pidgin: b5c22753: A semi-random collection of English spel...

qulogic at qulogic at
Sat Jul 4 04:00:53 EDT 2009

Revision: b5c22753df947a633375026b7e424152cb435539
Ancestor: f8d9ae1a64e0c911b14e3f8ff530540374dfeac1
Author: qulogic at
Date: 2009-07-04T06:44:39
Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin

Modified files:
        doc/connection-signals.dox libpurple/plugins/offlinemsg.c
        libpurple/protocols/qq/send_file.c pidgin/gtkcertmgr.c
        pidgin/gtkimhtml.c pidgin/gtkutils.c


A semi-random collection of English spelling and grammatical changes.

-------------- next part --------------
--- doc/connection-signals.dox	35ad01224b6e9750f41f0782aae925ed2c8c56e1
+++ doc/connection-signals.dox	0fc6ad225dbc7c7d1a023790c315e8a58a9fcd3f
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ void (*connection_error)(PurpleConnectio
    Emitted when a connection error occurs, before @ref signed-off.
-   @param gc     The connection on which the error has occured
-   @param err    The error that occured
+   @param gc     The connection on which the error has occurred
+   @param err    The error that occurred
    @param desc   A description of the error, giving more information.
--- libpurple/plugins/offlinemsg.c	f5a47051e8620a47b09a386772d6a1ad0ee35d17
+++ libpurple/plugins/offlinemsg.c	6dab62aba4d2bce7233fa239b1541415be2a517c
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ record_pounce(OfflineMsg *offline)
 	conv = offline->conv;
 	if (!purple_conversation_get_data(conv, "plugin_pack:offlinemsg"))
 		purple_conversation_write(conv, NULL, _("The rest of the messages will be saved "
-							"as pounce. You can edit/delete the pounce from the `Buddy "
+							"as pounces. You can edit/delete the pounce from the `Buddy "
 							"Pounce' dialog."),
 	purple_conversation_set_data(conv, "plugin_pack:offlinemsg",
--- libpurple/protocols/jabber/jabber.c	7909c8ea5ac269638ce27f9f5c70b816bfd1df6a
+++ libpurple/protocols/jabber/jabber.c	7faa26803fe9da9c99d9485cda6372ef8b10f1ea
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ jabber_registration_result_cb(JabberStre
 	if (type == JABBER_IQ_RESULT) {
 		if(js->registration) {
-		buf = g_strdup_printf(_("Registration of %s@%s successful"),
+			buf = g_strdup_printf(_("Registration of %s@%s successful"),
 				js->user->node, js->user->domain);
 				(account->registration_cb)(account, TRUE, account->registration_cb_user_data);
--- libpurple/protocols/jabber/si.c	d84149e9c34f10d65b45b45bf56e50ee3819ada0
+++ libpurple/protocols/jabber/si.c	439ed38edcc5e128fc7deaadbf0e6139d7614020
@@ -976,10 +976,10 @@ jabber_si_xfer_ibb_error_cb(JabberIBBSes
 	PurpleConnection *gc = js->gc;
 	PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(gc);
-	purple_debug_error("jabber", "an error occured during IBB file transfer\n");
+	purple_debug_error("jabber", "an error occurred during IBB file transfer\n");
 	purple_xfer_error(purple_xfer_get_type(xfer), account,
-			_("An error occured on the in-band bytestream transfer\n"));
+			_("An error occurred on the in-band bytestream transfer\n"));
--- libpurple/protocols/novell/novell.c	f08f2b635cca16999186a789722f3636d8815b84
+++ libpurple/protocols/novell/novell.c	33f13bbfe828a17435d90b943a07875d020c5b22
@@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@ novell_login(PurpleAccount * account)
 		purple_connection_error_reason (gc,
 			_("Unable to connect to server. Please enter the "
-			  "address of the server you wish to connect to."));
+			  "address of the server to which you wish to connect."));
--- libpurple/protocols/qq/send_file.c	02e24cf61b60b5ca51425bb2155f42772ae75bdc
+++ libpurple/protocols/qq/send_file.c	65da36a758c08a92710d7cac6bf34c2d490ee252
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ static void _qq_xfer_recv_packet(gpointe
 	gint size;
 	/* FIXME: It seems that the transfer never use a packet
 	 * larger than 1500 bytes, so if it happened to be a
-	 * larger packet, either error occured or protocol should
+	 * larger packet, either error occurred or protocol should
 	 * be modified
 	ft_info *info;
--- pidgin/gtkcertmgr.c	c061fa9493ea3cd74b977496a62d5c49e59d4d0f
+++ pidgin/gtkcertmgr.c	3674d143f8aad533d43076c27bbb06ba72c0afa0
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ tls_peers_mgmt_import_ok_cb(gpointer dat
 				     _("Certificate Import"),
 				     _("Specify a hostname"),
-				     _("Type the host name this certificate is for."),
+				     _("Type the host name for this certificate."),
 				     FALSE, /* Not multiline */
 				     FALSE, /* Not masked? */
--- pidgin/gtkimhtml.c	f357efb8979db5d0fe1608958681ea31c8ccfc1a
+++ pidgin/gtkimhtml.c	7cd12524ee7ca8d20e19c2cff67987348cd04f14
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ static void gtk_imhtml_class_init (GtkIM
 	                                        GDK_TYPE_COLOR, G_PARAM_READABLE));
 	gtk_widget_class_install_style_property(widget_class, g_param_spec_boxed("hyperlink-visited-color",
 	                                        _("Hyperlink visited color"),
-	                                        _("Color to draw hyperlinks after it has been visited (or activated)."),
+	                                        _("Color to draw hyperlink after it has been visited (or activated)."),
 	                                        GDK_TYPE_COLOR, G_PARAM_READABLE));
 	gtk_widget_class_install_style_property(widget_class, g_param_spec_boxed("hyperlink-prelight-color",
 	                                        _("Hyperlink prelight color"),
@@ -1573,11 +1573,11 @@ static void gtk_imhtml_class_init (GtkIM
 	                                        GDK_TYPE_COLOR, G_PARAM_READABLE));
 	gtk_widget_class_install_style_property(widget_class, g_param_spec_boxed("whisper-action-name-color",
 	                                        _("Action Message Name Color for Whispered Message"),
-	                                        _("Color to draw the name of an action message."),
+	                                        _("Color to draw the name of a whispered action message."),
 	                                        GDK_TYPE_COLOR, G_PARAM_READABLE));
 	gtk_widget_class_install_style_property(widget_class, g_param_spec_boxed("whisper-name-color",
 	                                        _("Whisper Message Name Color"),
-	                                        _("Color to draw the name of an action message."),
+	                                        _("Color to draw the name of a whispered message."),
 	                                        GDK_TYPE_COLOR, G_PARAM_READABLE));
 	/* Customizable typing notification ... sort of. Example:
@@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@ static void gtk_imhtml_class_init (GtkIM
 	gtk_widget_class_install_style_property(widget_class, g_param_spec_boxed("typing-notification-color",
 	                                        _("Typing notification color"),
-	                                        _("The color to use for the typing notification font"),
+	                                        _("The color to use for the typing notification"),
 	                                        GDK_TYPE_COLOR, G_PARAM_READABLE));
 	gtk_widget_class_install_style_property(widget_class, g_param_spec_string("typing-notification-font",
 	                                        _("Typing notification font"),
--- pidgin/gtkutils.c	1830f376340273a9e88aa814def447150855abe2
+++ pidgin/gtkutils.c	372f8890135c07794106e97afcf9f8c08ccfbada
@@ -1677,9 +1677,11 @@ pidgin_dnd_file_manage(GtkSelectionData 
 				 * send.  The only logical one is "Application," but do we really want to send a binary and nothing else?
 				 * Probably not.  I'll just give an error and return. */
 				/* The original patch sent the icon used by the launcher.  That's probably wrong */
-				purple_notify_error(NULL, NULL, _("Cannot send launcher"), _("You dragged a desktop launcher. "
-											   "Most likely you wanted to send whatever this launcher points to instead of this launcher"
-											   " itself."));
+				purple_notify_error(NULL, NULL, _("Cannot send launcher"),
+				                    _("You dragged a desktop launcher. Most "
+				                      "likely you wanted to send the target "
+				                      "of this launcher instead of this "
+				                      "launcher itself."));
--- pidgin/plugins/musicmessaging/musicmessaging.c	34f80aa9155433618e769dbce3930186684798da
+++ pidgin/plugins/musicmessaging/musicmessaging.c	fa27cdfa57f3b551c7e50e15856573ac178d8913
@@ -684,7 +684,8 @@ static PurplePluginInfo info = {
     DISPLAY_VERSION,                                     /**< version        */
     N_("Music Messaging Plugin for collaborative composition."),
                                                          /**  summary        */
-    N_("The Music Messaging Plugin allows a number of users to simultaneously work on a piece of music by editting a common score in real-time."),
+    N_("The Music Messaging Plugin allows a number of users to simultaneously "
+       "work on a piece of music by editing a common score in real-time."),
 	                                                 /**  description    */
     "Christian Muise <christian.muise at>",       /**< author         */
     PURPLE_WEBSITE,                                        /**< homepage       */
--- pidgin/plugins/sendbutton.c	abedaeb186be86dfdef9ffe4b8ebb55af87a6a73
+++ pidgin/plugins/sendbutton.c	2b824c7a380aeab08a5c648d5ac6c31ff3e3dcf3
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ static PurplePluginInfo info =
 	DISPLAY_VERSION,                                /**< version */
 	N_("Conversation Window Send Button."),         /**< summary */
 	N_("Adds a Send button to the entry area of "
-	   "the conversation window. Intended for when "
-	   "no physical keyboard is present."),         /**< description */
+	   "the conversation window. Intended for use "
+	   "when no physical keyboard is present."),    /**< description */
 	"Etan Reisner <deryni at>",              /**< author */
 	PURPLE_WEBSITE,                                 /**< homepage */
 	plugin_load,                                    /**< load */
--- pidgin/plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c	4805c2403b1161a05489374783d5bcfd7a68644b
+++ pidgin/plugins/win32/winprefs/winprefs.c	7068ddae2a4497d44ee729d46fe5d660ecc8b3fc
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ static PurplePluginInfo info =
 	N_("Windows Pidgin Options"),
 	N_("Options specific to Pidgin for Windows."),
-	N_("Provides options specific to Pidgin for Windows , such as buddy list docking."),
+	N_("Provides options specific to Pidgin for Windows, such as buddy list docking."),
 	"Herman Bloggs <hermanator12002 at>",

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