pidgin: 5db1106b: Remove purple_util_fetch_url_request_len...

markdoliner at markdoliner at
Sat Aug 20 22:00:33 EDT 2011

Revision: 5db1106bdb10e0920aaff6731e23e01fffe49ecc
Parent:   68526fa8c5358c063c7999b1813f097fb571e42e
Author:   markdoliner at
Date:     08/20/11 21:52:25
Branch:   im.pidgin.pidgin


Remove purple_util_fetch_url_request_len() and change the few places
that used it to use purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account()

Changes against parent 68526fa8c5358c063c7999b1813f097fb571e42e

  patched  libpurple/upnp.c
  patched  libpurple/util.c
  patched  libpurple/util.h
  patched  pidgin/plugins/relnot.c

-------------- next part --------------
--- libpurple/util.c	8854db53f4e6d3162432425aa53ec67163ccf54e
+++ libpurple/util.c	62f1dadd479b069a160bcba2b0894dda4e1ceaea
@@ -4115,17 +4115,6 @@ PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *
 PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *
-purple_util_fetch_url_request_len(const char *url, gboolean full,
-		const char *user_agent, gboolean http11,
-		const char *request, gboolean include_headers, gssize max_len,
-		PurpleUtilFetchUrlCallback callback, void *user_data)
-	return purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(NULL, url, full,
-			user_agent, http11, request, include_headers, max_len, callback,
-			user_data);
-PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *
 purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(PurpleAccount *account,
 		const char *url, gboolean full,	const char *user_agent, gboolean http11,
 		const char *request, gboolean include_headers, gssize max_len,
--- libpurple/util.h	04484bb60ffde1eb2a6d1a51eda3c0848c96b2ef
+++ libpurple/util.h	dbca0be32d84f2c35eb241822fe8fabcc86f99a2
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ typedef void (*PurpleUtilFetchUrlCallbac
  * @deprecated       In 3.0.0, we'll rename this to "purple_util_fetch_url" and get rid of the old one
 #define purple_util_fetch_url_len(url, full, user_agent, http11, max_len, cb, data) \
-	purple_util_fetch_url_request_len(url, full, user_agent, http11, NULL, \
+	purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(NULL, url, full, user_agent, http11, NULL, \
 		FALSE, max_len, cb, data);
@@ -1164,28 +1164,6 @@ PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *purple_util_fetc
  * Fetches the data from a URL, and passes it to a callback function.
- * @param url        The URL.
- * @param full       TRUE if this is the full URL, or FALSE if it's a
- *                   partial URL.
- * @param user_agent The user agent field to use, or NULL.
- * @param http11     TRUE if HTTP/1.1 should be used to download the file.
- * @param request    A HTTP request to send to the server instead of the
- *                   standard GET
- * @param include_headers
- *                   If TRUE, include the HTTP headers in the response.
- * @param max_len    The maximum number of bytes to retrieve (-1 for unlimited)
- * @param callback   The callback function.
- * @param data       The user data to pass to the callback function.
- * @deprecated       In 3.0.0, this will go away.
- */
-PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *purple_util_fetch_url_request_len(const gchar *url,
-		gboolean full, const gchar *user_agent, gboolean http11,
-		const gchar *request, gboolean include_headers, gssize max_len,
-		PurpleUtilFetchUrlCallback callback, gpointer data);
- * Fetches the data from a URL, and passes it to a callback function.
- *
  * @param account    The account for which the request is needed, or NULL.
  * @param url        The URL.
  * @param full       TRUE if this is the full URL, or FALSE if it's a
@@ -1199,7 +1177,6 @@ PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *purple_util_fetc
  * @param max_len    The maximum number of bytes to retrieve (-1 for unlimited)
  * @param callback   The callback function.
  * @param data       The user data to pass to the callback function.
- * @deprecated       In 3.0.0, we'll rename this to "purple_util_fetch_url_request" and get rid of the old one
 PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(
 		PurpleAccount *account, const gchar *url,
--- pidgin/plugins/relnot.c	721651f0674f820ed1bdf96794187eabfc449b89
+++ pidgin/plugins/relnot.c	e405c3295c27fa1c1d75557cd33d5417d6d3fe56
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ do_check(void)
-		purple_util_fetch_url_request_len(url, TRUE, NULL, FALSE,
+		purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(NULL, url, TRUE, NULL, FALSE,
 			request, TRUE, -1, version_fetch_cb, NULL);
--- libpurple/upnp.c	a629e1a684cd7f7be02a011ce018d341dd32110f
+++ libpurple/upnp.c	9ff39806e001d3cf4f0dc4ef7860bd48853de69d
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ purple_upnp_parse_description(const gcha
 	dd->tima = 0;
-	purple_util_fetch_url_request_len(descriptionURL, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, httpRequest,
+	purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(NULL, descriptionURL, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, httpRequest,
 			TRUE, MAX_UPNP_DOWNLOAD, upnp_parse_description_cb, dd);
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ purple_upnp_generate_action_message_and_
-	gfud = purple_util_fetch_url_request_len(control_info.control_url, FALSE, NULL, TRUE,
+	gfud = purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(NULL, control_info.control_url, FALSE, NULL, TRUE,
 				totalSendMessage, TRUE, MAX_UPNP_DOWNLOAD, cb, cb_data);

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