Revision 8a20c90142cacba36041509da3a0e11499df3ebc

sadrul at sadrul at
Sun Mar 25 21:08:49 EDT 2007

o   -----------------------------------------------------------------
|   Revision: 8a20c90142cacba36041509da3a0e11499df3ebc
|   Ancestor: 0171cbace572ffa1be93217660f27fdba8b4f442
|   Author: sadrul at
|   Date: 2007-03-26T01:19:59
|   Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin
|   Modified files:
|           finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h
|   ChangeLog: 
|   Allow selecting multiple files from the file-select dialog.
|   You need to tag the files by pressing 't' to select the files. It is possible
|   to tag files from different locations, ie. when you change the directory, the
|   tags are remembered. You can untag a selection by pressing 't' again. To untag
|   all selections, press 'c'.
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c	a763f865174d67b465a1c9a6e11ab00042d1f734
|   +++ finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.c	c7efb481d2495dfbbf09e74d06bae247dcfd914c
|   @@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ gnt_file_sel_destroy(GntWidget *widget)
|    {
|    	GntFileSel *sel = GNT_FILE_SEL(widget);
|    	g_free(sel->current);
|   +	if (sel->tags) {
|   +		g_list_foreach(sel->tags, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
|   +		g_list_free(sel->tags);
|   +	}
|    }
|    static char *
|   @@ -73,6 +77,15 @@ static gboolean
|    }
|    static gboolean
|   +is_tagged(GntFileSel *sel, const char *f)
|   +{
|   +	char *ret = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", sel->current, sel->current[1] ? G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S : "", f);
|   +	gboolean find = g_list_find_custom(sel->tags, ret, (GCompareFunc)g_utf8_collate) != NULL;
|   +	g_free(ret);
|   +	return find;
|   +}
|   +
|   +static gboolean
|    location_changed(GntFileSel *sel, GError **err)
|    {
|    	GDir *dir;
|   @@ -109,15 +122,19 @@ location_changed(GntFileSel *sel, GError
|    		if (stat(fp, &st)) {
|    			g_printerr("Error stating location %s\n", fp);
|    		} else {
|   -			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
|   +			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
|    				gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_strdup(str),
|    						gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), str), NULL, NULL);
|   -			else if (!sel->dirsonly) {
|   +				if (sel->multiselect && sel->dirsonly && is_tagged(sel, str))
|   +					gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD);
|   +			} else if (!sel->dirsonly) {
|    				char size[128];
|    				snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", (long)st.st_size);
|    				gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), g_strdup(str),
|    						gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), str, size, ""), NULL, NULL);
|   +				if (sel->multiselect && is_tagged(sel, str))
|   +					gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->files), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD);
|    			}
|    		}
|    		g_free(fp);
|   @@ -131,7 +148,6 @@ dir_key_pressed(GntTree *tree, const cha
|    dir_key_pressed(GntTree *tree, const char *key, GntFileSel *sel)
|    {
|    	if (strcmp(key, "\r") == 0) {
|   -		/* XXX: if we are moving up the tree, make sure the current node is selected after the redraw */
|    		char *str = g_strdup(gnt_tree_get_selection_data(tree));
|    		char *path = g_build_filename(sel->current, str, NULL);
|    		char *dir = g_path_get_basename(sel->current);
|   @@ -225,7 +241,7 @@ gnt_file_sel_map(GntWidget *widget)
|    	vbox = gnt_vbox_new(FALSE);
|    	gnt_box_set_pad(GNT_BOX(vbox), 0);
|   -	gnt_box_set_alignment(GNT_BOX(vbox), GNT_ALIGN_LEFT);
|   +	gnt_box_set_alignment(GNT_BOX(vbox), GNT_ALIGN_MID);
|    	/* The dir. and files list */
|    	hbox = gnt_hbox_new(FALSE);
|   @@ -253,9 +269,64 @@ gnt_file_sel_map(GntWidget *widget)
|    	update_location(sel);
|    }
|   +static gboolean
|   +toggle_tag_selection(GntBindable *bind, GList *null)
|   +{
|   +	GntFileSel *sel = GNT_FILE_SEL(bind);
|   +	char *str;
|   +	GList *find;
|   +	char *file;
|   +	GntWidget *tree;
|   +
|   +	if (!sel->multiselect)
|   +		return FALSE;
|   +	tree = sel->dirsonly ? sel->dirs : sel->files;
|   +	if (!gnt_widget_has_focus(tree))
|   +		return FALSE;
|   +
|   +	file = gnt_tree_get_selection_data(sel->dirsonly ? GNT_TREE(sel->dirs) : GNT_TREE(sel->files));
|   +
|   +	str = gnt_file_sel_get_selected_file(sel);
|   +	if ((find = g_list_find_custom(sel->tags, str, (GCompareFunc)g_utf8_collate)) != NULL) {
|   +		g_free(find->data);
|   +		sel->tags = g_list_delete_link(sel->tags, find);
|   +		gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(tree), file, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_NORMAL);
|   +		g_free(str);
|   +	} else {
|   +		sel->tags = g_list_prepend(sel->tags, str);
|   +		gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(tree), file, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD);
|   +	}
|   +
|   +	return TRUE;
|   +}
|   +
|   +static gboolean
|   +clear_tags(GntBindable *bind, GList *null)
|   +{
|   +	GntFileSel *sel = GNT_FILE_SEL(bind);
|   +	GntWidget *tree;
|   +	GList *iter;
|   +
|   +	if (!sel->multiselect)
|   +		return FALSE;
|   +	tree = sel->dirsonly ? sel->dirs : sel->files;
|   +	if (!gnt_widget_has_focus(tree))
|   +		return FALSE;
|   +
|   +	g_list_foreach(sel->tags, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
|   +	g_list_free(sel->tags);
|   +	sel->tags = NULL;
|   +
|   +	for (iter = GNT_TREE(tree)->list; iter; iter = iter->next)
|   +		gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(tree), iter->data, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_NORMAL);
|   +
|   +	return TRUE;
|   +}
|   +
|    static void
|    gnt_file_sel_class_init(GntFileSelClass *klass)
|    {
|   +	GntBindableClass *bindable = GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass);
|    	GntWidgetClass *kl = GNT_WIDGET_CLASS(klass);
|    	parent_class = GNT_WINDOW_CLASS(klass);
|    	kl->destroy = gnt_file_sel_destroy;
|   @@ -270,6 +341,9 @@ gnt_file_sel_class_init(GntFileSelClass 
|    					 NULL, NULL,
|    					 gnt_closure_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING,
|    					 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
|   +
|   +	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "toggle-tag", toggle_tag_selection, "t", NULL);
|   +	gnt_bindable_class_register_action(bindable, "clear-tags", clear_tags, "c", NULL);
|    	gnt_style_read_actions(G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(klass), GNT_BINDABLE_CLASS(klass));
|   @@ -395,3 +469,26 @@ gboolean gnt_file_sel_get_must_exist(Gnt
|    	return sel->must_exist;
|    }
|   +void gnt_file_sel_set_multi_select(GntFileSel *sel, gboolean set)
|   +{
|   +	sel->multiselect = set;
|   +}
|   +
|   +GList *gnt_file_sel_get_selected_multi_files(GntFileSel *sel)
|   +{
|   +	GList *list = NULL, *iter;
|   +	char *str = gnt_file_sel_get_selected_file(sel);
|   +
|   +	for (iter = sel->tags; iter; iter = iter->next) {
|   +		list = g_list_prepend(list, g_strdup(iter->data));
|   +		if (g_utf8_collate(str, iter->data)) {
|   +			g_free(str);
|   +			str = NULL;
|   +		}
|   +	}
|   +	if (str)
|   +		list = g_list_prepend(list, str);
|   +	list = g_list_reverse(list);
|   +	return list;
|   +}
|   +
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h	f33327202ef7fe9347106527f3f4b2f2f368c31d
|   +++ finch/libgnt/gntfilesel.h	f98947e5d0bd0bbb2c1a36818486446e3e7a58f5
|   @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
|    #define GNT_FILE_SEL_SET_FLAGS(obj, flags)		(GNT_FILE_SEL_FLAGS(obj) |= flags)
|    #define GNT_FILE_SEL_UNSET_FLAGS(obj, flags)	(GNT_FILE_SEL_FLAGS(obj) &= ~(flags))
|   -typedef struct _GnFileSel			GntFileSel;
|   -typedef struct _GnFileSelPriv		GntFileSelPriv;
|   -typedef struct _GnFileSelClass		GntFileSelClass;
|   +typedef struct _GntFileSel			GntFileSel;
|   +typedef struct _GntFileSelPriv		GntFileSelPriv;
|   +typedef struct _GntFileSelClass		GntFileSelClass;
|   -struct _GnFileSel
|   +struct _GntFileSel
|    {
|    	GntWindow parent;
|   @@ -36,9 +36,11 @@ struct _GnFileSel
|    	/* XXX: someone should make these useful */
|    	gboolean must_exist; /* Make sure the selected file (the name entered in 'location') exists */
|    	gboolean dirsonly;   /* Show only directories */
|   +    gboolean multiselect;
|   +    GList *tags;         /* List of tagged files when multiselect is set */
|    };
|   -struct _GnFileSelClass
|   +struct _GntFileSelClass
|    {
|    	GntWindowClass parent;
|   @@ -57,8 +59,6 @@ gboolean gnt_file_sel_set_current_locati
|    gboolean gnt_file_sel_set_current_location(GntFileSel *sel, const char *path);
|   -const char *gnt_file_sel_get_current_location(GntFileSel *sel);
|   -
|    void gnt_file_sel_set_dirs_only(GntFileSel *sel, gboolean dirs);
|    gboolean gnt_file_sel_get_dirs_only(GntFileSel *sel);
|   @@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ char *gnt_file_sel_get_selected_file(Gnt
|    char *gnt_file_sel_get_selected_file(GntFileSel *sel);  /* The returned value should be free'd */
|   +GList *gnt_file_sel_get_selected_multi_files(GntFileSel *sel);
|   +
|   +void gnt_file_sel_set_multi_select(GntFileSel *sel, gboolean set);
|   +
|    #endif /* GNT_FILE_SEL_H */

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