Revision 7f8678f11ddbdcb952362443dad1179b76a85810

sadrul at sadrul at
Mon Mar 26 00:19:51 EDT 2007

o   -----------------------------------------------------------------
|   Revision: 7f8678f11ddbdcb952362443dad1179b76a85810
|   Ancestor: b5335fc89e560b1c28b13cbe7ac6a7abb077762e
|   Author: sadrul at
|   Date: 2007-03-26T04:19:35
|   Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin
|   Added files:
|           finch/libgnt/pygnt/Files.txt finch/libgnt/pygnt/README.txt
|           finch/libgnt/pygnt/dbus-gnt finch/libgnt/pygnt/
|           finch/libgnt/pygnt/gnt.override
|           finch/libgnt/pygnt/gntmodule.c finch/libgnt/pygnt/
|   Added directories:
|           finch/libgnt/pygnt
|   Modified attrs:
|           finch/libgnt/pygnt/dbus-gnt finch/libgnt/pygnt/
|           finch/libgnt/pygnt/
|   ChangeLog: 
|   python bindings for libgnt. dbus-gnt is a gnt-ui (sort of) for gaim over dbus. It allows continuing with the currently opened conversations. pygnt/README.txt explains what to do. Use at your own risk.
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/pygnt/Files.txt	5838d1dec407797b417733d6a230bddd677dc341
|   +++ finch/libgnt/pygnt/Files.txt	5838d1dec407797b417733d6a230bddd677dc341
|   @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
|   +gnt.override
|   +Makefile
|   +dbus-gnt
|   +gntmodule.c
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/pygnt/README.txt	73bf414050774aa1f0d864959e05e5f9ab2d3bfb
|   +++ finch/libgnt/pygnt/README.txt	73bf414050774aa1f0d864959e05e5f9ab2d3bfb
|   @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
|   +Run these in sequence:
|   +
|   +./
|   +make
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/pygnt/dbus-gnt	6debd44131ca876b10b8ae8f3a9b908f3c94b4e1
|   +++ finch/libgnt/pygnt/dbus-gnt	6debd44131ca876b10b8ae8f3a9b908f3c94b4e1
|   @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
|   +#!/usr/bin/env python
|   +
|   +# This script requires Python 2.4 and pygnt bindings
|   +#
|   +# Note that all function names are resolved dynamically, no
|   +# purple-specific library is needed.
|   +
|   +import dbus
|   +import dbus.glib
|   +import dbus.decorators
|   +import gobject
|   +import os
|   +import gnt
|   +
|   +from time import strftime
|   +
|   +convwins = {}
|   +
|   +def buddysignedon():
|   +    pass
|   +
|   +def conv_closed(conv):
|   +    key = get_dict_key(conv)
|   +    stuff = convwins[key]
|   +    stuff[0].destroy()
|   +    convwins[key] = None
|   +
|   +def wrote_msg(account, who, msg, conv, flags):
|   +    stuff = show_conversation(conv)
|   +    tv = stuff[1]
|   +    tv.append_text_with_flags("\n", 0)
|   +    tv.append_text_with_flags(strftime("(%X) "), 8)
|   +    tv.append_text_with_flags(who + ": ", 1)
|   +    tv.append_text_with_flags(msg, 0)
|   +    tv.scroll(0)
|   +
|   +gnt.gnt_init()
|   +
|   +bus = dbus.SessionBus()
|   +obj = bus.get_object("net.sf.purple.PurpleService", "/net/sf/purple/PurpleObject")
|   +purple = dbus.Interface(obj, "net.sf.purple.PurpleInterface")
|   +
|   +bus.add_signal_receiver(buddysignedon,
|   +                        dbus_interface = "net.sf.purple.PurpleInterface",
|   +                        signal_name = "BuddySignedOn")
|   +
|   +bus.add_signal_receiver(wrote_msg,
|   +                        dbus_interface = "net.sf.purple.PurpleInterface",
|   +                        signal_name = "WroteImMsg")
|   +
|   +bus.add_signal_receiver(wrote_msg,
|   +                        dbus_interface = "net.sf.purple.PurpleInterface",
|   +                        signal_name = "WroteChatMsg")
|   +
|   +bus.add_signal_receiver(conv_closed,
|   +                        dbus_interface = "net.sf.purple.PurpleInterface",
|   +                        signal_name = "DeletingConversation")
|   +
|   +def get_dict_key(conv):
|   +    val = purple.PurpleConversationGetName(conv)
|   +    return val
|   +
|   +def send_im_cb(entry, key, conv):
|   +    if key[0] == '\r':
|   +        # XXX: do something about the / commands
|   +        type = purple.PurpleConversationGetType(conv)
|   +        if type == 1:
|   +            imdata = purple.PurpleConversationGetImData(conv)
|   +            purple.PurpleConvImSend(imdata, entry.get_text())
|   +        else:
|   +            chatdata = purple.PurpleConversationGetChatData(conv)
|   +            purple.PurpleConvChatSend(chatdata, entry.get_text())
|   +        entry.clear()
|   +
|   +def show_conversation(conv):
|   +    key = get_dict_key(conv)
|   +    if key in convwins:
|   +        return convwins[key]
|   +    win = gnt.Window()
|   +    vbox = gnt.Box(0, 1)
|   +    win.add_widget(vbox)
|   +    win.set_title(purple.PurpleConversationGetName(conv))
|   +    win.set_pad(0)
|   +    vbox.set_pad(0)
|   +    tv = gnt.TextView()
|   +    entry = gnt.Entry("")
|   +    vbox.add_widget(tv)
|   +    entry.set_size(40, 1)
|   +    vbox.add_widget(entry)
|   +    entry.connect("key_pressed", send_im_cb, conv)
|   +    tv.clear()
|   +
|   +    convwins[key] = [win, tv, entry]
|   +    return convwins[key]
|   +
|   +convs = purple.PurpleGetConversations()
|   +for conv in convs:
|   +    show_conversation(conv)
|   +
|   +gnt.gnt_main()
|   +
|   +gnt.gnt_quit()
|   +
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/pygnt/	348731ecdffc02087ad6aa3b457ce43595d3b1ff
|   +++ finch/libgnt/pygnt/	348731ecdffc02087ad6aa3b457ce43595d3b1ff
|   @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
|   +#!/bin/sh
|   +FILES="
|   +	gntwidget.h
|   +	gntbindable.h
|   +	gntbox.h
|   +	gntbutton.h
|   +	gntcheckbox.h
|   +	gntclipboard.h
|   +	gntcolors.h
|   +	gntcombobox.h
|   +	gntentry.h
|   +	gntfilesel.h
|   +	gntkeys.h
|   +	gntlabel.h
|   +	gntline.h
|   +	gntmarshal.h
|   +	gntmenu.h
|   +	gntmenuitem.h
|   +	gntmenuitemcheck.h
|   +	gntstyle.h
|   +	gnttextview.h
|   +	gnttree.h
|   +	gntutils.h
|   +	gntwindow.h
|   +	gntwm.h
|   +	gnt.h"
|   +
|   +# Generate the def file
|   +rm gnt.def
|   +for file in $FILES
|   +do
|   +	python /usr/share/pygtk/2.0/codegen/ ../$file >> gnt.def
|   +done
|   +
|   +# Remove the definitions about the enums
|   +ENUMS="
|   +"
|   +
|   +for enum in $ENUMS
|   +do
|   +	sed -ie s/^.*gtype-id\ \"$enum\".*$//g gnt.def
|   +done
|   +
|   +
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/pygnt/gnt.override	04e09064b3f3c76cc54ef1fa1df308c39453d16f
|   +++ finch/libgnt/pygnt/gnt.override	04e09064b3f3c76cc54ef1fa1df308c39453d16f
|   @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
|   +%%
|   +headers
|   +#include <Python.h>
|   +#include "pygobject.h"
|   +#include "gnt.h"
|   +#include "gntbindable.h"
|   +#include "gntwidget.h"
|   +#include "gntbox.h"
|   +#include "gntbutton.h"
|   +#include "gntcheckbox.h"
|   +#include "gntcolors.h"
|   +#include "gntcombobox.h"
|   +#include "gntentry.h"
|   +#include "gntfilesel.h"
|   +#include "gntkeys.h"
|   +#include "gntlabel.h"
|   +#include "gntline.h"
|   +#include "gntmenu.h"
|   +#include "gntmenuitem.h"
|   +#include "gntmenuitemcheck.h"
|   +#include "gntstyle.h"
|   +#include "gnttextview.h"
|   +#include "gnttree.h"
|   +#include "gntutils.h"
|   +#include "gntwindow.h"
|   +#include "gntwm.h"
|   +%%
|   +modulename gnt
|   +%%
|   +import gobject.GObject as PyGObject_Type
|   +%%
|   +ignore-glob
|   +	*_get_gtype
|   +%%
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/pygnt/gntmodule.c	7bcb542fecc7da290e774de5d17f4340a1d628d3
|   +++ finch/libgnt/pygnt/gntmodule.c	7bcb542fecc7da290e774de5d17f4340a1d628d3
|   @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
|   +#include <pygobject.h>
|   + 
|   +void gnt_register_classes (PyObject *d); 
|   +extern PyMethodDef gnt_functions[];
|   + 
|   +DL_EXPORT(void)
|   +initgnt(void)
|   +{
|   +    PyObject *m, *d;
|   + 
|   +    init_pygobject ();
|   + 
|   +    m = Py_InitModule ("gnt", gnt_functions);
|   +    d = PyModule_GetDict (m);
|   + 
|   +    gnt_register_classes (d);
|   + 
|   +    if (PyErr_Occurred ()) {
|   +        Py_FatalError ("can't initialise module sad");
|   +    }
|   +}
|   +
|   ============================================================
|   --- finch/libgnt/pygnt/	279fed43aab0b6f739f83f665772ee93afc0c389
|   +++ finch/libgnt/pygnt/	279fed43aab0b6f739f83f665772ee93afc0c389
|   @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
|   +#!/usr/bin/python
|   +import gnt
|   +
|   +def button_activate(button, entry):
|   +	entry.set_text("clicked!!!")
|   +
|   +gnt.gnt_init()
|   +
|   +win = gnt.Window()
|   +
|   +entry = gnt.Entry("")
|   +
|   +win.add_widget(entry)
|   +win.set_title("Entry")
|   +
|   +button = gnt.Button("Click!")
|   +win.add_widget(button)
|   +
|   +button.connect("activate", button_activate, entry)
|   +
|   +
|   +gnt.gnt_main()
|   +
|   +gnt.gnt_quit()
|   +

To get the patch for this revision, please do this:
mtn log --last 1 --diffs --from 7f8678f11ddbdcb952362443dad1179b76a85810

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