/soc/2012/sanket/statscollector-2.x.y: eb86f3d72ff1: [MERGE] Mer...

Sanket Agarwal sanket at soc.pidgin.im
Sun Aug 26 17:17:59 EDT 2012

Changeset: eb86f3d72ff1de2674a2cd4f091cc8242ef0265a
Author:	 Sanket Agarwal <sanket at soc.pidgin.im>
Date:	 2012-08-26 14:17 +0530
Branch:	 soc.2012.statscollector
URL: http://hg.pidgin.im/soc/2012/sanket/statscollector-2.x.y/rev/eb86f3d72ff1


[MERGE] Merge changes


 libpurple/plugins/statscollector.c |  289 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 449 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/statscollector.c b/libpurple/plugins/statscollector.c
--- a/libpurple/plugins/statscollector.c
+++ b/libpurple/plugins/statscollector.c
@@ -40,16 +40,15 @@ enum
 /* Timeout */
 #define RESEND_SEC (24*3600)
-#define TRUSTED_CACHE_REFRESH (24*3600)
 /* Sending URL */
 #define SEND_URL "http://stats.pidgin.im/collect/"
-#define TRUSTED_URL "http://stats.pidgin.im/trusted/"
+#define PUBLIC_SERVER_URL "http://stats.pidgin.im/public/"
 /* Version of XML this plugin supports writing */
 #define STATS_XML_MAJOR_V "0" /* 0 -- Dev purposes */
-#define STATS_XML_MINOR_V "2"
 /* POSIX compliance is an issue that I have looked into some detail now
  * It seems like presence of unistd.h and _POSIX_VERSION being defined
@@ -67,9 +66,9 @@ enum
 PurplePlugin *plugin_g;
 xmlnode *root_stats, *cpuinfo_xml, *ui_info;
 GHashTable *stats_acc_ht, *stats_plugins_ht, *stats_uis_ht;
-GHashTable *trusted_server_cache_ht=NULL;
+GHashTable *public_server_cache_ht=NULL;
-int save_timer = 0, send_handle = 0, pref_cb_id = -1;
+int save_timer = 0, send_handle = 0, pref_cb_id = -1, public_server_handle = 0;
 /* Types of Operating Systems */
@@ -79,8 +78,9 @@ static void schedule_send(void);
 static gboolean send_stats();
 static gboolean plugin_load(PurplePlugin *);
 static gboolean plugin_unload(PurplePlugin *plugin);
-static gboolean refresh_trusted_cache(gpointer data);
+static gboolean refresh_public_server_cache(gpointer data);
 static xmlnode *init_stats();
+static void acc_sign_on_event(PurpleAccount *account);
 static void
@@ -133,8 +133,7 @@ save_xml(){
   nroot = xmlnode_new("stats");
   /* Set the string information */
-  version = g_strdup_printf("%s.%s", STATS_XML_MAJOR_V,\
+  version = g_strdup_printf("%s", STATS_XML_V);
   xmlnode_set_attrib(nroot, "version", version);
   /* Load CPUinfo strucutre */
@@ -196,7 +195,17 @@ schedule_stats_save(void){
 static void
-refresh_trusted_cache_cb(PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *url_data, gpointer user_data, const gchar *url_text, gsize len, const gchar *error_message){
+  /* Scan through each of the currently available accounts,
+   * and refresh them if we get more info
+   */
+  GList *loaded_accounts;
+  loaded_accounts = purple_accounts_get_all_active();
+  g_list_foreach(loaded_accounts, (GFunc)acc_sign_on_event, NULL);
+static void
+refresh_public_server_cache_cb(PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *url_data, gpointer user_data, const gchar *url_text, gsize len, const gchar *error_message){
    * Check if the header has HTTP/1.1 200 ...
@@ -209,11 +218,7 @@ refresh_trusted_cache_cb(PurpleUtilFetch
   char *header = g_strdup_printf("%s", url_text);
   char *data_loc=NULL;
   const char *hash_id;
-  xmlnode *trusted_hash_root, *start;
-  if(!trusted_server_cache_ht){
-    trusted_server_cache_ht = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-  }
+  xmlnode *public_server_hash_root, *start;
   if(header && strlen(header) >= 14) {
     header += 9;
@@ -225,39 +230,41 @@ refresh_trusted_cache_cb(PurpleUtilFetch
   if(code == 200){
     /* Extract the data to be converted to XML => GList */
     data_loc = strstr(url_text, "\r\n\r\n");
-    trusted_hash_root = xmlnode_from_str(data_loc, -1);
-    if(trusted_hash_root != NULL){
+    public_server_hash_root = xmlnode_from_str(data_loc, -1);
+    if(public_server_hash_root != NULL){
       /* Now load a Hash Table of accepted Hashes, currently they won't
        * contain any data, but this is to keep space for any extra info
        * that the server might give away!
-      start = xmlnode_get_child(trusted_hash_root, "hash");
+      start = xmlnode_get_child(public_server_hash_root, "hash");
       for(;start;start = xmlnode_get_next_twin(start)){
         hash_id = xmlnode_get_attrib(start, "id");
-        g_hash_table_insert(trusted_server_cache_ht, (void *)hash_id, NULL);
+        g_hash_table_insert(public_server_cache_ht, (void *)hash_id, NULL);
-      purple_timeout_add_seconds(TRUSTED_CACHE_REFRESH, refresh_trusted_cache, NULL);
-      /* Load the stats file into a global variable for any updations */
-      root_stats = init_stats();
+      public_server_handle = purple_timeout_add_seconds(PUBLIC_SERVER_CACHE_REFRESH, refresh_public_server_cache, NULL);
+      /* Check all account split hashes */
+      refresh_accounts();
   } else {
-     purple_timeout_add_seconds(10, refresh_trusted_cache, NULL);
+     public_server_handle = purple_timeout_add_seconds(10, refresh_public_server_cache, NULL);
 static gboolean
-refresh_trusted_cache(gpointer data){
+refresh_public_server_cache(gpointer data){
   /* Refresh the stored cache of information about IRC/Jabber
    * servers which are in-effect public using md5 hashes!
   /* Obtain the list through a webservice */
-  gchar *host, *path, *request, *url= TRUSTED_URL;
+  gchar *host, *path, *request, *url= PUBLIC_SERVER_URL;
   gboolean *send_success;
   int port;
-  purple_debug_info("STATS", "requesting trusted ...");
+  purple_debug_info("STATS", "requesting public server ...");
   purple_url_parse(url, &host, &port, &path, NULL, NULL);
   send_success = g_new0(gboolean, 1);
   request = g_strdup_printf(\
@@ -266,7 +273,7 @@ refresh_trusted_cache(gpointer data){
           "Host: %s:%d\r\n\r\n",
           path, host, port);
   purple_debug_info("STATS", "%s", request);
-  purple_util_fetch_url_request(url, TRUE, NULL, FALSE, request, TRUE, refresh_trusted_cache_cb, send_success);
+  purple_util_fetch_url_request(url, TRUE, NULL, FALSE, request, TRUE, refresh_public_server_cache_cb, send_success);
@@ -649,8 +656,6 @@ get_ui_info(){
   GHashTable *ui_info_ht;
   xmlnode *ui_info_xml, *ui_version_xml;
   char *ui_name, *ui_version, *data;
-  GHashTableIter iter;
-  /* gpointer key, value; */
   ui_info_ht = purple_core_get_ui_info();
@@ -676,16 +681,6 @@ get_ui_info(){
   data = xmlnode_to_str(ui_info_xml, NULL);
   g_hash_table_insert(stats_uis_ht, (void *)ui_name, (void *)data);
-  g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, stats_uis_ht);
-  /* purple_debug_info("STATS UI", "starting ui info ... \\n %s: %s", ui_name, data); */
-  /* while(g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)){ */
-  /*   purple_debug_info("STATS UI", "%s: %s\\n", (char *)key, (char *)value); */
-  /* } */
@@ -756,108 +751,85 @@ acc_sign_on_event(PurpleAccount *account
   id = get_acc_id(username, protocol);
-  /* check if the account already exist in our XML file */
-  if(g_hash_table_lookup(stats_acc_ht, id))
-    purple_debug_info("STATS", "Account already exists!");
-  else{
+  acc = xmlnode_new("account");
-    acc = xmlnode_new("account");
+  xmlnode_set_attrib(acc, "id", id);
-    xmlnode_set_attrib(acc, "id", id);
+  /* Protocol information */
+  p_node = xmlnode_new_child(acc, "protocol");
+  xmlnode_insert_data(p_node, protocol, -1);
-    /* Protocol information */
-    p_node = xmlnode_new_child(acc, "protocol");
-    xmlnode_insert_data(p_node, protocol, -1);
+  /* Number of buddies in account list */
+  len = g_slist_length(purple_find_buddies(account, NULL));
+  len_node = xmlnode_new("buddies");
+  xmlnode_insert_data(len_node, g_strdup_printf("%d", len), -1);
+  xmlnode_insert_child(acc, len_node);
-    /* Number of buddies in account list */
-    len = g_slist_length(purple_find_buddies(account, NULL));
-    len_node = xmlnode_new("buddies");
-    xmlnode_insert_data(len_node, g_strdup_printf("%d", len), -1);
-    xmlnode_insert_child(acc, len_node);
+  /* We can also send ``username-splits'' as they will be helpful
+   * in general
+   */
+  username_dup = g_strdup(username);
+  if(user_splits != NULL){
+    for (l = g_list_last(user_splits);l != NULL;l = l->prev) {
+        PurpleAccountUserSplit *split = l->data;
+        const char *value = NULL, *value_md5=NULL;
+        char *c;
+        xmlnode *user_split_node, *user_split_node_hash;
-    /* We can also send ``username-splits'' as they will be helpful
-     * in general
-     */
-    username_dup = g_strdup(username);
-    if(user_splits != NULL){
-      for (l = g_list_last(user_splits);l != NULL;l = l->prev) {
-          PurpleAccountUserSplit *split = l->data;
-          const char *value = NULL, *value_md5=NULL;
-          char *c;
-          xmlnode *user_split_node, *user_split_node_hash;
-          if(purple_account_user_split_get_reverse(split))
-              c = strrchr(username_dup,
-                      purple_account_user_split_get_separator(split));
-          else
-              c = strchr(username_dup,
-                      purple_account_user_split_get_separator(split));
-          if (c != NULL) {
-              *c = '\0';
-              c++;
-              value = c;
-          }
-          if (value == NULL){
-              value = "";
-              value_md5 = NULL;
-          } else {
-            value_md5 = md5((const guchar *)value);
-          }
-          /* Check if the Hash is in the trusted_hash_table */
-          user_split_node = xmlnode_new(g_strdup_printf("%s", split->text));
-          if(g_hash_table_lookup_extended(trusted_server_cache_ht, value_md5, NULL, NULL)){
-            xmlnode_insert_data(user_split_node, value, -1);
-          }
-          xmlnode_insert_child(acc, user_split_node);
-          /* Normal MD5 node */
-          user_split_node_hash = xmlnode_new(g_strdup_printf("%s_hash", split->text));
-          xmlnode_insert_data(user_split_node_hash, value_md5, -1);
-          xmlnode_insert_child(acc, user_split_node_hash);
-      }
+        if(purple_account_user_split_get_reverse(split))
+            c = strrchr(username_dup,
+                    purple_account_user_split_get_separator(split));
+        else
+            c = strchr(username_dup,
+                    purple_account_user_split_get_separator(split));
+        if (c != NULL) {
+            *c = '\0';
+            c++;
+            value = c;
+        }
+        if (value == NULL){
+            value = "";
+            value_md5 = NULL;
+        } else {
+          value_md5 = md5((const guchar *)value);
+        }
+        /* Check if the Hash is in the public_server_hash_table */
+        user_split_node = xmlnode_new(g_strdup_printf("%s", split->text));
+        if(g_hash_table_lookup_extended(public_server_cache_ht, value_md5, NULL, NULL)){
+          xmlnode_insert_data(user_split_node, value, -1);
+        }
+        xmlnode_insert_child(acc, user_split_node);
+        /* Normal MD5 node */
+        user_split_node_hash = xmlnode_new(g_strdup_printf("%s_hash", split->text));
+        xmlnode_insert_data(user_split_node_hash, value_md5, -1);
+        xmlnode_insert_child(acc, user_split_node_hash);
-    /* Server information if Jabber */
-    if(!g_strcmp0(protocol,"prpl-jabber")){
-         /* Connect server is helpful in cases when the talk server
-         * is different from domain. Eg, x at mydomain.com could be

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