Revision f61125746b79258a3b46de976528fe3bdeb9fd5b

seanegan at seanegan at
Mon Mar 5 16:37:32 EST 2007

o   -----------------------------------------------------------------
|   Revision: f61125746b79258a3b46de976528fe3bdeb9fd5b
|   Ancestor: de97727cbd953014f911dbba559d51626602b3e2
|   Author: seanegan at
|   Date: 2007-03-05T21:36:57
|   Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin
|   Added files:
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/Makefile.mingw
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-away.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-busy.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-connecting.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-extended-away.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-message.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-offline.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-online.png
|   Added directories:
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16
|   Modified files:
|  pidgin/gaimstock.c pidgin/gtkdocklet-x11.c
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/
|           pidgin/win32/gtkdocklet-win32.c
|   Modified attrs:
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-away.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-busy.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-connecting.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-extended-away.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-message.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-offline.png
|           pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-online.png
|   ChangeLog: 
|   16px tray icons. These are used if the tray is shorter than 22px, and in Windows where all tray icons are 16x16. I still need to attach to a resizing signal to make them automatically update when the tray resizes.
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/	85840405fe9cec59fb1acb63e91d98c964c0a7f0
|   +++ pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/	85840405fe9cec59fb1acb63e91d98c964c0a7f0
|   @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
|   +TRAY_ICONS =	tray-away.png \
|   +		tray-busy.png \
|   +		tray-connecting.png \
|   +		tray-extended-away.png \
|   +		tray-message.png \
|   +		tray-offline.png \
|   +		tray-online.png
|   +
|   +EXTRA_DIST = 	tray-away.ico \
|   +		tray-busy.ico \
|   +		tray-connecting.ico \
|   +		tray-extended-away.ico \
|   +		tray-message.ico \
|   +		tray-offline.ico \
|   +		tray-online.ico 
|   +
|   +pidgintraypixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/pidgin/tray/16
|   +pidgintraypix_DATA = $(TRAY_ICONS)
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/Makefile.mingw	2a6c350b12761d0f50a3783008dc7d47803a194c
|   +++ pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/Makefile.mingw	2a6c350b12761d0f50a3783008dc7d47803a194c
|   @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
|   +#
|   +# Makefile.mingw
|   +#
|   +# Description: Makefile for win32 (mingw) version of Pidgin pixmaps
|   +#
|   +
|   +GAIM_TOP := ../../../..
|   +include $(GAIM_TOP)/libpurple/win32/global.mak
|   +
|   +datadir = $(GAIM_INSTALL_DIR)
|   +include ./
|   +
|   +.PHONY: install
|   +
|   +install:
|   +	if test '$(pidgintraypix_DATA)'; then \
|   +	  mkdir -p $(pidgintraypixdir); \
|   +	  cp $(pidgintraypix_DATA) $(pidgintraypixdir); \
|   +	fi;
|   +
|   ============================================================
|   # pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-away.png is binary
|   ============================================================
|   # pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-busy.png is binary
|   ============================================================
|   # pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-connecting.png is binary
|   ============================================================
|   # pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-extended-away.png is binary
|   ============================================================
|   # pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-message.png is binary
|   ============================================================
|   # pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-offline.png is binary
|   ============================================================
|   # pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/tray-online.png is binary
|   ============================================================
|   ---	fb18cf8f85bd9ed11296db2cc5377e2fe230a33f
|   +++	9497dadee8b2124f94b99911f554cc6a123bffe3
|   @@ -1943,6 +1943,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT([Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/toolbar/16/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/toolbar/16/scalable/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/tray/Makefile
|   +		   pidgin/pixmaps/tray/16/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/tray/22/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/plugins/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/plugins/cap/Makefile
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/gaimstock.c	b5d07ae30e7aa5a9f0289da24d787379b963becd
|   +++ pidgin/gaimstock.c	b03cd954c67bfa9f6e2e0984ede575c3f9d49502
|   @@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ static struct SizedStockIcon {
|    	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TOOLBAR_PENDING, "status", "message-pending.png", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   -	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_AVAILABLE, "tray", "tray-online.png", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   -	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_AWAY, "tray", "tray-away.png", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   -	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_BUSY, "tray", "tray-busy.png", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   -	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_XA, "tray", "tray-extended-away.png", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   -	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_OFFLINE, "tray", "tray-offline.png", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   -	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_CONNECT, "tray", "tray-connecting.png", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   -	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_PENDING, "tray", "tray-message.png", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }
|   +	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_AVAILABLE, "tray", "tray-online.png", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   +	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_AWAY, "tray", "tray-away.png", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   +	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_BUSY, "tray", "tray-busy.png", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   +	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_XA, "tray", "tray-extended-away.png", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   +	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_OFFLINE, "tray", "tray-offline.png", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   +	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_CONNECT, "tray", "tray-connecting.png", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
|   +	{ PIDGIN_STOCK_TRAY_PENDING, "tray", "tray-message.png", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }
|    };
|    static gchar *
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/gtkdocklet-x11.c	0e117782c24bee9aad8f6fa61db30e307b1c5a38
|   +++ pidgin/gtkdocklet-x11.c	86c03db271196b006cb33b886f20ac453eb0981e
|   @@ -115,37 +115,16 @@ docklet_x11_update_icon(DockletStatus ic
|    			break;
|    	}
|   -	if(icon_name)
|   -		gtk_image_set_from_stock(GTK_IMAGE(image), icon_name, gtk_icon_size_from_name(PIDGIN_ICON_SIZE_TANGO_SMALL));
|   -
|   -#if 0
|   -	GdkPixbuf *p;
|   -	GdkBitmap *mask = NULL;
|   -
|   -	p = gtk_widget_render_icon(GTK_WIDGET(image), icon_name, GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR, NULL);
|   -
|   -	if (p && (gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace(p) == GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB) && (gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample(p) == 8)
|   -	   && (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(p)) && (gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(p) == 4)) {
|   -		int len = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(p) * gdk_pixbuf_get_height(p);
|   -		guchar *data = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(p);
|   -		guchar *bitmap = g_malloc((len / 8) + 1);
|   -		int i;
|   -
|   -		for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
|   -			if (data[i*4 + 3] > 55)
|   -				bitmap[i/8] |= 1 << i % 8;
|   -			else
|   -				bitmap[i/8] &= ~(1 << i % 8);
|   -
|   -		mask = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(GDK_DRAWABLE(GTK_WIDGET(image)->window), bitmap, gdk_pixbuf_get_width(p), gdk_pixbuf_get_height(p));
|   -		g_free(bitmap);
|   +	if(icon_name) {
|   +		int icon_size;
|   +		GtkAllocation alloc = GTK_WIDGET(docklet)->allocation;
|   +		printf("height: %d\n", alloc.height);
|   +		if (alloc.height < 22)
|   +			icon_size = gtk_icon_size_from_name(PIDGIN_ICON_SIZE_TANGO_EXTRA_SMALL);
|   +		else
|   +			icon_size = gtk_icon_size_from_name(PIDGIN_ICON_SIZE_TANGO_SMALL);
|   +		gtk_image_set_from_stock(GTK_IMAGE(image), icon_name, icon_size);
|    	}
|   -
|   -	if (mask)
|   -		gdk_window_shape_combine_mask(image->window, mask, 0, 0);
|   -
|   -	g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p));
|   -#endif
|    }
|    static void
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/pixmaps/tray/	bd1e2f1d1aabf6908f704ffe36f3085eb312cb86
|   +++ pidgin/pixmaps/tray/	cb7850722a6df4c8a8bd7b5c28e982b09b39871b
|   @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
|   -SUBDIRS = 22
|   +SUBDIRS = 16 22
|    EXTRA_DIST = \
|    	Makefile.mingw \
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/win32/gtkdocklet-win32.c	9b40096c3848d119755151d02d49a8351b8889aa
|   +++ pidgin/win32/gtkdocklet-win32.c	d53bcc793c8ca47fa2650907040237716e7847ac
|   @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ static HICON load_hicon_from_stock(const
|    static HICON load_hicon_from_stock(const char *stock) {
|    	HICON hicon = NULL;
|    	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gtk_widget_render_icon(image, stock,
|   -		gtk_icon_size_from_name(PIDGIN_ICON_SIZE_TANGO_SMALL), NULL);
|   +		gtk_icon_size_from_name(PIDGIN_ICON_SIZE_TANGO_EXTRA_SMALL), NULL);
|    	if (pixbuf) {
|    		hicon = pixbuf_to_hicon(pixbuf);

To get the patch for this revision, please do this:
mtn log --last 1 --diffs --from f61125746b79258a3b46de976528fe3bdeb9fd5b

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