sadrul.gtkblist-theme: e039ff6c: Mark the description of the properties f...

sadrul at sadrul at
Sat Apr 18 19:30:34 EDT 2009

Revision: e039ff6ca69e4028101db0b3b484cceca6d0a52e
Ancestor: 408c04a7b04e850ba1577bcfae598fb5e4135891
Author: sadrul at
Date: 2009-04-18T23:27:38
Branch: im.pidgin.sadrul.gtkblist-theme

Modified files:
        pidgin/gtkblist-theme.c pidgin/plugins/themeedit.c


Mark the description of the properties for translation. Show the
description in the theme editor as a tooltip.

-------------- next part --------------
--- pidgin/gtkblist-theme.c	2b4bed7a60022ef9316adb8f31b92576e8ab698f
+++ pidgin/gtkblist-theme.c	0e6e2151b2784b35bb93d6dd71b36cedfe172972
@@ -363,80 +363,80 @@ pidgin_blist_theme_class_init(PidginBlis
 	/* Buddy List */
 	pspec = g_param_spec_boxed("background-color", _("Background Color"),
-			"The background color for the buddy list",
+			_("The background color for the buddy list"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("layout", _("Layout"),
-			"The layout of icons, name, and status of the blist",
+			_("The layout of icons, name, and status of the blist"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_LAYOUT, pspec);
 	/* Group */
 	pspec = g_param_spec_boxed("expanded-color", _("Expanded Background Color"),
-			"The background color of an expanded group",
+			_("The background color of an expanded group"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_EXPANDED_COLOR, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("expanded-text", _("Expanded Text"),
-			"The text information for when a group is expanded",
+			_("The text information for when a group is expanded"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_EXPANDED_TEXT, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_boxed("collapsed-color", _("Collapsed Background Color"),
-			"The background color of a collapsed group",
+			_("The background color of a collapsed group"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_COLLAPSED_COLOR, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("collapsed-text", _("Collapsed Text"),
-			"The text information for when a group is collapsed",
+			_("The text information for when a group is collapsed"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_COLLAPSED_TEXT, pspec);
 	/* Buddy */
 	pspec = g_param_spec_boxed("contact-color", _("Contact/Chat Background Color"),
-			"The background color of a contact or chat",
+			_("The background color of a contact or chat"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_CONTACT_COLOR, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("contact", _("Contact Text"),
-			"The text information for when a contact is expanded",
+			_("The text information for when a contact is expanded"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_CONTACT, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("online", _("On-line Text"),
-			"The text information for when a buddy is online",
+			_("The text information for when a buddy is online"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_ONLINE, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("away", _("Away Text"),
-			"The text information for when a buddy is away",
+			_("The text information for when a buddy is away"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_AWAY, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("offline", _("Off-line Text"),
-			"The text information for when a buddy is off-line",
+			_("The text information for when a buddy is off-line"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_OFFLINE, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("idle", _("Idle Text"),
-			"The text information for when a buddy is idle",
+			_("The text information for when a buddy is idle"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_IDLE, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("message", _("Message Text"),
-			"The text information for when a buddy has an unread message",
+			_("The text information for when a buddy has an unread message"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_MESSAGE, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("message_nick_said", _("Message (Nick Said) Text"),
-			"The text information for when a chat has an unread message that mentions your nick",
+			_("The text information for when a chat has an unread message that mentions your nick"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_MESSAGE_NICK_SAID, pspec);
 	pspec = g_param_spec_pointer("status", _("Status Text"),
-			"The text information for a buddy's status",
+			_("The text information for a buddy's status"),
 	g_object_class_install_property(obj_class, PROP_STATUS, pspec);
--- pidgin/plugins/themeedit.c	2c3b1419d2faec40a9d52deac5895e153ab08c64
+++ pidgin/plugins/themeedit.c	9f515c429992162f5d280bd860e26253851e1fdb
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static GtkWidget *
 static GtkWidget *
-pidgin_theme_create_color_selector(const char *text, const char *prop,
+pidgin_theme_create_color_selector(const char *text, const char *blurb, const char *prop,
 		GtkSizeGroup *sizegroup)
 	GtkWidget *color;
@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ pidgin_theme_create_color_selector(const
 	gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0, 0.5);
 	gtk_size_group_add_widget(sizegroup, label);
 	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 12, 0)
+	gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(label, blurb);
 	color = pidgin_pixbuf_button_from_stock("", GTK_STOCK_SELECT_COLOR,
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ static GtkWidget *
 static GtkWidget *
-pidgin_theme_create_font_selector(const char *text, const char *prop,
+pidgin_theme_create_font_selector(const char *text, const char *blurb, const char *prop,
 		GtkSizeGroup *sizegroup)
 	GtkWidget *color, *font;
@@ -180,6 +183,9 @@ pidgin_theme_create_font_selector(const 
 	gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0, 0.5);
 	gtk_size_group_add_widget(sizegroup, label);
 	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 12, 0)
+	gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(label, blurb);
 	font = pidgin_pixbuf_button_from_stock("", GTK_STOCK_SELECT_FONT,
@@ -254,14 +260,16 @@ pidgin_blist_theme_edit(void)
 		vbox = pidgin_make_frame(box, _(sections[i].header));
 		for (j = 0; sections[i].props[j]; j++) {
 			const char *label;
+			const char *blurb;
 			spec = g_object_class_find_property(klass, sections[i].props[j]);
 			label = g_param_spec_get_nick(spec);
+			blurb = g_param_spec_get_blurb(spec);
 			if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_BOXED(spec)) {
-				hbox = pidgin_theme_create_color_selector(label,
+				hbox = pidgin_theme_create_color_selector(label, blurb,
 						sections[i].props[j], group);
 				gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
 			} else {
-				hbox = pidgin_theme_create_font_selector(label,
+				hbox = pidgin_theme_create_font_selector(label, blurb,
 						sections[i].props[j], group);
 				gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

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