soc.2009.webkitmessageview: e100fa20: Separated the MessageStyle loading code ...

tdrhq at tdrhq at
Tue Aug 25 12:06:25 EDT 2009

Revision: e100fa206b9212493e2eb4041c437755cbbd2e6e
Ancestor: a2991ded5c957e9af8595ed8eb4dc7456f5db9a8
Author: tdrhq at
Date: 2009-08-14T02:51:41
Branch: im.pidgin.soc.2009.webkitmessageview

Added files:
Modified files:


Separated the MessageStyle loading code from the actual rendering code.

-------------- next part --------------
--- pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/message-style.c	fea34ca7e487e47b2beccf1ea7d286a56cd6d9a5
+++ pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/message-style.c	fea34ca7e487e47b2beccf1ea7d286a56cd6d9a5
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ * Adium Message Styles
+ * Copyright (C) 2009  Arnold Noronha <arnstein87 at>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ * 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "message-style.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <debug.h>
+#include <util.h>
+static GList *style_list; /**< List of PidginMessageStyles */
+static void
+glist_free_all_string (GList *list)
+	GList *first = list;
+	for (; list; list = g_list_next (list)) 
+		g_free (list->data);
+	g_list_free (first);
+PidginMessageStyle* pidgin_message_style_new (const char* styledir)
+	PidginMessageStyle* ret = g_new0 (PidginMessageStyle, 1);
+	GList *iter;
+	/* sanity check */
+	for (iter = style_list; iter; iter = g_list_next (iter))
+	  g_assert (!g_str_equal (((PidginMessageStyle*)iter->data)->style_dir, styledir));
+	ret->ref_counter = 1;
+	ret->style_dir = g_strdup (styledir);
+	style_list = g_list_append (style_list, ret);
+	return ret;
+ * deallocate any memory used for info.plist options 
+ */
+static void
+pidgin_message_style_unset_info_plist (PidginMessageStyle *style)
+	style->message_view_version = 0;
+	g_free (style->cf_bundle_name);
+	style->cf_bundle_name = NULL;
+	g_free (style->cf_bundle_identifier);
+	style->cf_bundle_identifier = NULL;
+	g_free (style->cf_bundle_get_info_string);
+	style->cf_bundle_get_info_string = NULL;
+	g_free (style->default_font_family);
+	style->default_font_family = NULL;
+	style->default_font_size = 0;
+	style->shows_user_icons = TRUE;
+	style->disable_combine_consecutive = FALSE;
+	style->default_background_is_transparent = FALSE;
+	style->disable_custom_background = FALSE;
+	g_free (style->default_background_color);
+	style->default_background_color = NULL;
+	style->allow_text_colors = TRUE;
+	g_free (style->image_mask);
+	style->image_mask = NULL;
+void pidgin_message_style_unref (PidginMessageStyle *style)
+	if (!style) return;
+	g_assert (style->ref_counter > 0);
+	style->ref_counter--;
+	if (style->ref_counter) return;
+	g_free (style->style_dir);
+	g_free (style->template_path);
+	g_free (style->template_html);
+	g_free (style->incoming_content_html);
+	g_free (style->outgoing_content_html);
+	g_free (style->outgoing_next_content_html);
+	g_free (style->status_html);
+	g_free (style->basestyle_css);
+	style_list = g_list_remove (style_list, style);
+	g_free (style);
+	pidgin_message_style_unset_info_plist (style);
+pidgin_message_style_save_state (PidginMessageStyle *style)
+	char *prefname = g_strdup_printf ("/plugins/gtk/adiumthemes/%s", style->cf_bundle_identifier);
+	char *variant = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", prefname, style->variant);
+	purple_prefs_add_none (prefname);
+	purple_prefs_add_string (variant, "");
+	purple_prefs_set_string (variant, style->variant);
+	g_free (prefname);
+	g_free (variant);
+pidgin_message_style_load_state (PidginMessageStyle *style)
+	char *prefname = g_strdup_printf ("/plugins/gtk/adiumthemes/%s", style->cf_bundle_identifier);
+	char *variant = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", prefname, style->variant);
+	const char* value = purple_prefs_get_string (variant);
+	gboolean changed = !style->variant || !g_str_equal (style->variant, value);
+	g_free (style->variant);
+	style->variant = g_strdup (value);
+	if (changed) pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (style, style->variant);
+	g_free (prefname);
+	g_free(variant);
+static gboolean
+parse_info_plist_key_value (xmlnode* key, gpointer destination, const char* expected)
+	xmlnode *val = key->next;
+	for (; val && val->type != XMLNODE_TYPE_TAG; val = val->next);
+	if (!val) return FALSE;
+	if (expected == NULL || g_str_equal (expected, "string")) {
+		char** dest = (char**) destination;
+		if (!g_str_equal (val->name, "string")) return FALSE;
+		if (*dest) g_free (*dest);
+		*dest = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped (val);
+	} else if (g_str_equal (expected, "integer")) {
+		int* dest = (int*) destination;
+		char* value = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped (val);
+		if (!g_str_equal (val->name, "integer")) return FALSE;
+		*dest = atoi (value);
+		g_free (value);
+	} else if (g_str_equal (expected, "boolean")) {
+		gboolean *dest = (gboolean*) destination;
+		if (g_str_equal (val->name, "true")) *dest = TRUE;
+		else if (g_str_equal (val->name, "false")) *dest = FALSE;
+		else return FALSE;
+	} else return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+gboolean str_for_key (const char *key, const char *found, const char *variant){
+	if (g_str_equal (key, found)) return TRUE;
+	if (!variant) return FALSE;
+	return (g_str_has_prefix (found, key) 
+		&& g_str_has_suffix (found, variant)
+		&& strlen (found) == strlen (key) + strlen (variant) + 1);
+ * Info.plist should be re-read every time the variant changes, this is because
+ * the keys that take precedence depend on the value of the current variant.
+ */
+pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char* variant)
+	/* note that if a variant is used the option:VARIANTNAME takes precedence */
+	char *contents = g_build_filename (style->style_dir, "Contents", NULL);
+	xmlnode *plist = xmlnode_from_file (contents, "Info.plist", "Info.plist", "webkit"), *iter;
+	xmlnode *dict = xmlnode_get_child (plist, "dict");
+	g_assert (dict);
+	for (iter = xmlnode_get_child (dict, "key"); iter; iter = xmlnode_get_next_twin (iter)) {
+		char* key = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped (iter);
+		gboolean pr = TRUE;
+		if (g_str_equal ("MessageViewVersion", key)) 
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->message_view_version, "integer");
+		else if (g_str_equal ("CFBundleName", key))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->cf_bundle_name, "string");
+		else if (g_str_equal ("CFBundleIdentifier", key))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->cf_bundle_identifier, "string");
+		else if (g_str_equal ("CFBundleGetInfoString", key))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->cf_bundle_get_info_string, "string");
+		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultFontFamily", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_font_family, "string");
+		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultFontSize", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_font_size, "integer");
+		else if (str_for_key ("ShowsUserIcons", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->shows_user_icons, "boolean");
+		else if (str_for_key ("DisableCombineConsecutive", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->disable_combine_consecutive, "boolean");
+		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultBackgroundIsTransparent", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_background_is_transparent, "boolean");
+		else if (str_for_key ("DisableCustomBackground", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->disable_custom_background, "boolean");
+		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultBackgroundColor", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_background_color, "string");
+		else if (str_for_key ("AllowTextColors", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->allow_text_colors, "string");
+		else if (str_for_key ("ImageMask", key, variant))
+			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->image_mask, "string");
+		g_free (key);
+		if (!pr) break; /* does not make sense */
+	}
+	xmlnode_free (plist);
+pidgin_message_style_load (const char* styledir)
+	/*
+	 * the loading process described:
+	 *
+	 * First we load all the style .html files, etc.
+	 * The we load any config options that have been stored for
+	 * this variant.
+	 * Then we load the Info.plist, for the currently decided variant.
+	 * At this point, if we find that variants exist, yet
+	 * we don't have a variant selected, we choose DefaultVariant
+	 * and if that does not exist, we choose the first one in the
+	 * directory.
+	 */
+	/* is this style already loaded? */
+	GList  *cur = style_list;
+	char   *file; /* temporary variable */
+	PidginMessageStyle *style = NULL;
+	g_assert (styledir);
+	for (cur = style_list; cur; cur = g_list_next (cur)) {
+		style = (PidginMessageStyle*) cur->data;
+		if (g_str_equal (styledir, style->style_dir)) {
+			style->ref_counter++;
+			return style;
+		}
+	}
+	/* else we need to load it */
+	style = pidgin_message_style_new (styledir);
+	/* load all other files */
+	/* The template path can either come from the theme, or can
+	 * be stock Template.html that comes with the plugin */
+	style->template_path = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Template.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_test(style->template_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
+		g_free (style->template_path);
+		style->template_path = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pidgin", "webkit", "Template.html", NULL);
+	}
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(style->template_path, &style->template_html, NULL, NULL)) {
+		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
+		purple_debug_error ("webkit", "Could not locate a Template.html\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Status.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->status_html, NULL, NULL)) {
+		purple_debug_info ("webkit", "%s could not find Resources/Status.html", styledir);
+		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
+		g_free (file);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	g_free (file);
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "main.css", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->basestyle_css, NULL, NULL))
+		style->basestyle_css = g_strdup ("");
+	g_free (file);
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Header.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->header_html, NULL, NULL))
+		style->header_html = g_strdup ("");
+	g_free (file);
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Footer.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->footer_html, NULL, NULL))
+		style->footer_html = g_strdup ("");
+	g_free (file);
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Incoming", "Content.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->incoming_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
+		purple_debug_info ("webkit", "%s did not have a Incoming/Content.html\n", styledir);
+		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
+		g_free (file);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	g_free (file);
+	/* according to the spec, the following are optional files */
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Incoming", "NextContent.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->incoming_next_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
+		style->incoming_next_content_html = g_strdup (style->incoming_content_html);
+	}
+	g_free (file);
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Outgoing", "Content.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->outgoing_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
+		style->outgoing_content_html = g_strdup(style->incoming_content_html);
+	}
+	g_free (file);
+	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Outgoing", "NextContent.html", NULL);
+	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->outgoing_next_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
+		style->outgoing_next_content_html = g_strdup (style->outgoing_content_html);
+	}
+	pidgin_message_style_load_state (style);
+	pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (style, style->variant);
+	/* non variant dependent Info.plist checks */
+	if (style->message_view_version < 3) {
+		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (!style->variant)
+	{
+		GList *variants = pidgin_message_style_get_variants (style);
+		if (variants)
+			pidgin_message_style_set_variant (style, variants->data);
+		glist_free_all_string (variants);
+		pidgin_message_style_save_state (style);
+	}
+	return style;
+pidgin_message_style_set_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char *variant)
+	/* I'm not going to test whether this variant is valid! */
+	g_free (style->variant);
+	style->variant = g_strdup (variant);
+	pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (style, variant);
+	pidgin_message_style_save_state (style);
+	/* todo, the style has "changed". Ideally, I would like to use signals at this point. */
+char* pidgin_message_style_get_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style)
+	return g_strdup (style->variant);
+ * Get a list of variants supported by the style.
+ */
+pidgin_message_style_get_variants (PidginMessageStyle *style) 
+	GList *ret = NULL;
+        GDir *variants;
+	const char *css_file;
+	char *css;
+	char *variant_dir;
+	g_assert (style->style_dir);
+	variant_dir = g_build_filename(style->style_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "Variants", NULL);
+	variants = g_dir_open(variant_dir, 0, NULL);
+	if (!variants) return NULL;
+	while ((css_file = g_dir_read_name(variants)) != NULL) {
+		if (!g_str_has_suffix (css_file, ".css"))
+			continue;
+		css = g_strndup (css_file, strlen (css_file) - 4);
+		ret = g_list_append(ret, css);
+	}
+	g_dir_close(variants);
+	g_free(variant_dir);
+	ret = g_list_sort (ret, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0);
+	return ret;	
+char* pidgin_message_style_get_css (PidginMessageStyle *style)
+	if (!style->variant) {
+		return g_build_filename (style->style_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "main.css", NULL);
+	} else {
+		char *file = g_strdup_printf ("%s.css", style->variant);
+		char *ret = g_build_filename (style->style_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "Variants",  file, NULL);
+		g_free (file);
+		return ret;
+	}
--- pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/message-style.h	23d4982b98e318e23a25f68b980bfe795802d91d
+++ pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/message-style.h	23d4982b98e318e23a25f68b980bfe795802d91d
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include <glib.h>
+ * I'm going to allow a different style for each PidginConversation.
+ * This way I can do two things: 1) change the theme on the fly and not
+ * change existing themes, and 2) Use a different theme for IMs and
+ * chats.
+ */
+typedef struct _PidginMessageStyle {
+	int     ref_counter;
+	/* current config options */
+	char     *variant; /* allowed to be NULL if there are no variants */
+	gboolean show_user_icons;
+	/* Info.plist keys */
+	int      message_view_version;
+	char     *cf_bundle_name;
+	char     *cf_bundle_identifier;
+	char     *cf_bundle_get_info_string;
+	char     *default_font_family;
+	int      default_font_size;
+	gboolean shows_user_icons;
+	gboolean disable_combine_consecutive;
+	gboolean default_background_is_transparent;
+	gboolean disable_custom_background;
+	char     *default_background_color;
+	gboolean allow_text_colors;
+	char     *image_mask;
+	/* paths */
+	char    *style_dir;
+	char    *template_path;
+	/* caches */
+	char    *template_html;
+	char    *header_html;
+	char    *footer_html;
+	char    *incoming_content_html;
+	char    *outgoing_content_html;
+	char    *incoming_next_content_html;
+	char    *outgoing_next_content_html;
+	char    *status_html;
+	char    *basestyle_css;
+} PidginMessageStyle;
+PidginMessageStyle* pidgin_message_style_load (const char* styledir);
+void pidgin_message_style_unref (PidginMessageStyle *style);
+void pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char* variant);
+char* pidgin_message_style_get_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style);
+GList* pidgin_message_style_get_variants (PidginMessageStyle *style);
+void pidgin_message_style_set_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char *variant);
+char* pidgin_message_style_get_css (PidginMessageStyle *style);
--- pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/	0883764fd5d60c6ed8a8ee844fa3457059d846ea
+++ pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/	e3fae82701a63d828eaa29c4bc27494fbd870c01
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ webkit_LTLIBRARIES =
-webkit_la_SOURCES = webkit.c
+webkit_la_SOURCES = webkit.c \
+	message-style.h \
+	message-style.c
--- pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/webkit.c	ffc0d3e499437d65b41414c69ec2e56baf0f74d4
+++ pidgin/plugins/adiumthemes/webkit.c	17118b34f28156438c9157c6323294f3d7d2d997
@@ -50,74 +50,14 @@
 #include <smileyparser.h>
 #include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
+#include "message-style.h"
 /* GObject data keys */
 #define MESSAGE_STYLE_KEY "message-style"
- * I'm going to allow a different style for each PidginConversation.
- * This way I can do two things: 1) change the theme on the fly and not
- * change existing themes, and 2) Use a different theme for IMs and
- * chats.
- */
-typedef struct _PidginMessageStyle {
-	int     ref_counter;
-	/* current config options */
-	char     *variant; /* allowed to be NULL if there are no variants */
-	char     *bg_color;
-	/* Info.plist keys */
-	int      message_view_version;
-	char     *cf_bundle_name;
-	char     *cf_bundle_identifier;
-	char     *cf_bundle_get_info_string;
-	char     *default_font_family;
-	int      default_font_size;
-	gboolean shows_user_icons;
-	gboolean disable_combine_consecutive;
-	gboolean default_background_is_transparent;
-	gboolean disable_custom_background;
-	char     *default_background_color;
-	gboolean allow_text_colors;
-	char     *image_mask;
-	/* paths */
-	char    *style_dir;
-	char    *template_path;
-	/* caches */
-	char    *template_html;
-	char    *header_html;
-	char    *footer_html;
-	char    *incoming_content_html;
-	char    *outgoing_content_html;
-	char    *incoming_next_content_html;
-	char    *outgoing_next_content_html;
-	char    *status_html;
-	char    *basestyle_css;
-} PidginMessageStyle;
-static GList *style_list; /**< List of PidginMessageStyles */
 static char  *cur_style_dir = NULL;
 static void  *handle = NULL;
-static PidginMessageStyle* pidgin_message_style_new (const char* styledir);
-static PidginMessageStyle* pidgin_message_style_load (const char* styledir);
-static void pidgin_message_style_unref (PidginMessageStyle *style);
-static void pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char* variant);
-static char* pidgin_message_style_get_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style);
-static GList* pidgin_message_style_get_variants (PidginMessageStyle *style);
-static void pidgin_message_style_set_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char *variant);
-static void
-glist_free_all_string (GList *list)
-	GList *first = list;
-	for (; list; list = g_list_next (list)) 
-		g_free (list->data);
-	g_list_free (first);
 static inline char* get_absolute_path (const char *path)
 	if (g_path_is_absolute (path)) return g_strdup (path);
@@ -129,393 +69,17 @@ static inline char* get_absolute_path (c
-static PidginMessageStyle* pidgin_message_style_new (const char* styledir)
-	PidginMessageStyle* ret = g_new0 (PidginMessageStyle, 1);
-	GList *iter;
-	/* sanity check */
-	for (iter = style_list; iter; iter = g_list_next (iter))
-	  g_assert (!g_str_equal (((PidginMessageStyle*)iter->data)->style_dir, styledir));
-	ret->ref_counter = 1;
-	ret->style_dir = g_strdup (styledir);
-	style_list = g_list_append (style_list, ret);
-	return ret;
- * deallocate any memory used for info.plist options 
- */
 static void
-pidgin_message_style_unset_info_plist (PidginMessageStyle *style)
+glist_free_all_string (GList *list)
-	style->message_view_version = 0;
-	g_free (style->cf_bundle_name);
-	style->cf_bundle_name = NULL;
-	g_free (style->cf_bundle_identifier);
-	style->cf_bundle_identifier = NULL;
-	g_free (style->cf_bundle_get_info_string);
-	style->cf_bundle_get_info_string = NULL;
-	g_free (style->default_font_family);
-	style->default_font_family = NULL;
-	style->default_font_size = 0;
-	style->shows_user_icons = TRUE;
-	style->disable_combine_consecutive = FALSE;
-	style->default_background_is_transparent = FALSE;
-	style->disable_custom_background = FALSE;
-	g_free (style->default_background_color);
-	style->default_background_color = NULL;
-	style->allow_text_colors = TRUE;
-	g_free (style->image_mask);
-	style->image_mask = NULL;
+	GList *first = list;
+	for (; list; list = g_list_next (list)) 
+		g_free (list->data);
+	g_list_free (first);
-static void pidgin_message_style_unref (PidginMessageStyle *style)
-	if (!style) return;
-	g_assert (style->ref_counter > 0);
-	style->ref_counter--;
-	if (style->ref_counter) return;
-	g_free (style->style_dir);
-	g_free (style->template_path);
-	g_free (style->template_html);
-	g_free (style->incoming_content_html);
-	g_free (style->outgoing_content_html);
-	g_free (style->outgoing_next_content_html);
-	g_free (style->status_html);
-	g_free (style->basestyle_css);
-	style_list = g_list_remove (style_list, style);
-	g_free (style);
-	pidgin_message_style_unset_info_plist (style);
-static void
-pidgin_message_style_save_state (PidginMessageStyle *style)
-	char *prefname = g_strdup_printf ("/plugins/gtk/adiumthemes/%s", style->cf_bundle_identifier);
-	char *variant = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", prefname, style->variant);
-	purple_prefs_add_none (prefname);
-	purple_prefs_add_string (variant, "");
-	purple_prefs_set_string (variant, style->variant);
-	g_free (prefname);
-	g_free (variant);
-static void
-pidgin_message_style_load_state (PidginMessageStyle *style)
-	char *prefname = g_strdup_printf ("/plugins/gtk/adiumthemes/%s", style->cf_bundle_identifier);
-	char *variant = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", prefname, style->variant);
-	const char* value = purple_prefs_get_string (variant);
-	gboolean changed = !style->variant || !g_str_equal (style->variant, value);
-	g_free (style->variant);
-	style->variant = g_strdup (value);
-	if (changed) pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (style, style->variant);
-	g_free (prefname);
-	g_free(variant);
 static void webkit_on_webview_destroy (GtkObject* obj, gpointer data);
-static gboolean
-parse_info_plist_key_value (xmlnode* key, gpointer destination, const char* expected)
-	xmlnode *val = key->next;
-	for (; val && val->type != XMLNODE_TYPE_TAG; val = val->next);
-	if (!val) return FALSE;
-	if (expected == NULL || g_str_equal (expected, "string")) {
-		char** dest = (char**) destination;
-		if (!g_str_equal (val->name, BAD_CAST "string")) return FALSE;
-		if (*dest) g_free (*dest);
-		*dest = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped (val);
-	} else if (g_str_equal (expected, "integer")) {
-		int* dest = (int*) destination;
-		char* value = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped (val);
-		if (!g_str_equal (val->name, "integer")) return FALSE;
-		*dest = atoi (value);
-		g_free (value);
-	} else if (g_str_equal (expected, "boolean")) {
-		gboolean *dest = (gboolean*) destination;
-		if (g_str_equal (val->name, BAD_CAST "true")) *dest = TRUE;
-		else if (g_str_equal (val->name, BAD_CAST "false")) *dest = FALSE;
-		else return FALSE;
-	} else return FALSE;
-	return TRUE;
-gboolean str_for_key (const char *key, const char *found, const char *variant){
-	if (g_str_equal (key, found)) return TRUE;
-	if (!variant) return FALSE;
-	return (g_str_has_prefix (found, key) 
-		&& g_str_has_suffix (found, variant)
-		&& strlen (found) == strlen (key) + strlen (variant) + 1);
- * Info.plist should be re-read every time the variant changes, this is because
- * the keys that take precedence depend on the value of the current variant.
- */
-static void
-pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char* variant)
-	/* note that if a variant is used the option:VARIANTNAME takes precedence */
-	char *contents = g_build_filename (style->style_dir, "Contents", NULL);
-	xmlnode *plist = xmlnode_from_file (contents, "Info.plist", "Info.plist", "webkit"), *iter;
-	xmlnode *dict = xmlnode_get_child (plist, "dict");
-	g_assert (dict);
-	for (iter = xmlnode_get_child (dict, "key"); iter; iter = xmlnode_get_next_twin (iter)) {
-		char* key = xmlnode_get_data_unescaped (iter);
-		gboolean pr = TRUE;
-		if (g_str_equal ("MessageViewVersion", key)) 
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->message_view_version, "integer");
-		else if (g_str_equal ("CFBundleName", key))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->cf_bundle_name, "string");
-		else if (g_str_equal ("CFBundleIdentifier", key))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->cf_bundle_identifier, "string");
-		else if (g_str_equal ("CFBundleGetInfoString", key))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->cf_bundle_get_info_string, "string");
-		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultFontFamily", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_font_family, "string");
-		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultFontSize", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_font_size, "integer");
-		else if (str_for_key ("ShowsUserIcons", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->shows_user_icons, "boolean");
-		else if (str_for_key ("DisableCombineConsecutive", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->disable_combine_consecutive, "boolean");
-		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultBackgroundIsTransparent", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_background_is_transparent, "boolean");
-		else if (str_for_key ("DisableCustomBackground", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->disable_custom_background, "boolean");
-		else if (str_for_key ("DefaultBackgroundColor", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->default_background_color, "string");
-		else if (str_for_key ("AllowTextColors", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->allow_text_colors, "string");
-		else if (str_for_key ("ImageMask", key, variant))
-			pr = parse_info_plist_key_value (iter, &style->image_mask, "string");
-		g_free (key);
-		if (!pr) break; /* does not make sense */
-	}
-	xmlnode_free (plist);
-static PidginMessageStyle*
-pidgin_message_style_load (const char* styledir)
-	/*
-	 * the loading process described:
-	 *
-	 * First we load all the style .html files, etc.
-	 * The we load any config options that have been stored for
-	 * this variant.
-	 * Then we load the Info.plist, for the currently decided variant.
-	 * At this point, if we find that variants exist, yet
-	 * we don't have a variant selected, we choose DefaultVariant
-	 * and if that does not exist, we choose the first one in the
-	 * directory.
-	 */
-	/* is this style already loaded? */
-	GList  *cur = style_list;
-	char   *file; /* temporary variable */
-	PidginMessageStyle *style = NULL;
-	g_assert (styledir);
-	for (cur = style_list; cur; cur = g_list_next (cur)) {
-		style = (PidginMessageStyle*) cur->data;
-		if (g_str_equal (styledir, style->style_dir)) {
-			style->ref_counter++;
-			return style;
-		}
-	}
-	/* else we need to load it */
-	style = pidgin_message_style_new (styledir);
-	/* load all other files */
-	/* The template path can either come from the theme, or can
-	 * be stock Template.html that comes with the plugin */
-	style->template_path = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Template.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_test(style->template_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
-		g_free (style->template_path);
-		style->template_path = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pidgin", "webkit", "Template.html", NULL);
-	}
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(style->template_path, &style->template_html, NULL, NULL)) {
-		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
-		purple_debug_error ("webkit", "Could not locate a Template.html\n");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Status.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->status_html, NULL, NULL)) {
-		purple_debug_info ("webkit", "%s could not find Resources/Status.html", styledir);
-		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
-		g_free (file);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	g_free (file);
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "main.css", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->basestyle_css, NULL, NULL))
-		style->basestyle_css = g_strdup ("");
-	g_free (file);
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Header.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->header_html, NULL, NULL))
-		style->header_html = g_strdup ("");
-	g_free (file);
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Footer.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->footer_html, NULL, NULL))
-		style->footer_html = g_strdup ("");
-	g_free (file);
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Incoming", "Content.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->incoming_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
-		purple_debug_info ("webkit", "%s did not have a Incoming/Content.html\n", styledir);
-		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
-		g_free (file);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	g_free (file);
-	/* according to the spec, the following are optional files */
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Incoming", "NextContent.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->incoming_next_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
-		style->incoming_next_content_html = g_strdup (style->incoming_content_html);
-	}
-	g_free (file);
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Outgoing", "Content.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->outgoing_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
-		style->outgoing_content_html = g_strdup(style->incoming_content_html);
-	}
-	g_free (file);
-	file = g_build_filename(styledir, "Contents", "Resources", "Outgoing", "NextContent.html", NULL);
-	if (!g_file_get_contents(file, &style->outgoing_next_content_html, NULL, NULL)) {
-		style->outgoing_next_content_html = g_strdup (style->outgoing_content_html);
-	}
-	pidgin_message_style_load_state (style);
-	pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (style, style->variant);
-	/* non variant dependent Info.plist checks */
-	if (style->message_view_version < 3) {
-		pidgin_message_style_unref (style);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (!style->variant)
-	{
-		GList *variants = pidgin_message_style_get_variants (style);
-		if (variants)
-			pidgin_message_style_set_variant (style, variants->data);
-		glist_free_all_string (variants);
-		pidgin_message_style_save_state (style);
-	}
-	return style;
-static void
-pidgin_message_style_set_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style, const char *variant)
-	/* I'm not going to test whether this variant is valid! */
-	g_free (style->variant);
-	style->variant = g_strdup (variant);
-	pidgin_message_style_read_info_plist (style, variant);
-	pidgin_message_style_save_state (style);
-	/* todo, the style has "changed". Ideally, I would like to use signals at this point. */
-char* pidgin_message_style_get_variant (PidginMessageStyle *style)
-	return g_strdup (style->variant);
- * Get a list of variants supported by the style.
- */
-static GList*
-pidgin_message_style_get_variants (PidginMessageStyle *style) 
-	GList *ret = NULL;
-        GDir *variants;
-	const char *css_file;
-	char *css;
-	char *variant_dir;
-	g_assert (style->style_dir);
-	variant_dir = g_build_filename(style->style_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "Variants", NULL);
-	variants = g_dir_open(variant_dir, 0, NULL);
-	if (!variants) return NULL;
-	while ((css_file = g_dir_read_name(variants)) != NULL) {
-		if (!g_str_has_suffix (css_file, ".css"))
-			continue;
-		css = g_strndup (css_file, strlen (css_file) - 4);
-		ret = g_list_append(ret, css);
-	}
-	g_dir_close(variants);
-	g_free(variant_dir);
-	ret = g_list_sort (ret, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0);
-	return ret;	
-static char* pidgin_message_style_get_css (PidginMessageStyle *style)
-	if (!style->variant) {
-		return g_build_filename (style->style_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "main.css", NULL);
-	} else {
-		char *file = g_strdup_printf ("%s.css", style->variant);
-		char *ret = g_build_filename (style->style_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "Variants",  file, NULL);
-		g_free (file);
-		return ret;
-	}
 static void* webkit_plugin_get_handle ()
 	if (handle) return handle;

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