pidgin: dca32611: oscar: Fix the parsing code from ichatba...

darkrain42 at darkrain42 at
Sat Nov 28 20:57:07 EST 2009

Revision: dca326117c63899086cbb34178d48ec19c767111
Ancestor: 5471a4305312ead74567c9099c837adcbebb640c
Author: darkrain42 at
Date: 2009-11-29T01:50:36
Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin

Modified files:
        ChangeLog libpurple/protocols/oscar/oscar.c


oscar: Fix the parsing code from ichatballooncolors that broke receiving markup in 2.6.2.

This also fixes the horrendous AIM Blast markup syntax.  Closes #10234.

-------------- next part --------------
--- ChangeLog	df5e36c21ff0f2d7dfa41793abe40df89d1a6601
+++ ChangeLog	7e0ac393d8f4ac5d0bcf45d6480a39bc6db148ea
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ version 2.6.4 (??/??/20??):
 	* The simultaneous login account option is respected when using
 	  the clientLogin authentication method.
 	* Fix offline message retrieval (broken in 2.6.3)
+	* Fix handling of markup on some messages (broken in 2.6.2)
 	* Fix SSL when clientLogin is enabled.
 	* Fix sending and receiving Unicode characters in a Direct IM
--- libpurple/protocols/oscar/oscar.c	47bf0894561dc277e644876b82685ac8e663b9a0
+++ libpurple/protocols/oscar/oscar.c	841d5ffd79863ad73b63ef2bff4a816d977e0b71
@@ -2461,44 +2461,83 @@ static int incomingim_chan1(OscarData *o
 	if (purple_markup_find_tag("body", tmp, &start, &end, &attribs))
+		int len;
+		char *tmp2, *body;
 		const char *ichattextcolor, *ichatballooncolor;
-		const char *start2, *end2;
+		const char *slash_body_start, *slash_body_end = NULL; /* </body> */
 		GData *unused;
 		 * Find the ending </body> so we can strip off the outer <html/>
 		 * and <body/>
-		if (purple_markup_find_tag("/body", end + 1, &start2, &end2, &unused))
+		if (purple_markup_find_tag("/body", end + 1, &slash_body_start, &slash_body_end, &unused))
-			gchar *tmp2;
-			tmp2 = g_strndup(end + 1, (start2 - 1) - (end + 1) + 1);
-			g_free(tmp);
-			tmp = tmp2;
+			body = g_strndup(start, slash_body_end - start + 1);
+		else
+		{
+			purple_debug_warning("oscar", "Broken message contains <body> but not </body>!\n");
+			/* Take everything after <body> */
+			body = g_strdup(start);
+		}
 		ichattextcolor = g_datalist_get_data(&attribs, "ichattextcolor");
 		if (ichattextcolor != NULL)
-			gchar *tmp2;
-			tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("<font color=\"%s\">%s</font>", ichattextcolor, tmp);
-			g_free(tmp);
-			tmp = tmp2;
+			tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("<font color=\"%s\">%s</font>", ichattextcolor, body);
+			g_free(body);
+			body = tmp2;
 		ichatballooncolor = g_datalist_get_data(&attribs, "ichatballooncolor");
 		if (ichatballooncolor != NULL)
-			gchar *tmp2;
-			tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("<font back=\"%s\">%s</font>", ichatballooncolor, tmp);
-			g_free(tmp);
-			tmp = tmp2;
+			tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("<font back=\"%s\">%s</font>", ichatballooncolor, body);
+			g_free(body);
+			body = tmp2;
+		len = start - tmp;
+		tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%.*s%s%s", len, tmp, body, slash_body_end ? slash_body_end + 1: "</body>");
+		g_free(tmp);
+		g_free(body);
+		tmp = tmp2;
+	/*
+	 * Are there <html/> surrounding tags? If so, strip them out, too.
+	 */
+	if (purple_markup_find_tag("html", tmp, &start, &end, &attribs))
+	{
+		gchar *tmp2;
+		int len;
+		g_datalist_clear(&attribs);
+		len = start - tmp;
+		tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%.*s%s", len, tmp, end + 1);
+		g_free(tmp);
+		tmp = tmp2;
+	}
+	if (purple_markup_find_tag("/html", tmp, &start, &end, &attribs))
+	{
+		gchar *tmp2;
+		int len;
+		g_datalist_clear(&attribs);
+		len = start - tmp;
+		tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%.*s%s", len, tmp, end + 1);
+		g_free(tmp);
+		tmp = tmp2;
+	}
 	serv_got_im(gc, userinfo->bn, tmp, flags,
 			(args->icbmflags & AIM_IMFLAGS_OFFLINE) ? args->timestamp : time(NULL));

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