pidgin: 466621b1: Fold the ADL 241 error handler into the ...

qulogic at qulogic at
Fri Oct 30 02:55:57 EDT 2009

Revision: 466621b1494b45efe11f835ff3cb5a647d1da7b6
Ancestor: 66bebc1164ed1151d970f4bc4e634005b2e28b0a
Author: qulogic at
Date: 2009-10-30T02:50:07
Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin

Modified files:


Fold the ADL 241 error handler into the base ADL error handler since it
technically would catch any "241" regardless of whether it was triggered by
an ADL.

-------------- next part --------------
--- libpurple/protocols/msn/notification.c	80512791a9fc80131a38d0dc385ce13db370c8fb
+++ libpurple/protocols/msn/notification.c	71f8d1c7c22302cc663d62ed5c1372e994a2d759
@@ -840,17 +840,48 @@ adl_error_parse(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, Msn
 	MsnSession *session;
 	PurpleAccount *account;
 	PurpleConnection *gc;
-	char *adl = g_strndup(payload, len);
-	char *reason = g_strdup_printf(_("Unknown error (%d): %s"),
-		GPOINTER_TO_INT(cmd->payload_cbdata), adl);
-	g_free(adl);
+	int error = GPOINTER_TO_INT(cmd->payload_cbdata);
 	session = cmdproc->session;
 	account = session->account;
 	gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
-	purple_notify_error(gc, NULL, _("Unable to add user"), reason);
-	g_free(reason);
+	if (error == 241) {
+		/* khc: some googling suggests that error 241 means the buddy is somehow
+		   in the local list, but not the server list, and that we should add
+		   those buddies to the addressbook. For now I will just notify the user
+		   about the raw payload, because I am lazy */
+		xmlnode *adl = xmlnode_from_str(payload, len);
+		GString *emails = g_string_new(NULL);
+		xmlnode *domain = xmlnode_get_child(adl, "d");
+		while (domain) {
+			const char *domain_str = xmlnode_get_attrib(domain, "n");
+			xmlnode *contact = xmlnode_get_child(domain, "c");
+			while (contact) {
+				g_string_append_printf(emails, "%s@%s\n",
+					xmlnode_get_attrib(contact, "n"), domain_str);
+				contact = xmlnode_get_next_twin(contact);
+			}
+			domain = xmlnode_get_next_twin(domain);
+		}
+		purple_notify_error(gc, NULL,
+			_("The following users are missing from your addressbook"),
+			emails->str);
+		g_string_free(emails, TRUE);
+		xmlnode_free(adl);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		char *adl = g_strndup(payload, len);
+		char *reason = g_strdup_printf(_("Unknown error (%d): %s"),
+			error, adl);
+		g_free(adl);
+		purple_notify_error(gc, NULL, _("Unable to add user"), reason);
+		g_free(reason);
+	}
 static void
@@ -878,53 +909,6 @@ static void
 static void
-adl_241_error_cmd_post(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd, char *payload,
-	size_t len)
-	/* khc: some googling suggests that error 241 means the buddy is somehow
-	   in the local list, but not the server list, and that we should add
-	   those buddies to the addressbook. For now I will just notify the user
-	   about the raw payload, because I am lazy */
-	MsnSession *session;
-	PurpleAccount *account;
-	PurpleConnection *gc;
-	xmlnode *adl;
-	xmlnode *domain;
-	GString *emails;
-	session = cmdproc->session;
-	account = session->account;
-	gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
-	adl = xmlnode_from_str(payload, len);
-	emails = g_string_new(NULL);
-	domain = xmlnode_get_child(adl, "d");
-	while (domain) {
-		const char *domain_str = xmlnode_get_attrib(domain, "n");
-		xmlnode *contact = xmlnode_get_child(domain, "c");
-		while (contact) {
-			g_string_append_printf(emails, "%s@%s\n",
-				xmlnode_get_attrib(contact, "n"), domain_str);
-			contact = xmlnode_get_next_twin(contact);
-		}
-		domain = xmlnode_get_next_twin(domain);
-	}
-	purple_notify_error(gc, NULL,
-		_("The following users are missing from your addressbook"), emails->str);
-	g_string_free(emails, TRUE);
-	xmlnode_free(adl);
-static void
-adl_241_error_cmd(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd)
-	cmdproc->last_cmd->payload_cb = adl_241_error_cmd_post;
-	cmd->payload_len = atoi(cmd->params[1]);
-static void
 fqy_cmd_post(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd, char *payload,
 			 size_t len)
@@ -2095,8 +2079,6 @@ msn_notification_init(void)
 	msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, "fallback", "XFR", xfr_cmd);
-	msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, NULL, "241", adl_241_error_cmd);
 	msn_table_add_error(cbs_table, "ADL", adl_error);
 	msn_table_add_error(cbs_table, "FQY", fqy_error);
 	msn_table_add_error(cbs_table, "USR", usr_error);

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