pidgin: 6a3e4347: Some improvements to the new CS-via-HTTP...

rekkanoryo at rekkanoryo at
Sat Apr 3 01:11:40 EDT 2010

Revision: 6a3e434792d4a871f84d3a8b6c98952491c3caad
Ancestor: 1a1746f06141d503935b2b6b46108d5119b96915
Author: rekkanoryo at
Date: 2010-04-03T05:09:28
Branch: im.pidgin.pidgin

Modified files:


Some improvements to the new CS-via-HTTP stuff, sparked by Stu's suggestion to
iterate over the entire respose returned from the HTTP GET.

-------------- next part --------------
--- libpurple/protocols/yahoo/libymsg.c	cd664620ade3d4b883d0ef7d81cc37d942d84acf
+++ libpurple/protocols/yahoo/libymsg.c	c77bac81b5360092ad2746ba9698fd8ae7e5ba88
@@ -3512,54 +3512,46 @@ static void yahoo_got_pager_server(Purpl
 	PurpleConnection *gc = yd->gc;
 	PurpleAccount *a = purple_connection_get_account(gc);
 	gchar **strings = NULL, *cs_server = NULL;
-	int port = 0;
+	int port = 0, stringslen = 0;
-	if(error_message != NULL) {
-		purple_debug_error("yahoo", "Login failed.  Unable to retrieve server "
-				"info: %s\n", error_message);
+	if(error_message != NULL || len == 0) {
+		purple_debug_error("yahoo", "Unable to retrieve server info. %"
+				G_GSIZE_FORMAT " bytes retrieved with error message: %s\n", len,
+				error_message ? error_message : "(null)");
 		purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR,
-				_("Unable to retrieve server information"));
-		return;
-	}
+				_("Unable to connect: The server returned an empty response."));
+	} else {
+		strings = g_strsplit(url_text, "\n", -1);
-	if(len == 0) {
-		purple_debug_error("yahoo", "Login failed.  Unable to retrieve server "
-				"info: Server did not return any useful data.\n");
-		purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR,
-				_("Unable to retrieve server information"));
-		return;
-	}
+		if((stringslen = g_strv_length(strings)) > 1) {
+			int i;
-	strings = g_strsplit(url_text, "\n", -1);
-	if(g_strv_length(strings) > 1) {
-		if(g_ascii_strncasecmp(strings[1], "CS_IP_ADDRESS=", 14) == 0) {
-			cs_server = g_strdup(&strings[1][14]);
-			purple_debug_info("yahoo", "Got CS IP address: %s\n", cs_server);
-		} else {
-			purple_debug_error("yahoo", "Login failed.  Unable to retrieve "
-					"server info: The server returned information, but it was "
-					"not in the ""expected format.\n");
+			for(i = 0; i < stringslen; i++) {
+				if(g_ascii_strncasecmp(strings[i], "COLO_CAPACITY=", 14) == 0) {
+					purple_debug_info("yahoo", "Got COLO Capacity: %s\n", &(strings[i][14]));
+				} else if(g_ascii_strncasecmp(strings[i], "CS_IP_ADDRESS=", 14) == 0) {
+					cs_server = g_strdup(&strings[i][14]);
+					purple_debug_info("yahoo", "Got CS IP address: %s\n", cs_server);
+				}
+			}
-	} else {
-		purple_debug_error("yahoo", "Login failed.  Unable to retrieve server "
-				"info: The server returned information, but it was not in the "
-				"expected format.\n");
-	}
-	g_strfreev(strings);
+		if(cs_server) { /* got an address; get on with connecting */
+			port = purple_account_get_int(a, "port", YAHOO_PAGER_PORT);
-	if(cs_server) { /* got an address; get on with connecting */
-		port = purple_account_get_int(a, "port", YAHOO_PAGER_PORT);
-		if(purple_proxy_connect(gc, a, cs_server, port, yahoo_got_connected, gc) == NULL)
+			if(purple_proxy_connect(gc, a, cs_server, port, yahoo_got_connected, gc) == NULL)
+				purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR,
+								_("Unable to connect"));
+		} else {
+			purple_debug_error("yahoo", "No CS address retrieved!  Server "
+					"response:\n%s\n", url_text ? url_text : "(null)");
 			purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR,
-							_("Unable to connect"));
-	} else {
-		purple_connection_error_reason(gc, PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR,
-				_("Unable to retrieve server information"));
+					_("Unable to connect: The server's response did not contain "
+						"the necessary information"));
+		}
+	g_strfreev(strings);

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