The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                      things this is EXTREMELY important.  See
- *                      the comments on purple_request_input.
- * @param title         The title of the message.
- * @param primary       The main point of the message.
- * @param secondary     The secondary information.
- * @param default_value The default value.
- * @param ok_text       The text for the @c OK button.
- * @param ok_cb         The callback for the @c OK button.
- * @param cancel_text   The text for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param cancel_cb     The callback for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param account		The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who			The username of the buddy assocaited with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv			The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param handle        The plugin or connection handle.  For some things this
+ *                      is <em>extremely</em> important.  See the comments on
+ *                      purple_request_input().
+ * @param title         The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                      no title.
+ * @param primary       The main point of the message, or @c NULL if you're
+ *                      feeling enigmatic.
+ * @param secondary     Secondary information, or @c NULL if there is none.
+ * @param default_value The default choice; this should be one of the values
+ *                      listed in the varargs.
+ * @param ok_text       The text for the @c OK button, which may not be @c NULL.
+ * @param ok_cb         The callback for the @c OK button, which may not be @c
+ *                      NULL.
+ * @param cancel_text   The text for the @c Cancel button, which may not be @c
+ *                      NULL.
+ * @param cancel_cb     The callback for the @c Cancel button, which may not be
+ *                      @c NULL.
+ * @param account       The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                      NULL if none is
+ * @param who           The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                      or @c NULL if none is
+ * @param conv          The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                      @c NULL if none is
  * @param user_data     The data to pass to the callback.
- * @param choices       The choices.  This argument list should be
- *                      terminated with a @c NULL parameter.
+ * @param choices       The choices, which should be pairs of <tt>char *</tt>
+ *                      descriptions and <tt>int</tt> values, terminated with a
+ *                      @c NULL parameter.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
 void *purple_request_choice_varg(void *handle, const char *title,
-							   const char *primary, const char *secondary,
-							   int default_value,
-							   const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
-							   const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
-							   PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-							   void *user_data, va_list choices);
+	const char *primary, const char *secondary, int default_value,
+	const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
+	const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	void *user_data, va_list choices);
  * Prompts the user for an action.
  * This is often represented as a dialog with a button for each action.
- * @param handle         The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                       things this is EXTREMELY important.  See
- *                       the comments on purple_request_input.
- * @param title          The title of the message.
- * @param primary        The main point of the message.
- * @param secondary      The secondary information.
- * @param default_action The default value.
- * @param account		 The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who			 The username of the buddy assocaited with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv			 The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param handle         The plugin or connection handle.  For some things this
+ *                       is <em>extremely</em> important.  See the comments on
+ *                       purple_request_input().
+ * @param title          The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                       no title.
+ * @param primary        The main point of the message, or @c NULL if you're
+ *                       feeling enigmatic.
+ * @param secondary      Secondary information, or @c NULL if there is none.
+ * @param default_action The default action, zero-indexed; if the third action
+ *                       supplied should be the default, supply <tt>2</tt>.
+ * @param account        The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                       NULL if none is.
+ * @param who            The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                       or @c NULL if none is.
+ * @param conv           The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                       @c NULL if none is.
  * @param user_data      The data to pass to the callback.
  * @param action_count   The number of actions.
  * @param ...            A list of actions.  These are pairs of
  *                       arguments.  The first of each pair is the
- *                       string that appears on the button.  It should
+ *                       <tt>char *</tt> that appears on the button.  It should
  *                       have an underscore before the letter you want
  *                       to use as the accelerator key for the button.
- *                       The second of each pair is the callback
+ *                       The second of each pair is the <tt>GCallback</tt>
  *                       function to use when the button is clicked.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
-void *purple_request_action(void *handle, const char *title,
-						  const char *primary, const char *secondary,
-						  int default_action,
-						  PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						  void *user_data, size_t action_count, ...);
+void *purple_request_action(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary,
+	const char *secondary, int default_action, PurpleAccount *account,
+	const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv, void *user_data,
+	size_t action_count, ...);
  * Prompts the user for an action.
  * This is often represented as a dialog with a button for each action.
- * @param handle         The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                       things this is EXTREMELY important.  See
- *                       the comments on purple_request_input.
- * @param title          The title of the message.
- * @param primary        The main point of the message.
- * @param secondary      The secondary information.
- * @param default_action The default value.
- * @param account		 The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who			 The username of the buddy assocaited with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv			 The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param handle         The plugin or connection handle.  For some things this
+ *                       is <em>extremely</em> important.  See the comments on
+ *                       purple_request_input().
+ * @param title          The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                       no title.
+ * @param primary        The main point of the message, or @c NULL if you're
+ *                       feeling enigmatic.
+ * @param secondary      Secondary information, or @c NULL if there is none.
+ * @param default_action The default action, zero-indexed; if the third action
+ *                       supplied should be the default, supply <tt>2</tt>.
+ * @param account        The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                       NULL if none is.
+ * @param who            The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                       or @c NULL if none is.
+ * @param conv           The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                       @c NULL if none is.
  * @param user_data      The data to pass to the callback.
  * @param action_count   The number of actions.
- * @param actions        A list of actions and callbacks.
+ * @param actions        A list of actions.  These are pairs of
+ *                       arguments.  The first of each pair is the
+ *                       <tt>char *</tt> that appears on the button.  It should
+ *                       have an underscore before the letter you want
+ *                       to use as the accelerator key for the button.
+ *                       The second of each pair is the <tt>GCallback</tt>
+ *                       function to use when the button is clicked.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
 void *purple_request_action_varg(void *handle, const char *title,
-							   const char *primary, const char *secondary,
-							   int default_action,
-							   PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-							   void *user_data, size_t action_count,
-							   va_list actions);
+	const char *primary, const char *secondary, int default_action,
+	PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	void *user_data, size_t action_count, va_list actions);
  * Displays groups of fields for the user to fill in.
- * @param handle      The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                    things this is EXTREMELY important.  See
- *                    the comments on purple_request_input.
- * @param title       The title of the message.
- * @param primary     The main point of the message.
- * @param secondary   The secondary information.
+ * @param handle      The plugin or connection handle.  For some things this
+ *                    is <em>extremely</em> important.  See the comments on
+ *                    purple_request_input().
+ * @param title       The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                    no title.
+ * @param primary     The main point of the message, or @c NULL if you're
+ *                    feeling enigmatic.
+ * @param secondary   Secondary information, or @c NULL if there is none.
  * @param fields      The list of fields.
- * @param ok_text     The text for the @c OK button.
- * @param ok_cb       The callback for the @c OK button.
- * @param cancel_text The text for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param cancel_cb   The callback for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param account	  The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who		  The username of the buddy associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv		  The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param ok_text     The text for the @c OK button, which may not be @c NULL.
+ * @param ok_cb       The callback for the @c OK button, which may not be @c
+ *                    NULL.
+ * @param cancel_text The text for the @c Cancel button, which may not be @c
+ *                    NULL.
+ * @param cancel_cb   The callback for the @c Cancel button, which may not be
+ *                    @c NULL.
+ * @param account     The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                    NULL if none is
+ * @param who         The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                    or @c NULL if none is
+ * @param conv        The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                    @c NULL if none is
  * @param user_data   The data to pass to the callback.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
-void *purple_request_fields(void *handle, const char *title,
-						  const char *primary, const char *secondary,
-						  PurpleRequestFields *fields,
-						  const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
-						  const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
-						  PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						  void *user_data);
+void *purple_request_fields(void *handle, const char *title, const char *primary,
+	const char *secondary, PurpleRequestFields *fields,
+	const char *ok_text, GCallback ok_cb,
+	const char *cancel_text, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	void *user_data);
  * Closes a request.
@@ -1363,7 +1426,10 @@ void purple_request_close(PurpleRequestT
  * Closes all requests registered with the specified handle.
- * @param handle The handle.
+ * @param handle The handle, as supplied as the @a handle parameter to one of the
+ *               <tt>purple_request_*</tt> functions.
+ *
+ * @see purple_request_input().
 void purple_request_close_with_handle(void *handle);
@@ -1401,50 +1467,57 @@ void purple_request_close_with_handle(vo
  * Displays a file selector request dialog.  Returns the selected filename to
  * the callback.  Can be used for either opening a file or saving a file.
- * @param handle      The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                    things this is EXTREMELY important.  See
- *                    the comments on purple_request_input.
- * @param title       The title for the dialog (may be @c NULL)
+ * @param handle      The plugin or connection handle.  For some things this
+ *                    is <em>extremely</em> important.  See the comments on
+ *                    purple_request_input().
+ * @param title       The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                    no title.
  * @param filename    The default filename (may be @c NULL)
  * @param savedialog  True if this dialog is being used to save a file.
  *                    False if it is being used to open a file.
  * @param ok_cb       The callback for the @c OK button.
  * @param cancel_cb   The callback for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param account	  The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who		  The username of the buddy assocaited with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv		  The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param account     The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                    NULL if none is
+ * @param who         The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                    or @c NULL if none is
+ * @param conv        The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                    @c NULL if none is
  * @param user_data   The data to pass to the callback.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
 void *purple_request_file(void *handle, const char *title, const char *filename,
-						gboolean savedialog,
-						GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb,
-						PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						void *user_data);
+	gboolean savedialog, GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	void *user_data);
  * Displays a folder select dialog. Returns the selected filename to
  * the callback.
- * @param handle      The plugin or connection handle.  For some
- *                    things this is EXTREMELY important.  See
- *                    the comments on purple_request_input.
- * @param title       The title for the dialog (may be @c NULL)
+ * @param handle      The plugin or connection handle.  For some things this
+ *                    is <em>extremely</em> important.  See the comments on
+ *                    purple_request_input().
+ * @param title       The title of the message, or @c NULL if it should have
+ *                    no title.
  * @param dirname     The default directory name (may be @c NULL)
  * @param ok_cb       The callback for the @c OK button.
  * @param cancel_cb   The callback for the @c Cancel button.
- * @param account	  The PurpleAccount associated with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param who		  The username of the buddy assocaited with this request, or NULL if none is
- * @param conv		  The PurpleConversation associated with this request, or NULL if none is
+ * @param account     The #PurpleAccount associated with this request, or @c
+ *                    NULL if none is
+ * @param who         The username of the buddy assonciated with this request,
+ *                    or @c NULL if none is
+ * @param conv        The #PurpleConversation associated with this request, or
+ *                    @c NULL if none is
  * @param user_data   The data to pass to the callback.
  * @return A UI-specific handle.
 void *purple_request_folder(void *handle, const char *title, const char *dirname,
-						GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb,
-						PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
-						void *user_data);
+	GCallback ok_cb, GCallback cancel_cb,
+	PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleConversation *conv,
+	void *user_data);

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