Revision 60ba6c5b6094dd6f1f6482c687d9d209856f770b

sadrul at sadrul at
Mon Mar 19 21:00:34 EDT 2007

o   -----------------------------------------------------------------
|   Revision: 60ba6c5b6094dd6f1f6482c687d9d209856f770b
|   Ancestor: 0a663b4559fccaac525563fa419332507e4a0475
|   Author: sadrul at
|   Date: 2007-03-20T01:16:35
|   Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin
|   Added files:
|           finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h
|           finch/libgnt/test/file.c
|   Modified files:
|           finch/libgnt/
|   ChangeLog: 
|   File selector dialog. Still in an experimental state. When properly complete, this can be used for file/folder-request etc.
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c	7987fa6f6f4407efc9cc5eb8521caa9ff4ed674e
|   +++ finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c	7987fa6f6f4407efc9cc5eb8521caa9ff4ed674e
|   @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
|   +#include "gntbutton.h"
|   +#include "gntentry.h"
|   +#include "gntfilesel.h"
|   +#include "gntlabel.h"
|   +#include "gntmarshal.h"
|   +#include "gntstyle.h"
|   +#include "gnttree.h"
|   +
|   +#include <string.h>
|   +#include <sys/types.h>
|   +#include <sys/stat.h>
|   +#include <unistd.h>
|   +
|   +#include <glob.h>
|   +
|   +enum
|   +{
|   +	SIGS
|   +};
|   +
|   +static GntWindowClass *parent_class = NULL;
|   +static guint signals[SIGS] = { 0 };
|   +static void (*orig_map)(GntWidget *widget);
|   +
|   +static void
|   +gnt_file_sel_destroy(GntWidget *widget)
|   +{
|   +	GntFileSel *sel = GNT_FILE_SEL(widget);
|   +	g_free(sel->current);
|   +}
|   +
|   +static char *
|   +process_path(const char *path)
|   +{
|   +	char **splits = NULL;
|   +	int i, j;
|   +	char *str, *ret;
|   +
|   +	splits = g_strsplit(path, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, -1);
|   +	for (i = 0, j = 0; splits[i]; i++) {
|   +		if (strcmp(splits[i], ".") == 0) {
|   +		} else if (strcmp(splits[i], "..") == 0) {
|   +			if (j)
|   +				j--;
|   +		} else {
|   +			if (i != j) {
|   +				g_free(splits[j]);
|   +				splits[j] = splits[i];
|   +				splits[i] = NULL;
|   +			}
|   +			j++;
|   +		}
|   +	}
|   +	g_free(splits[j]);
|   +	splits[j] = NULL;
|   +	str = g_build_pathv(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, splits);
|   +	ret = g_strdup_printf(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "%s", str);
|   +	g_free(str);
|   +	g_strfreev(splits);
|   +	return ret;
|   +}
|   +
|   +static void
|   +update_location(GntFileSel *sel)
|   +{
|   +	char *old;
|   +	const char *tmp;
|   +	tmp = (const char*)gnt_tree_get_selection_data(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
|   +	old = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", sel->current, sel->current[1] ? G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S : "", tmp ? tmp : "");
|   +	gnt_entry_set_text(GNT_ENTRY(sel->location), old);
|   +	g_free(old);
|   +}
|   +
|   +static gboolean
|   +location_changed(GntFileSel *sel, GError **err)
|   +{
|   +	GDir *dir;
|   +	const char *str;
|   +
|   +	gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs));
|   +	gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
|   +	gnt_entry_set_text(GNT_ENTRY(sel->location), NULL);
|   +	if (sel->current == NULL) {
|   +			gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(sel));
|   +		return TRUE;
|   +	}
|   +	
|   +	dir = g_dir_open(sel->current, 0, err);
|   +	if (dir == NULL || *err) {
|   +		g_printerr("GntFileSel: error opening location %s (%s)\n",
|   +			sel->current, *err ? (*err)->message : "reason unknown");
|   +		return FALSE;
|   +	}
|   +
|   +	if (*sel->current != '\0' && strcmp(sel->current, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S))
|   +		gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_strdup(".."),
|   +				gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), ".."), NULL, NULL);
|   +
|   +	while ((str = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
|   +		char *fp = g_build_filename(sel->current, str, NULL);
|   +		struct stat st;
|   +
|   +		if (stat(fp, &st)) {
|   +			g_printerr("Error stating location %s\n", fp);
|   +		} else {
|   +			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
|   +				gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_strdup(str),
|   +						gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), str), NULL, NULL);
|   +			else {
|   +				char size[128];
|   +				snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", (long)st.st_size);
|   +
|   +				gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), g_strdup(str),
|   +						gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), str, size, ""), NULL, NULL);
|   +			}
|   +		}
|   +		g_free(fp);
|   +	}
|   +		gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(sel));
|   +	return TRUE;
|   +}
|   +
|   +static gboolean
|   +dir_key_pressed(GntTree *tree, const char *key, GntFileSel *sel)
|   +{
|   +	if (strcmp(key, "\r") == 0) {
|   +		/* XXX: if we are moving up the tree, make sure the current node is selected after the redraw */
|   +		char *str = g_strdup(gnt_tree_get_selection_data(tree));
|   +		char *path = g_build_filename(sel->current, str, NULL);
|   +		char *dir = g_path_get_basename(sel->current);
|   +		if (!gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, path)) {
|   +			gnt_tree_set_selected(tree, str);
|   +		} else if (strcmp(str, "..") == 0) {
|   +			gnt_tree_set_selected(tree, dir);
|   +		}
|   +		g_free(dir);
|   +		g_free(str);
|   +		g_free(path);
|   +		return TRUE;
|   +	}
|   +	return FALSE;
|   +}
|   +
|   +static gboolean
|   +location_key_pressed(GntTree *tree, const char *key, GntFileSel *sel)
|   +{
|   +	if (strcmp(key, "\r") == 0) {
|   +		int count;
|   +		glob_t gl;
|   +		char *path;
|   +		char *str;
|   +		struct stat st;
|   +		int glob_ret;
|   +
|   +		str = (char*)gnt_entry_get_text(GNT_ENTRY(sel->location));
|   +		if (*str == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
|   +			path = g_strdup(str);
|   +		else
|   +			path = g_strdup_printf("%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "%s", sel->current, str);
|   +		str = process_path(path);
|   +		g_free(path);
|   +		path = str;
|   +
|   +		if (!stat(path, &st)) {
|   +			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
|   +				gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, path);
|   +				goto success;
|   +			}
|   +		}
|   +
|   +		glob_ret = glob(path, GLOB_MARK, NULL, &gl);
|   +		if (!glob_ret) {  /* XXX: do something with the return value */
|   +			char *loc = g_path_get_dirname(gl.gl_pathv[0]);
|   +
|   +			stat(gl.gl_pathv[0], &st);
|   +			gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(sel, loc);  /* XXX: check the return value */
|   +			g_free(loc);
|   +			if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
|   +				gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
|   +				for (count = 0; count < gl.gl_pathc; count++) {
|   +					char *tmp = process_path(gl.gl_pathv[count]);
|   +					loc = g_path_get_dirname(tmp);
|   +					if (g_utf8_collate(sel->current, loc) == 0) {
|   +						char *base = g_path_get_basename(tmp);
|   +						char size[128];
|   +						snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", (long)st.st_size);
|   +						gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), base,
|   +								gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), base, size, ""), NULL, NULL);
|   +					}
|   +					g_free(loc);
|   +					g_free(tmp);
|   +				}
|   +				gnt_widget_draw(sel->files);
|   +			}
|   +		} else {
|   +			gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files));
|   +			gnt_widget_draw(sel->files);
|   +		}
|   +		globfree(&gl);
|   +success:
|   +		g_free(path);
|   +		return TRUE;
|   +	}
|   +	return FALSE;
|   +}
|   +
|   +static void
|   +file_sel_changed(GntWidget *widget, gpointer old, gpointer current, GntFileSel *sel)
|   +{
|   +	update_location(sel);
|   +}
|   +
|   +static void
|   +gnt_file_sel_map(GntWidget *widget)
|   +{
|   +	orig_map(widget);
|   +	update_location(GNT_FILE_SEL(widget));
|   +}
|   +
|   +static void
|   +gnt_file_sel_class_init(GntFileSelClass *klass)
|   +{
|   +	GntWidgetClass *kl = GNT_WIDGET_CLASS(klass);
|   +	parent_class = GNT_WINDOW_CLASS(klass);
|   +	kl->destroy = gnt_file_sel_destroy;
|   +	orig_map = kl->map;
|   +	kl->map = gnt_file_sel_map;
|   +
|   +	signals[SIG_FILE_SELECTED] = 
|   +		g_signal_new("file_selected",
|   +					 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
|   +					 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
|   +					 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GntFileSelClass, file_selected),
|   +					 NULL, NULL,
|   +					 gnt_closure_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING,
|   +					 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
|   +	gnt_style_read_actions(G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(klass), GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass));
|   +
|   +}
|   +
|   +static void
|   +gnt_file_sel_init(GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer class)
|   +{
|   +}
|   +
|   +/******************************************************************************
|   + * GntFileSel API
|   + *****************************************************************************/
|   +GType
|   +gnt_file_sel_get_gtype(void)
|   +{
|   +	static GType type = 0;
|   +
|   +	if(type == 0)
|   +	{
|   +		static const GTypeInfo info = {
|   +			sizeof(GntFileSelClass),
|   +			NULL,					/* base_init		*/
|   +			NULL,					/* base_finalize	*/
|   +			(GClassInitFunc)gnt_file_sel_class_init,
|   +			NULL,					/* class_finalize	*/
|   +			NULL,					/* class_data		*/
|   +			sizeof(GntFileSel),
|   +			0,						/* n_preallocs		*/
|   +			gnt_file_sel_init,			/* instance_init	*/
|   +			NULL
|   +		};
|   +
|   +		type = g_type_register_static(GNT_TYPE_WINDOW,
|   +									  "GntFileSel",
|   +									  &info, 0);
|   +	}
|   +
|   +	return type;
|   +}
|   +
|   +GntWidget *gnt_file_sel_new()
|   +{
|   +	GntWidget *widget = g_object_new(GNT_TYPE_FILE_SEL, NULL);
|   +	GntFileSel *sel = GNT_FILE_SEL(widget);
|   +	GntWidget *hbox, *vbox;
|   +
|   +	vbox = gnt_vbox_new(FALSE);
|   +	gnt_box_set_pad(GNT_BOX(vbox), 0);
|   +	gnt_box_set_alignment(GNT_BOX(vbox), GNT_ALIGN_LEFT);
|   +
|   +	/* The dir. and files list */
|   +	hbox = gnt_hbox_new(FALSE);
|   +	gnt_box_set_pad(GNT_BOX(hbox), 0);
|   +
|   +	sel->dirs = gnt_tree_new();
|   +	gnt_tree_set_compare_func(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), (GCompareFunc)g_utf8_collate);
|   +	gnt_tree_set_hash_fns(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free);
|   +	gnt_tree_set_column_titles(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), "Directories");
|   +	gnt_tree_set_show_title(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), TRUE);
|   +	gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), 0, 20);
|   +	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(sel->dirs), "key_pressed", G_CALLBACK(dir_key_pressed), sel);
|   +
|   +	sel->files = gnt_tree_new_with_columns(2);  /* Name, Size, Modified  */
|   +	gnt_tree_set_compare_func(GNT_TREE(sel->files), (GCompareFunc)g_utf8_collate);
|   +	/*gnt_tree_set_column_titles(GNT_TREE(sel->files), "Filename", "Size", "Modified");*/
|   +	gnt_tree_set_column_titles(GNT_TREE(sel->files), "Filename", "Size");
|   +	gnt_tree_set_show_title(GNT_TREE(sel->files), TRUE);
|   +	gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(sel->files), 0, 25);
|   +	gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(sel->files), 1, 10);
|   +	/*gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(sel->files), 2, 10);*/
|   +	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(sel->files), "selection_changed", G_CALLBACK(file_sel_changed), sel);
|   +
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(hbox), sel->dirs);
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(hbox), sel->files);
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(vbox), hbox);
|   +
|   +	/* The location entry */
|   +	sel->location = gnt_entry_new(NULL);
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(vbox), sel->location);
|   +	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(sel->location), "key_pressed", G_CALLBACK(location_key_pressed), sel);
|   +
|   +	/* The buttons */
|   +	hbox = gnt_hbox_new(FALSE);
|   +	sel->cancel = gnt_button_new("Cancel");
|   +	sel->select = gnt_button_new("Select");
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(hbox), sel->cancel);
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(hbox), sel->select);
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(vbox), hbox);
|   +
|   +	gnt_box_add_widget(GNT_BOX(sel), vbox);
|   +	return widget;
|   +}
|   +
|   +gboolean gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(GntFileSel *sel, const char *path)
|   +{
|   +	char *old;
|   +	GError *error = NULL;
|   +	gboolean ret = TRUE;
|   +
|   +	old = sel->current;
|   +	sel->current = process_path(path);
|   +	if (!location_changed(sel, &error)) {
|   +		g_error_free(error);
|   +		error = NULL;
|   +		g_free(sel->current);
|   +		sel->current = old;
|   +		location_changed(sel, &error);
|   +		ret = FALSE;
|   +	} else
|   +		g_free(old);
|   +
|   +	update_location(sel);
|   +	return ret;
|   +}
|   +
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h	29e413b8882011bcb47b479f194959b09e5aad50
|   +++ finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h	29e413b8882011bcb47b479f194959b09e5aad50
|   @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
|   +#ifndef GNT_FILE_SEL_H
|   +#define GNT_FILE_SEL_H
|   +
|   +#include "gntwindow.h"
|   +#include "gnt.h"
|   +#include "gntcolors.h"
|   +#include "gntkeys.h"
|   +
|   +#define GNT_TYPE_FILE_SEL				(gnt_file_sel_get_gtype())
|   +#define GNT_FILE_SEL(obj)				(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), GNT_TYPE_FILE_SEL, GntFileSel))
|   +#define GNT_FILE_SEL_CLASS(klass)		(G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), GNT_TYPE_FILE_SEL, GntFileSelClass))
|   +
|   +#define GNT_FILE_SEL_FLAGS(obj)				(GNT_FILE_SEL(obj)->priv.flags)
|   +#define GNT_FILE_SEL_SET_FLAGS(obj, flags)		(GNT_FILE_SEL_FLAGS(obj) |= flags)
|   +#define GNT_FILE_SEL_UNSET_FLAGS(obj, flags)	(GNT_FILE_SEL_FLAGS(obj) &= ~(flags))
|   +
|   +typedef struct _GnFileSel			GntFileSel;
|   +typedef struct _GnFileSelPriv		GntFileSelPriv;
|   +typedef struct _GnFileSelClass		GntFileSelClass;
|   +
|   +struct _GnFileSel
|   +{
|   +	GntWindow parent;
|   +
|   +	GntWidget *dirs;     /* list of files */
|   +	GntWidget *files;    /* list of directories */
|   +	GntWidget *location; /* location entry */
|   +
|   +	GntWidget *select;   /* select button */
|   +	GntWidget *cancel;   /* cancel button */
|   +
|   +	char *current; /* Full path of the current location */
|   +	/* XXX: someone should make these useful */
|   +	gboolean must_exist; /* Make sure the selected file (the name entered in 'location') exists */
|   +	gboolean dirsonly;   /* Show only directories */
|   +};
|   +
|   +struct _GnFileSelClass
|   +{
|   +	GntWindowClass parent;
|   +
|   +	void (*file_selected)(GntFileSel *sel, const char *path, const char *filename);
|   +	void (*gnt_reserved1)(void);
|   +	void (*gnt_reserved2)(void);
|   +	void (*gnt_reserved3)(void);
|   +	void (*gnt_reserved4)(void);
|   +};
|   +
|   +
|   +GType gnt_file_sel_get_gtype(void);
|   +
|   +GntWidget *gnt_file_sel_new();
|   +
|   +gboolean gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(GntFileSel *sel, const char *path);
|   +
|   +const char *gnt_file_sel_get_current_location(GntFileSel *sel);
|   +
|   +
|   +#endif /* GNT_FILE_SEL_H */
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/test/file.c	567a1f1b7154dc6974a6217e130f4c2edf7124da
|   +++ finch/libgnt/test/file.c	567a1f1b7154dc6974a6217e130f4c2edf7124da
|   @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
|   +#include "gnt.h"
|   +#include "gntfilesel.h"
|   +
|   +int main()
|   +{
|   +	freopen(".error", "w", stderr);
|   +	gnt_init();
|   +
|   +	GntWidget *w = gnt_file_sel_new();
|   +	gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(GNT_FILE_SEL(w), "/home/");
|   +	gnt_widget_show(w);
|   +
|   +	gnt_main();
|   +
|   +	gnt_quit();
|   +	return 0;
|   +}
|   +
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/	1f51f093b60fcd467de738c9a5fe33df47838d45
|   +++ finch/libgnt/	2d05cbf87f0c1b5d9f0a706653c5cafe66c6f9b6
|   @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ libgnt_la_SOURCES = \
|    	gntcolors.c \
|    	gntcombobox.c \
|    	gntentry.c \
|   +	gntfilesel.c \
|    	gntkeys.c \
|    	gntlabel.c \
|    	gntline.c \
|   @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ libgnt_la_headers = \
|    	gntcolors.h \
|    	gntcombobox.h \
|    	gntentry.h \
|   +	gntfilesel.h \
|    	gntkeys.h \
|    	gntlabel.h \
|    	gntline.h \

To get the patch for this revision, please do this:
mtn log --last 1 --diffs --from 60ba6c5b6094dd6f1f6482c687d9d209856f770b

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