/soc/2013/ashmew2/filetransferX: a38c45b1b30c: removed xfer_send...

Ashish Gupta ashmew2 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 19:24:21 EDT 2013

Changeset: a38c45b1b30c0de499c094ab46271d911ebf0f0f
Author:	 Ashish Gupta <ashmew2 at gmail.com>
Date:	 2013-08-09 21:58 +0530
Branch:	 filetransferX
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/soc/2013/ashmew2/filetransferX/rev/a38c45b1b30c


removed xfer_send_candidate. Enter libnice


 libpurple/media.h                                  |    4 +
 libpurple/protocols/jabber/google/google_session.c |  224 ++++----------------
 2 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 312 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/media.h b/libpurple/media.h
--- a/libpurple/media.h
+++ b/libpurple/media.h
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
 /** An opaque structure representing a media call. */
 typedef struct _PurpleMedia PurpleMedia;
+/**This struct was not here, added for GTalk FT*/
+typedef struct _PurpleMediaSession PurpleMediaSession;
+typedef struct _PurpleMediaStream PurpleMediaStream;
 #include "signals.h"
 #include "util.h"
diff --git a/libpurple/protocols/jabber/google/google_session.c b/libpurple/protocols/jabber/google/google_session.c
--- a/libpurple/protocols/jabber/google/google_session.c
+++ b/libpurple/protocols/jabber/google/google_session.c
@@ -23,8 +23,11 @@
 #include "google_session.h"
 #include "relay.h"
 #include "jingle/jingle.h"
+#include "jingle/transport.h"
 #include "network.h"
 #include "stun.h"
+#include "media.h"
+#include <nice/agent.h>
 #ifdef USE_VV
@@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ static void
 google_session_send_candidates(PurpleMedia *media, gchar *session_id,
 		gchar *participant, GoogleSession *session)
 	PurpleMedia *session_media =
 		((GoogleAVSessionData *) session->session_data)->media;
 	GList *candidates =
@@ -113,6 +117,8 @@ google_session_send_candidates(PurpleMed
 	if (!strcmp(session_id, "google-video"))
 		video = TRUE;
+	purple_debug_info("google_session", "Inside send_candidates()\n");
 	for (iter = candidates; iter; iter = iter->next) {
 		JabberIq *iq;
 		gchar *ip, *port, *username, *password;
@@ -171,7 +177,7 @@ google_session_send_candidates(PurpleMed
 		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "generation", "0");
 		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "network", "0");
 		xmlnode_insert_child(sess, candidate);
+		purple_debug_info("google_session", "Candidate's IP and PORT : %s:%s",ip,port);
@@ -916,7 +922,7 @@ google_session_handle_transport_accept(J
 static void
 google_session_handle_transport_info(JabberStream *js, GoogleSession *session, xmlnode *sess, const char *iq_id)
 	google_session_handle_candidates(js, session, sess, iq_id);
@@ -1021,185 +1027,53 @@ gtalk_port_cb(int listenfd, gpointer dat
-gtalk_xfer_send_candidates(GoogleSession *session)
-	GoogleAVSessionData *session_data =  session->session_data;
-	GoogleXferSessionData *share_session = session_data->share_session;
-/* TODO:From what I learnt about the GTalk File Transfers, GTalk always sends out two candidates, one local and one stun. We need to reciprocate with our local address, our public (stun) address and 3 relay addresses (which is Google's STUN IP, js->stun_ip). So this only needs to be modified according to that. Furthermore, once the candidates are sent out properly, assuming we are the sender of the file, we get a HTTP GET/ REquest by Gtalk with the source-url of the file. Then the actual data of file moves. */
-	GList *candidates = share_session->remote_share_candidates;
-	/*TODO: Candidates should be only local according to the existing media implementation..Why? Let's keep it that way for now in the loop*/
-	GList *iter;
-	if(!candidates)
-		purple_debug_info("google_session", "Candidate LIST is EMPTY!\n");
-	purple_debug_info("google_session", "Inside gtalk_xfer_send_candidates()\n");
-	PurpleMediaCandidate *transport;
-	gboolean video = FALSE;
-	for (iter = candidates; iter; iter = iter->next) {
-		JabberIq *iq;
-		gchar *ip, *port, *username, *password;
-		gchar pref[16];
-		PurpleMediaCandidateType type;
-		xmlnode *sess;
-		xmlnode *candidate;
-		xmlnode *transport_node;
-		purple_debug_info("google_session", "inside iter loop..\n");
-/*		guint component_id;*/
-		transport = PURPLE_MEDIA_CANDIDATE(iter->data);
-		iq = jabber_iq_new(session->js, JABBER_IQ_SET);
-		sess = google_session_create_xmlnode(session, "transport-info");
-		xmlnode_insert_child(iq->node, sess);
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(iq->node, "to", session->remote_jid);
-		candidate = xmlnode_new("candidate");
-		transport_node = xmlnode_new("transport");
-		ip = purple_media_candidate_get_ip(transport);
-		port = g_strdup_printf("%d",
-				purple_media_candidate_get_port(transport));
-		g_ascii_dtostr(pref, 16,
-			purple_media_candidate_get_priority(transport) / 1000.0);
-		username = purple_media_candidate_get_username(transport);
-		password = purple_media_candidate_get_password(transport);
-		type = purple_media_candidate_get_candidate_type(transport);
-		if(ip)
-			xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "address", ip);
-		if(port)
-			xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "port", port);
-		if(username)
-			xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "username", username);
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "name", "private-1");
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "password",
-				password != NULL ? password : "");
-		if(pref)
-			xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "preference", pref);
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "protocol",
-				purple_media_candidate_get_protocol(transport)
-				"udp" : "tcp");
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "type", type ==
-					       	      type ==
-				                      "local"
-			);
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "generation", "0");
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "network", "0");
-		xmlnode_insert_child(sess, transport_node);
-		xmlnode_insert_child(transport_node, candidate);
-		xmlnode_set_namespace(transport_node, NS_GOOGLE_TRANSPORT_P2P);
-		g_free(ip);
-		g_free(port);
-		g_free(username);
-		g_free(password);
-		jabber_iq_send(iq);
-	}
-	purple_debug_info("google_session", "outside iter loop..\n");
-	purple_media_candidate_list_free(candidates);
+  purple_debug_info("google_session", "CANDIDATES GATHERED??\n");
-gtalk_xfer_send_candidate(GoogleSession *session, GList *ip_list)
+gtalk_xfer_send_candidates(GoogleSession *session)
-	GoogleAVSessionData *session_data =  session->session_data;
-	GoogleXferSessionData *share_session = session_data->share_session;
+  guint stream_id;
+  gchar buffer[] = "hello world!";
+  GSList *lcands = NULL, *rcands = NULL;
-/* From what I learnt about the GTalk File Transfers, GTalk always sends out two candidates, one local and one stun. We need to reciprocate with our local address, our public (stun) address and 3 relay addresses (which is Google's STUN IP, js->stun_ip). So this only needs to be modified according to that. Furthermore, once the candidates are sent out properly, assuming we are the sender of the file, 
-	GList *candidates = share_session->remote_share_candidates;
-	/*TODO: Candidates should be only local according to the existing media implementation..Why? Let's keep it that way for now in the loop*/
+  // Create a nice agent
+  NiceAgent *agent = nice_agent_new (NULL, NICE_COMPATIBILITY_GOOGLE);
-	purple_debug_info("google_session", "Inside gtalk_xfer_send_candidatE()\n");
+  // Connect the signals
+  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (agent), "candidate-gathering-done",
+		    G_CALLBACK (cb_candidate_gathering_done), NULL);
+  /*  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (agent), "component-state-changed",
+		    G_CALLBACK (cb_component_state_changed), NULL);
+  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (agent), "new-selected-pair",
+		    G_CALLBACK (cb_new_selected_pair), NULL);
+  */
+  // Create a new stream with one component and start gathering candidates
+  stream_id = nice_agent_add_stream (agent, 1);
+  nice_agent_gather_candidates (agent, stream_id);
-	PurpleMediaCandidate *transport;
+  // Attach to the component to receive the data
+  /*  nice_agent_attach_recv (agent, stream_id, 1, NULL
+			  cb_nice_recv, NULL);
+  */
+  // ... Wait until the signal candidate-gathering-done is fired ...
+  lcands = nice_agent_get_local_candidates(agent, stream_id, 1);
-	JabberIq *iq;
-	gchar *ip, *port, *username, *password;
-	gchar pref[16];
-	PurpleMediaCandidateType type;
-	xmlnode *sess;
-	xmlnode *candidate;
-	xmlnode *transport_node;
+  // ... Send local candidates to the peer and set the peer's remote candidates
+  nice_agent_set_remote_candidates (agent, stream_id, 1, rcands);
-	purple_debug_info("google_session", "inside iter loop..\n");
-	transport = PURPLE_MEDIA_CANDIDATE(iter->data);
-	iq = jabber_iq_new(session->js, JABBER_IQ_SET);
-	sess = google_session_create_xmlnode(session, "transport-info");
-	xmlnode_insert_child(iq->node, sess);
-	xmlnode_set_attrib(iq->node, "to", session->remote_jid);
-	candidate = xmlnode_new("candidate");
-	transport_node = xmlnode_new("transport");
-	ip = purple_media_candidate_get_ip(transport);
-	port = g_strdup_printf("%d",
-			       purple_media_candidate_get_port(transport));
-	g_ascii_dtostr(pref, 16,
-		       purple_media_candidate_get_priority(transport) / 1000.0);
-	username = purple_media_candidate_get_username(transport);
-	password = purple_media_candidate_get_password(transport);
-	type = purple_media_candidate_get_candidate_type(transport);
-	if(ip)
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "address", ip);
-	if(port)
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "port", port);
-	if(username)
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "username", username);
-	xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "name", "private-1");
-	xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "password",
-			   password != NULL ? password : "");
-	if(pref)
-		xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "preference", pref);
-	xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "protocol",
-			   purple_media_candidate_get_protocol(transport)
-			   "udp" : "tcp");
-	xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "type", type ==
-			   type ==
-			   "local"
-		);
-	xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "generation", "0");
-	xmlnode_set_attrib(candidate, "network", "0");
-	xmlnode_insert_child(sess, transport_node);
-	xmlnode_insert_child(transport_node, candidate);
-	xmlnode_set_namespace(transport_node, NS_GOOGLE_TRANSPORT_P2P);
-	g_free(ip);
-	g_free(port);
-	g_free(username);
-	g_free(password);
-	jabber_iq_send(iq);
+  // ... Wait until the signal new-selected-pair is fired ...
+  // Send our message!
+  nice_agent_send (agent, stream_id, 1, sizeof(buffer), buffer);
-	purple_debug_info("google_session", "outside iter loop..\n");
+  // Anything received will be received through the cb_nice_recv callback
+  // Destroy the object
+  g_object_unref(agent);
 gtalk_xfer_start(PurpleXfer *xfer)
@@ -1584,22 +1458,18 @@ google_session_parse_iq(JabberStream *js
 			local_received = TRUE;
 		if (!strcmp(xmlnode_get_attrib(candidate, "type"), "stun"))
 			stun_received = TRUE;
 		google_session_handle_transport_info(js, session, sess, iq_id);
 		if(local_received && stun_received) {
 			/*Time to send out our candidates if both the local and stun have been received*/
-			gtalk_xfer_send_candidates(
+			purple_debug_info("google_session", "Calling send candidates.\n");
+			//			gtalk_xfer_send_candidates(session);
+			local_received = stun_received = FALSE;
 //		google_xfer_send(js,session);

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