Revision b205f3f0a3c9aace7389eec2d465469d53aad697

nosnilmot at nosnilmot at
Sat Mar 24 13:51:54 EDT 2007

o   -----------------------------------------------------------------
|   Revision: b205f3f0a3c9aace7389eec2d465469d53aad697
|   Ancestor: 7d7be90068e4accbf934a7e377bef0bd6541de36
|   Author: nosnilmot at
|   Date: 2007-03-24T17:51:05
|   Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin
|   Renamed entries:
|  to
|           libpurple/gaim-client-example.c to libpurple/purple-client-example.c
|           libpurple/gaim-client.c to libpurple/purple-client.c
|           libpurple/gaim-notifications-example to libpurple/purple-notifications-example
|           libpurple/gaim-remote to libpurple/purple-remote
|           libpurple/gaim-send to libpurple/purple-send
|           libpurple/gaim-send-async to libpurple/purple-send-async
|           libpurple/gaim-url-handler to libpurple/purple-url-handler
|           libpurple/plugins/perl/libgaimperl.c to libpurple/plugins/perl/libpurpleperl.c
|   Added files:
|           libpurple/
|           pidgin/
|   Modified files:
|  finch/
|           finch/libgnt/wms/ finch/plugins/
|  libpurple/
|           libpurple/gconf/
|           libpurple/plugins/perl/
|           libpurple/protocols/silc/
|           libpurple/tests/ pidgin/
|           pidgin/gtkconv.c pidgin/gtkdialogs.c pidgin/gtkdnd-hints.c
|           pidgin/
|           pidgin/pixmaps/buddy_icons/qq/
|           pidgin/pixmaps/emblems/16/scalable/
|           pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/none/
|           pidgin/pixmaps/status/default/
|           pidgin/plugins/gevolution/
|   ChangeLog: 
|   More s/gaim/pidgin/ and s/gaim/purple/ and make the RPM spec file work a bit
|   ============================================================
|   --- libpurple/	595f2cbfdaa745f8b7b1e9cde59496fc78a52854
|   +++ libpurple/	595f2cbfdaa745f8b7b1e9cde59496fc78a52854
|   @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
|   +prefix=@prefix@
|   +exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
|   +libdir=@libdir@
|   +includedir=@includedir@
|   +datadir=@datadir@
|   +sysconfdir=@sysconfdir@
|   +
|   +Name: libpurple
|   +Description: libpurple is a GLib-based instant messenger library.
|   +Version: @VERSION@
|   +Requires: glib-2.0
|   +Cflags: -I${pc_top_builddir}/${pcfiledir}
|   +Libs: ${pc_top_builddir}/${pcfiledir}/
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/	ffad534ae7866abe2ff0c949a9dc5a641e1e9302
|   +++ pidgin/	ffad534ae7866abe2ff0c949a9dc5a641e1e9302
|   @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
|   +prefix=@prefix@
|   +exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
|   +libdir=@libdir@
|   +includedir=@includedir@
|   +datadir=@datadir@
|   +sysconfdir=@sysconfdir@
|   +
|   +Name: Pidgin
|   +Description: Pidgin is a GTK2-based instant messenger application.
|   +Version: @VERSION@
|   +Requires: gtk+-2.0 purple
|   +Cflags: -I${pc_top_builddir}/${pcfiledir}
|   ============================================================
|   ---	dcfdd8ff9df9971e9aa128ebee4374e8951a953e
|   +++	7c6d3837c1408921d246b1c5c07777a41c3a7f79
|   @@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
|    		README.dbus \
|    		README.mingw \
| \
|   - \
|   + \
| \
|   - \
| \
|   + \
|   + \
| \
| \
| \
|   @@ -23,16 +24,13 @@ noinst_HEADERS = config.h
|    noinst_HEADERS = config.h
|   -pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
|   -pkgconfig_DATA = gaim.pc
|   -
|    dbus_servicedir=$(DBUS_SERVICES_DIR)
|    dbus_service_DATA=gaim.service
|    endif
|   -dist-hook: gaim.spec
|   -	cp gaim.spec $(distdir)
|   +dist-hook: pidgin.spec
|   +	cp pidgin.spec $(distdir)
|    	rm $(distdir)/config.h
|    distcheck-hook: libpurple/plugins/perl/common/ gtk/plugins/perl/common/
|   ============================================================
|   ---	1bb16232ab29837ef354c8bb308f9af0ef73e0c5
|   +++	c517e4b2580e69d4a47001ecb44a83d1cb61f25f
|   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ dnl Process this file with autoconf to p
|    dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
|   -AC_INIT([pidgin], [2.0.0beta7devel], [gaim-devel at])
|   +AC_INIT([pidgin], [2.0.0beta7devel], [devel at])
|    AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
|   @@ -700,14 +700,14 @@ for i in $STATIC_PRPLS ; do
|    extern_init=
|    load_proto=
|    for i in $STATIC_PRPLS ; do
|   -	dnl Ugly special case for "libsilcgaim.a":
|   +	dnl Ugly special case for "libsilcpurple.a":
|    	if test "x$i" = "xsilc"; then
|   -		STATIC_LINK_LIBS="$STATIC_LINK_LIBS protocols/$i/lib${i}gaim.a"
|   +		STATIC_LINK_LIBS="$STATIC_LINK_LIBS protocols/$i/lib${i}purple.a"
|    	else
|    		STATIC_LINK_LIBS="$STATIC_LINK_LIBS protocols/$i/lib$i.a"
|    	fi
|   -	extern_init="$extern_init extern gboolean gaim_init_${i}_plugin();"
|   -	load_proto="$load_proto gaim_init_${i}_plugin();"
|   +	extern_init="$extern_init extern gboolean purple_init_${i}_plugin();"
|   +	load_proto="$load_proto purple_init_${i}_plugin();"
|    	case $i in
|    		bonjour)	static_bonjour=yes ;;
|    		gg)			static_gg=yes ;;
|   @@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ dnl Python is only required if --enable-
|    dnl it is now accessible through D-Bus.
|    dnl Python is only required if --enable-dbus is used, and only for
|   -dnl the build process to generate the code, not for running gaim.
|   +dnl the build process to generate the code, not for running pidgin.
|    dnl This autogenerated code is system-independent, so in principle we
|    dnl can generate all of it before shipping.  But I thought adding
|    dnl auto-generated stuff to the repository is inelegant.
|   @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ if test "$enable_perl" = yes ; then
|    		AC_ARG_WITH(perl-lib,
|    		[AC_HELP_STRING([--with-perl-lib=[site|vendor|DIR]],
|   -			[specify where to install the Perl libraries for gaim. Default is site.])],
|   +			[specify where to install the Perl libraries for pidgin. Default is site.])],
|    		[
|    			if test "x$withval" = xsite; then
|    				PERL_MM_PARAMS=""
|   @@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ if test "x$enable_fatal_asserts" = "xyes
|    AC_ARG_ENABLE(fatal-asserts, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fatal-asserts],
|    	[make assertions fatal (useful for debugging)])], , enable_fatal_asserts=no)
|    if test "x$enable_fatal_asserts" = "xyes" ; then
|   -	AC_DEFINE(GAIM_FATAL_ASSERTS, 1, [Define to make assertions fatal (useful for debugging).])
|   +	AC_DEFINE(PURPLE_FATAL_ASSERTS, 1, [Define to make assertions fatal (useful for debugging).])
|    fi
|    AC_OUTPUT([Makefile
|   @@ -1903,12 +1903,13 @@ AC_OUTPUT([Makefile
|    		   m4macros/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pidgin.pc
|   +		   pidgin/pidgin-uninstalled.pc
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/animations/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/animations/16/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/buddy_icons/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/buddy_icons/qq/Makefile
|   - 		   pidgin/pixmaps/dialogs/Makefile
|   +		   pidgin/pixmaps/dialogs/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/dialogs/16/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/dialogs/16/scalable/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/dialogs/64/Makefile
|   @@ -1919,7 +1920,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT([Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/default/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/default/22/Makefile
|   -		   pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/default/22/scalable/Makefile	
|   +		   pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/default/22/scalable/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/none/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/Makefile
|    		   pidgin/pixmaps/protocols/16/Makefile
|   @@ -1958,6 +1959,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT([Makefile
|    		   libpurple/example/Makefile
|    		   libpurple/gconf/Makefile
|    		   libpurple/purple.pc
|   +		   libpurple/purple-uninstalled.pc
|    		   libpurple/plugins/Makefile
|    		   libpurple/plugins/mono/Makefile
|    		   libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Makefile
|   @@ -1989,9 +1991,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT([Makefile
|    		   finch/libgnt/wms/Makefile
|    		   finch/plugins/Makefile
|    		   po/
|   -		   gaim.pc
|   -		   gaim-uninstalled.pc
|   -		   gaim.spec
|   +		   pidgin.spec
|    		  ])
|    echo
|   @@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@ echo
|    echo Print debugging messages...... : $enable_debug
|    echo Assertions are fatal.......... : $enable_fatal_asserts
|    echo
|   -eval eval echo Gaim will be installed in $bindir.
|   +eval eval echo Pidgin will be installed in $bindir.
|    if test "x$gaimpath" != "x" ; then
|    	echo Warning: You have an old copy of gaim at $gaimpath.
|    fi
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/	843d42c8d5b9c17f699d72f9b0d7f8a29fca8bf7
|   +++ finch/	85b211d0b89ae06d3510c44f881177aa9b313472
|   @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ finch_headers = \
|    	gntstatus.h \
|    	gntui.h
|   -finchincludedir=$(includedir)/gaim/gnt
|   +finchincludedir=$(includedir)/finch
|    finchinclude_HEADERS = \
|    	$(finch_headers)
|   @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = \
|    	-DBR_PTHREADS=0 \
|    	-DDATADIR=\"$(datadir)\" \
|   -	-DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)/gaim/\" \
|   +	-DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)/finch/\" \
|    	-DLOCALEDIR=\"$(datadir)/locale\" \
|    	-DSYSCONFDIR=\"$(sysconfdir)\" \
|    	-I$(top_srcdir)/libpurple/ \
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/wms/	7d301bfd8608f137a649dd9e370901ec49efeb80
|   +++ finch/libgnt/wms/	5bd9331081ba2ec84475d4e2ce5cc139cc711fca
|   @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ plugin_LTLIBRARIES = \
|    s_la_LDFLAGS             = -module -avoid-version
|    plugin_LTLIBRARIES = \
|   -plugindir = $(libdir)/gaim
|   +plugindir = $(libdir)/finch
|    s_la_SOURCES = s.c
|    s_la_LIBADD =  \
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/plugins/	bc8b3fe67a304bb936e177531482506ec7206193
|   +++ finch/plugins/	02c982f3572f180c92392d56b5784a7bfe7a0b44
|   @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ plugin_LTLIBRARIES = \
| \
|   -plugindir = $(libdir)/gaim
|   +plugindir = $(libdir)/finch
|    gntgf_la_SOURCES      = gntgf.c
|    gnthistory_la_SOURCES = gnthistory.c
|   ============================================================
|   ---	5cb4d5e1c89aed9477ff6a43736596c95752e323
|   +++	19a2bd994cb9c023f429e857f520dc46e61cd497
|   @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ sysconfdir=@sysconfdir@
|    datarootdir=@datarootdir@
|    datadir=@datadir@
|    sysconfdir=@sysconfdir@
|   - 
|   +
|    Name: Gaim
|    Description: Gaim is a GTK2-based instant messenger application.
|    Version: @VERSION@
|    Requires: glib-2.0
|   +Cflags: -I${includedir}/libpurple
|   +Libs: -L${libdir} -lpurple
|   -Cflags: -I${includedir}/gaim
|   -Libs: -L${libdir} -lgaim
|   ============================================================
|   --- libpurple/	0a3dc5a09799557d8c71d6c83e9b2a404d304542
|   +++ libpurple/	02143704a0dd9f1a16d987b4c722b762c2fb58e6
|   @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
|    EXTRA_DIST = \
| \
| \
|   -		gaim-notifications-example \
|   -		gaim-remote \
|   -		gaim-send \
|   -		gaim-send-async \
|   -		gaim-url-handler \
|   +		purple-notifications-example \
|   +		purple-remote \
|   +		purple-send \
|   +		purple-send-async \
|   +		purple-url-handler \
| \
|   + \
|    		Makefile.mingw \
|    		win32/global.mak \
|    		win32/libc_interface.c \
|   @@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
|    		win32/ \
|    		win32/rules.mak \
|    		win32/targets.mak \
|   -		win32/wgaimerror.h \
|   +		win32/wpurpleerror.h \
|    		win32/win32dep.c \
|    		win32/giowin32.c \
|    		win32/win32dep.h
|   @@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ SUBDIRS = $(GCONF_DIR) plugins protocols
|    SUBDIRS = $(GCONF_DIR) plugins protocols tests . example
|   -gaim_coresources = \
|   +purple_coresources = \
|    	account.c \
|    	accountopt.c \
|    	blist.c \
|   @@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ gaim_coresources = \
|    	xmlnode.c \
|    	whiteboard.c
|   -gaim_coreheaders = \
|   +purple_coreheaders = \
|    	account.h \
|    	accountopt.h \
|    	blist.h \
|   @@ -137,9 +138,9 @@ CLEANFILES = \
|    	dbus-types.h \
|    	purple-client-bindings.c \
|    	purple-client-bindings.h \
|   -	gaim.service
|   +	purple.service
|   -# gaim dbus server
|   +# purple dbus server
|    dbus_sources  = dbus-server.c dbus-useful.c
|    dbus_headers  = dbus-bindings.h dbus-purple.h dbus-server.h dbus-useful.h dbus-define-api.h
|   @@ -148,64 +149,64 @@ dbus_exported = dbus-useful.h dbus-defin
|                    connection.h conversation.h core.h log.h prefs.h roomlist.h \
|                    savedstatuses.h status.h server.h xmlnode.h
|   -gaim_build_coreheaders = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(gaim_coreheaders))
|   +purple_build_coreheaders = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(purple_coreheaders))
|    dbus_build_exported = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(dbus_exported))
|   -dbus-types.c: $(gaim_coreheaders)
|   -	cat $(gaim_build_coreheaders) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --pattern=PURPLE_DBUS_DEFINE_TYPE\(%s\) > $@
|   +dbus-types.c: $(purple_coreheaders)
|   +	cat $(purple_build_coreheaders) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --pattern=PURPLE_DBUS_DEFINE_TYPE\(%s\) > $@
|    dbus-types.h: $(dbus_coreheaders)
|   -	cat $(gaim_build_coreheaders) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --pattern=PURPLE_DBUS_DECLARE_TYPE\(%s\) > $@
|   +	cat $(purple_build_coreheaders) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --pattern=PURPLE_DBUS_DECLARE_TYPE\(%s\) > $@
|    dbus-bindings.c: $(dbus_exported)
|    	cat $(dbus_build_exported) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ > $@
|    dbus-server.$(OBJEXT): dbus-bindings.c dbus-types.c dbus-types.h
|    dbus-server.lo: dbus-bindings.c dbus-types.c dbus-types.h
|   -$(libgaim_la_OBJECTS): dbus-types.h
|   +$(libpurple_la_OBJECTS): dbus-types.h
|   -# libgaim-client
|   +# libpurple-client
|   -libgaim_client_lib =
|   +libpurple_client_lib =
|   -libgaim_client_la_SOURCES = gaim-client.c gaim-client.h
|   +libpurple_client_la_SOURCES = purple-client.c purple-client.h
|   -libgaim_client_la_LIBADD = $(DBUS_LIBS)
|   +libpurple_client_la_LIBADD = $(DBUS_LIBS)
|    purple-client-bindings.c: $(dbus_exported)
|    	cat $(dbus_build_exported) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --client > $@
|   -purple-client-bindings.h: $(gaim_coreheaders) $(dbus_exported)
|   -	cat $(gaim_build_coreheaders) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --keyword=enum --verbatim > $@
|   +purple-client-bindings.h: $(purple_coreheaders) $(dbus_exported)
|   +	cat $(purple_build_coreheaders) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --keyword=enum --verbatim > $@
|    	cat $(dbus_build_exported) | $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ --client --headers >> $@
|   -$(libgaim_client_la_OBJECTS): purple-client-bindings.h purple-client-bindings.c
|   +$(libpurple_client_la_OBJECTS): purple-client-bindings.h purple-client-bindings.c
|   -# gaim-client-example
|   +# purple-client-example
|   -gaim_client_example_SOURCES = gaim-client-example.c
|   +purple_client_example_SOURCES = purple-client-example.c
|   -gaim_client_example_DEPENDENCIES =
|   +purple_client_example_DEPENDENCIES =
|   -gaim_client_example_LDADD = \
|   - \
|   +purple_client_example_LDADD = \
|   + \
|    	$(GLIB_LIBS) \
|    	$(DBUS_LIBS)
|   -bin_PROGRAMS = gaim-client-example
|   +bin_PROGRAMS = purple-client-example
|   -gaim-client-example.$(OBJEXT): purple-client-bindings.h
|   +purple-client-example.$(OBJEXT): purple-client-bindings.h
|    # scripts
|   -bin_SCRIPTS = gaim-remote gaim-send gaim-send-async gaim-url-handler
|   +bin_SCRIPTS = purple-remote purple-send purple-send-async purple-url-handler
|    endif
|   -lib_LTLIBRARIES = $(libgaim_client_lib)
|   +lib_LTLIBRARIES = $(libpurple_client_lib)
|    libpurple_la_SOURCES = \
|   -	$(gaim_coresources) \
|   +	$(purple_coresources) \
|    	$(dbus_sources)
|    noinst_HEADERS= \
|   @@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ libpurpleinclude_HEADERS = \
|    libpurpleincludedir=$(includedir)/libpurple
|    libpurpleinclude_HEADERS = \
|   -	$(gaim_coreheaders) \
|   +	$(purple_coreheaders) \
|    	$(dbus_headers)
|    libpurple_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(STATIC_LINK_LIBS)
|   ============================================================
|   --- libpurple/gconf/	d281cfd08dddda91573f441141732fd0e0a8aad4
|   +++ libpurple/gconf/	5b66f70b01aa1b1c968ce2c32b8cdd5a5aedab60
|   @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/aim/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "aim" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "aim" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/gg/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "gg" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "gg" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/icq/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "icq" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "icq" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/irc/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "irc" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "irc" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/msnim/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "msnim" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "msnim" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/sip/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "sip" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "sip" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/xmpp/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "xmpp" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "xmpp" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
|          <applyto>/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/ymsgr/command</applyto>
|          <owner>gaim</owner>
|          <type>string</type>
|   -      <default>gaim-url-handler "%s"</default>
|   +      <default>pidgin-url-handler "%s"</default>
|          <locale name="C">
|            <short>The handler for "ymsgr" URLs</short>
|            <long>The command used to handle "ymsgr" URLs, if enabled.</long>
|   ============================================================
|   --- libpurple/plugins/perl/	f15966906dc8e0c71b60eebb67606cd6caaf461c
|   +++ libpurple/plugins/perl/	079a25305ef980f49194b166e57d9364af86bfb1
|   @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ plugin_LTLIBRARIES =
|    plugindir = $(libdir)/libpurple
|    hackdir = $(plugindir)/private
|    perl_dirs = common
|    plugin_LTLIBRARIES =
|   -hack_LTLIBRARIES =
|   +hack_LTLIBRARIES =
|    perl_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
|   -perl_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) $(PERL_LIBS)
|   +perl_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) $(PERL_LIBS)
|    perl_la_SOURCES = \
|    	perl.c \
|    	perl-common.c \
|   @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ perl_la_DEPENDENCIES = \
|    perl_la_DEPENDENCIES = \
|    	.libs/libperl_orig.a \
|    	.libs/DynaLoader.a \
|   -
|   +
|   -libgaimperl_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
|   -libgaimperl_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS)
|   -libgaimperl_la_SOURCES = libgaimperl.c
|   +libpurpleperl_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
|   +libpurpleperl_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS)
|   +libpurpleperl_la_SOURCES = libpurpleperl.c
|    .libs/libperl_orig.a:
|    	@mkdir -p .libs
|   @@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ common_sources = \
|            common/Conversation.xs \
|            common/Debug.xs \
|            common/FT.xs \
|   -        common/ \
|   -        common/Purple.xs \
|            common/ImgStore.xs \
|            common/Log.xs \
|            common/ \
|   @@ -69,6 +67,7 @@ common_sources = \
|            common/Privacy.xs \
|            common/Proxy.xs \
|            common/Prpl.xs \
|   +        common/ \
|            common/Request.xs \
|            common/Roomlist.xs \
|            common/SSLConn.xs \
|   @@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
|    	Makefile.mingw \
|    	common/Makefile.mingw \
|    	$(common_sources) \
|   -	libgaimperl.c
|   +	libpurpleperl.c
|    common/Makefile: common/Makefile.PL
|    	@if test "x${top_srcdir}" != "x${top_builddir}"; then \
|   ============================================================
|   --- libpurple/protocols/silc/	f3ac034211ee26afb0bc833a59781f1a4a2562f8
|   +++ libpurple/protocols/silc/	16e71db1d298d6767297f8ba1e6b847a3176f4f1
|   @@ -6,26 +6,26 @@ AM_CFLAGS = $(st)
|    AM_CFLAGS = $(st)
|   -libsilcgaim_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
|   +libsilcpurple_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
|   -noinst_LIBRARIES = libsilcgaim.a
|   +noinst_LIBRARIES = libsilcpurple.a
|    pkg_LTLIBRARIES =
|   -libsilcgaim_a_SOURCES = $(SILCSOURCES)
|   -libsilcgaim_a_CFLAGS  = $(AM_CFLAGS)
|   -libsilcgaim_a_LIBADD  = $(SILC_LIBS)
|   +libsilcpurple_a_SOURCES = $(SILCSOURCES)
|   +libsilcpurple_a_CFLAGS  = $(AM_CFLAGS)
|   +libsilcpurple_a_LIBADD  = $(SILC_LIBS)
|    else
|    st = $(SILC_CFLAGS)
|   -pkg_LTLIBRARIES =
|   +pkg_LTLIBRARIES =
|    noinst_LIBRARIES =
|   -libsilcgaim_la_SOURCES = $(SILCSOURCES)
|   -libsilcgaim_la_LIBADD  = $(GLIB_LIBS) $(SILC_LIBS)
|   +libsilcpurple_la_SOURCES = $(SILCSOURCES)
|   +libsilcpurple_la_LIBADD  = $(GLIB_LIBS) $(SILC_LIBS)
|    endif
|   ============================================================
|   --- libpurple/tests/	794a3214b19e88e4938e0f51c7ea056be0149c9f
|   +++ libpurple/tests/	6d5e212193d1baa8bfa8f112a191fd1f9592f501
|   @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ check_libpurple_CFLAGS=\
|    check_libpurple_CFLAGS=\
|            @CHECK_CFLAGS@ \
|    		$(GLIB_CFLAGS) \
|   +		$(DEBUG_CFLAGS) \
|    		-I.. \
|    		-DBUILDDIR=\"$(top_builddir)\"
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/	d042b3f488b5aea66655febe502b40c8f8901cb2
|   +++ pidgin/	ecb83e557fc452d6fde17d840a2b3316146a534f
|   @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
|    EXTRA_DIST = \
|    		getopt.c \
|    		getopt.h \
|    		getopt1.c \
|    		Makefile.mingw \
| \
|   + \
|    		win32/IdleTracker/Makefile.mingw \
|    		win32/IdleTracker/idletrack.c \
|    		win32/IdleTracker/idletrack.h \
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/gtkconv.c	799d11d64aea5ba1ba85e97f3debe2287cffbccb
|   +++ pidgin/gtkconv.c	e8b186bd4c383763fed35a411ddbd583007132d1
|   @@ -3488,7 +3488,7 @@ get_chat_buddy_status_icon(PurpleConvCha
|    	g_object_unref(pixbuf);
|    	if (flags && purple_conv_chat_is_user_ignored(chat, name)) {
|   -		filename = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pixmaps", "purple", "status", "default", "ignored.png", NULL);
|   +		filename = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pixmaps", "pidgin", "status", "default", "ignored.png", NULL);
|    		pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename, NULL);
|    		g_free(filename);
|    		scale2 = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(pixbuf, 15, 15, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR);
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/gtkdialogs.c	23687f4c7904e2c3f3d5667842d8a949bf77a6f3
|   +++ pidgin/gtkdialogs.c	e8485533cb3821546d10fc1ef852089fe314fbb8
|   @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ void pidgindialogs_about()
|    	/* Generate a logo with a version number */
|    	logo = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
|    	gtk_widget_realize(logo);
|   -	filename = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pixmaps", "purple", "logo.png", NULL);
|   +	filename = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pixmaps", "pidgin", "logo.png", NULL);
|    	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename, NULL);
|    	g_free(filename);
|    	pidgin_logo_versionize(&pixbuf, logo);
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/gtkdnd-hints.c	90634298bcee4e85497c864f8ff146af92f66b82
|   +++ pidgin/gtkdnd-hints.c	59fb93594dc98bf87b1e40773abe3a9d95c965df
|   @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ dnd_hints_init(void)
|    	for (i = 0; hint_windows[i].filename != NULL; i++) {
|    		gchar *fname;
|   -		fname = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pixmaps", "purple",
|   +		fname = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pixmaps", "pidgin",
|    								 hint_windows[i].filename, NULL);
|    		hint_windows[i].widget = dnd_hints_init_window(fname);
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/	5f679aa95fbf7892f9d86472dcf1a2c97c1113ea
|   +++ pidgin/	fc1e353b04fb41c04c2e8d0b63b136b658df55f5
|   @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ sysconfdir=@sysconfdir@
|    prefix=@prefix@
|    exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
|    libdir=@libdir@
|    includedir=@includedir@
|    datadir=@datadir@
|    sysconfdir=@sysconfdir@
|   - 
|   +
|    Name: Pidgin
|    Description: Pidgin is a GTK2-based instant messenger application.
|    Version: @VERSION@
|   -Requires: glib-2.0 gtk+-2.0 purple
|   +Requires: gtk+-2.0 purple
|    Cflags: -I${includedir}/pidgin
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/pixmaps/buddy_icons/qq/	8086643e323601a59c8666e24ef7db4b1186d7f1
|   +++ pidgin/pixmaps/buddy_icons/qq/	2b10bacce3c1813be14de9da2b8943e0158911a0
|   @@ -100,6 +100,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
|    	qq_99.png \
|    	qq_100.png
|   -qqbuddyiconspixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/gaim/buddy_icons/qq
|   +qqbuddyiconspixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/purple/buddy_icons/qq
|    qqbuddyiconspix_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/pixmaps/emblems/16/scalable/	379a4e1ef8f6ab5bb96aa69a92f5a2ebad987ef7
|   +++ pidgin/pixmaps/emblems/16/scalable/	4c3a52586606c3135f94f0fa7ef76d67cad39d78
|   @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
|   -EXTRA_DIST = 	aol-client.svg \
|   +EXTRA_DIST =	aol-client.svg \
|    		blocked.svg \
|    		bot.svg \
|    		external.svg \
|    		female.svg \
|   -		founder.svg \
|    		free-for-chat.svg \
|    		game.svg \
|    		male.svg \
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/none/	3d9313e14058df03b2f1fcf9556b0ff49dcab42a
|   +++ pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/none/	162a5bb172f4f8bd88385f4acaf5787f141243e7
|   @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
|   -gaimsmileypixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/pidgin/emotes/none
|   -gaimsmileypix_DATA = theme 
|   +pidginsmileypixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/pidgin/emotes/none
|   +pidginsmileypix_DATA = theme
|   -EXTRA_DIST = $(gaimsmileypix_DATA) \
|   +EXTRA_DIST = $(pidginsmileypix_DATA) \
|    	Makefile.mingw
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/pixmaps/status/default/	220f6696dc461bfc480c38e3b5ac8934175e2964
|   +++ pidgin/pixmaps/status/default/	690bcf57cca5398890c5d2ffe449bdb108aa24e0
|   @@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
|    	yahoo.png \
|    	zephyr.png
|   -gaimstatuspixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/gaim/status/default
|   +pidginstatuspixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/pidgin/status/default
|   +pidginstatuspix_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
|   -gaimstatuspix_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
|   ============================================================
|   --- pidgin/plugins/gevolution/	1fba4f959230ab38d2cfe4ca66f622c749e81838
|   +++ pidgin/plugins/gevolution/	6536ec54125ca04442198ac3002101f9591291d0
|   @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
|   -plugindir = $(libdir)/gaim
|   +plugindir = $(libdir)/pidgin
|    gevolution_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
|   ============================================================
|   ---	2b39d6c2ee1fc0c8c5bc58860dde55e3d67e39ee
|   +++	215efbbd4c28f5134ebe00d188acb13840837313
|   @@ -9,19 +9,19 @@
|    #define beta 7
|    %if 0%{?beta}
|   -%define gaimver %(echo "@VERSION@"|sed -e 's/dev//; s/beta.*//')
|   +%define pidginver %(echo "@VERSION@"|sed -e 's/dev//; s/beta.*//')
|    %else
|   -%define gaimver @VERSION@
|   +%define pidginver @VERSION@
|    %endif
|    Summary:    A GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
|    Name:       @PACKAGE@
|   -Version:    %gaimver
|   +Version:    %pidginver
|    Release:    0%{?beta:.beta%{beta}}
|   -Epoch:      1
|   +Epoch:      0
|    License:    GPL
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -URL:
|   +URL:
|    Packager:   %{packager}
|    Source:     %{name}- at VERSION@.tar.bz2
|    BuildRoot:  %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
|   @@ -68,99 +68,99 @@ Requires: perl
|    # For some reason perl isn't always automatically detected as a requirement :(
|    Requires: perl
|   -# Gadu-Gadu support was split out temporarily
|   +# Gadu-Gadu support was split out temporarily (only as gaim)
|    Provides: gaim-gadugadu = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
|    %package devel
|   -Summary:    Development headers, documentation, and libraries for Gaim.
|   +Summary:    Development headers, documentation, and libraries for Pidgin
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -Requires:   pkgconfig, gaim = %{epoch}:%{version}
|   +Requires:   pkgconfig, pidgin = %{epoch}:%{version}
|    %if 0%{?_with_howl:1} || 0%{?_with_avahi:1}
|    %package bonjour
|   -Summary:    Bonjour plugin for Gaim
|   +Summary:    Bonjour plugin for Pidgin
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -Requires:   gaim = %{epoch}:%{version}
|   +Requires:   pidgin = %{epoch}:%{version}
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_meanwhile:1}
|    %package meanwhile
|   -Summary:    Lotus Sametime plugin for Gaim using the Meanwhile library
|   +Summary:    Lotus Sametime plugin for Pidgin using the Meanwhile library
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -Requires:   gaim = %{epoch}:%{version}
|   +Requires:   pidgin = %{epoch}:%{version}
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_mono:1}
|    %package mono
|   -Summary:    Mono .NET plugin support for Gaim
|   +Summary:    Mono .NET plugin support for Pidgin
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -Requires:   gaim = %{epoch}:%{version}
|   +Requires:   pidgin = %{epoch}:%{version}
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_silc:1}
|    %package silc
|   -Summary:    SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) plugin for Gaim
|   +Summary:    SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) plugin for Pidgin
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -Requires:   gaim = %{epoch}:%{version}
|   +Requires:   pidgin = %{epoch}:%{version}
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_tcl:1}
|    %package tcl
|   -Summary:    Tcl scripting support for Gaim
|   +Summary:    Tcl scripting support for Pidgin
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -Requires:   gaim = %{epoch}:%{version}
|   +Requires:   pidgin = %{epoch}:%{version}
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{!?_without_text:1}
|   -%package text
|   -Summary:    A text-based user interface for Gaim
|   +%package -n finch
|   +Summary:    A text-based user interface for Pidgin
|    Group:      Applications/Internet
|   -Requires:   gaim = %{epoch}:%{version}
|   +Requires:   pidgin = %{epoch}:%{version}
|    %endif
|    %description
|   -Gaim allows you to talk to anyone using a variety of messaging
|   +Pidgin allows you to talk to anyone using a variety of messaging
|    protocols including AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Jabber, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu,
|    ICQ, IRC, Novell Groupwise, QQ, Lotus Sametime, SILC, Simple and
|    Zephyr.  These protocols are implemented using a modular, easy to
|    use design.  To use a protocol, just add an account using the
|    account editor.
|   -Gaim supports many common features of other clients, as well as many
|   +Pidgin supports many common features of other clients, as well as many
|    unique features, such as perl scripting, TCL scripting and C plugins.
|   -Gaim is not affiliated with or endorsed by America Online, Inc.,
|   +Pidgin is not affiliated with or endorsed by America Online, Inc.,
|    Microsoft Corporation, Yahoo! Inc., or ICQ Inc.
|    %description devel
|   -The gaim-devel package contains the header files, developer
|   -documentation, and libraries required for development of Gaim scripts
|   +The pidgin-devel package contains the header files, developer
|   +documentation, and libraries required for development of Pidgin scripts
|    and plugins.
|    %if 0%{?_with_howl:1} || 0%{?_with_avahi:1}
|    %description bonjour
|   -Bonjour plugin for Gaim.
|   +Bonjour plugin for Pidgin.
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_meanwhile:1}
|    %description meanwhile
|   -Lotus Sametime plugin for Gaim using the Meanwhile library.
|   +Lotus Sametime plugin for Pidgin using the Meanwhile library.
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_mono:1}
|    %description mono
|   -Mono plugin loader for Gaim.  This package will allow you to write or
|   -use Gaim plugins written in the .NET programming language.
|   +Mono plugin loader for Pidgin.  This package will allow you to write or
|   +use Pidgin plugins written in the .NET programming language.
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_silc:1}
|    %description silc
|   -SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) plugin for Gaim.
|   +SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) plugin for Pidgin.
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{!?without_text:1}
|   -%description text
|   -A text-based user interface for Gaim.  This can be run from a
|   +%description -n finch
|   +A text-based user interface for Pidgin.  This can be run from a
|    standard text console or from a terminal within X Windows.  It
|    uses ncurses and our homegrown gnt library for drawing windows
|    and text.
|   @@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ and text.
|    %if 0%{?_with_tcl:1}
|    %description tcl
|   -Tcl plugin loader for Gaim.  This package will allow you to write or
|   -use Gaim plugins written in the Tcl programming language.
|   +Tcl plugin loader for Pidgin.  This package will allow you to write or
|   +use Pidgin plugins written in the Tcl programming language.
|    %endif
|    %prep
|   @@ -211,53 +211,51 @@ make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
|    %endif
|    # Delete files that we don't want to put in any of the RPMs
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/*.la
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/finch/*.la
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pidgin/*.la
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple/*.la
|    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
|    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_archlib}/perllocal.pod
|    find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} ';'
|    find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name '*.bs' -empty -exec rm -f {} ';'
|   +# do we want to ship the nullclient ?
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/nullclient
|    %if 0%{!?_with_howl:1} && 0%{!?_with_avahi:1}
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple/
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{!?_with_meanwhile:1}
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple/
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{!?_with_mono:1}
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/*.dll
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple/
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple/*.dll
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{!?_with_silc:1}
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple/
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{!?_with_tcl:1}
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple/
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_without_text:1}
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/gaim-text.*
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/gaim-text
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   -rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   +rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/finch.*
|   +rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/finch
|    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*
|    %endif
|    %find_lang %{name}
|   -find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gaim -xtype f -print | \
|   +find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pidgin $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpurple -xtype f -print | \
|            sed "s@^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT@@g" | \
|   -        grep -v / | \
|   -        grep -v / | \
|            grep -v / | \
|   -        grep -v / | \
|   +        grep -v / | \
|            grep -v / | \
|            grep -v / | \
|   -        grep -v / | \
|            grep -v / | \
|            grep -v ".dll$" | \
|            grep -v ".tcl$" > %{name}-%{version}-coreplugins
|   @@ -307,31 +305,32 @@ fi
|    %doc README.SVN
|    %doc doc/FAQ
|    %doc doc/the_penguin.txt
|   -%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gaim.*
|   +%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pidgin.*
|    %doc %{_mandir}/man3*/*
|   -%dir %{_libdir}/gaim
|   -%attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/Gaim*
|   -%attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Gaim
|   +%dir %{_libdir}/pidgin
|   +%dir %{_libdir}/libpurple
|   +%attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/Purple*
|   +%attr(755, root, root) %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Purple
|   -%{_bindir}/gaim
|   +%{_bindir}/pidgin
|    %{_datadir}/pixmaps/*
|   -%dir %{_datadir}/sounds/gaim
|   -%{_datadir}/sounds/gaim/*
|   +%dir %{_datadir}/sounds/pidgin
|   +%{_datadir}/sounds/pidgin/*
|    %{_datadir}/applications/*
|   -%{_libdir}/*
|   +%{_libdir}/*
|    %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/gaim.schemas
|    %if 0%{?_with_dbus:1}
|   -%{_bindir}/gaim-client-example
|   -%{_bindir}/gaim-remote
|   -%{_bindir}/gaim-send
|   -%{_bindir}/gaim-send-async
|   -%{_bindir}/gaim-url-handler
|   -%{_libdir}/*
|   +%{_bindir}/purple-client-example
|   +%{_bindir}/purple-remote
|   +%{_bindir}/purple-send
|   +%{_bindir}/purple-send-async
|   +%{_bindir}/purple-url-handler
|   +%{_libdir}/*
|    %{_datadir}/dbus-1/services/gaim.service
|    %doc README.dbus
|   -%doc libgaim/gaim-notifications-example
|   +%doc libpurple/purple-notifications-example
|    %endif
|    %files devel
|   @@ -342,70 +341,74 @@ fi
|    %doc PLUGIN_HOWTO
|   -%dir %{_includedir}/gaim
|   -%{_includedir}/gaim/*.h
|   -%dir %{_includedir}/gaim/gnt
|   -%{_includedir}/gaim/gnt/*.h
|   +%dir %{_includedir}/finch
|    %dir %{_includedir}/gnt
|   +%dir %{_includedir}/libpurple
|   +%dir %{_includedir}/pidgin
|   +%{_includedir}/finch/*.h
|    %{_includedir}/gnt/*.h
|   -%{_libdir}/
|   +%{_includedir}/libpurple/*.h
|   +%{_includedir}/pidgin/*.h
|   +%{_libdir}/
|    %{_libdir}/
|   -%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gaim.pc
|   +%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/purple.pc
|   +%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/pidgin.pc
|    %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gnt.pc
|    %{_datadir}/aclocal/gaim.m4
|    %if 0%{?_with_dbus:1}
|   -%{_libdir}/
|   +%{_libdir}/
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_howl:1} || 0%{?_with_avahi:1}
|    %files bonjour
|    %defattr(-, root, root)
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/libbonjour.*
|   +%{_libdir}/libpurple/libbonjour.*
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_meanwhile:1}
|    %files meanwhile
|    %defattr(-, root, root)
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/libsametime.*
|   +%{_libdir}/libpurple/libsametime.*
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_mono:1}
|    %files mono
|    %defattr(-, root, root)
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/*.dll
|   +%{_libdir}/libpurple/
|   +%{_libdir}/libpurple/*.dll
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_silc:1}
|    %files silc
|    %defattr(-, root, root)
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/libsilcgaim.*
|   +%{_libdir}/libpurple/libsilcpurple.*
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{?_with_tcl:1}
|    %files tcl
|    %defattr(-, root, root)
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   +%{_libdir}/libpurple/
|    %endif
|    %if 0%{!?_without_text:1}
|   -%files text
|   +%files -n finch
|    %defattr(-, root, root)
|   -%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gaim-text.*
|   -%{_bindir}/gaim-text
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   -%{_libdir}/gaim/
|   +%doc %{_mandir}/man1/finch.*
|   +%{_bindir}/finch
|   +%{_libdir}/finch/*.so
|    %{_libdir}/*
|    %endif
|    %changelog
|   +* Sat Mar 24 2007 Stu Tomlinson <stu at>
|   +- Update to reflect renaming to pidgin/libpurple
|   +
|    * Sun Oct  1 2006 Stu Tomlinson <stu at>
|    - We can build with internal gadu gadu again, so bring it back into the
|      main package

To get the patch for this revision, please do this:
mtn log --last 1 --diffs --from b205f3f0a3c9aace7389eec2d465469d53aad697

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