/pidgin/main: e176320b17f4: Add examples for the purple_date_for...

Mark Doliner mark at kingant.net
Mon Feb 18 18:41:55 EST 2013

Changeset: e176320b17f4e11d2a191af9025684cb40953c01
Author:	 Mark Doliner <mark at kingant.net>
Date:	 2013-02-18 15:41 -0800
Branch:	 default
URL: http://hg.pidgin.im/pidgin/main/rev/e176320b17f4


Add examples for the purple_date_format functions


 libpurple/util.h |  12 ++++++++----
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diffs (43 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/util.h b/libpurple/util.h
--- a/libpurple/util.h
+++ b/libpurple/util.h
@@ -383,7 +383,8 @@ const char *purple_get_tzoff_str(const s
  * @param tm The time to format, or @c NULL to use the current local time
- * @return The date, formatted as per the user's settings.
+ * @return The date, formatted as per the user's settings.  In the USA this
+ *         is something like "02/18/13"
 const char *purple_date_format_short(const struct tm *tm);
@@ -395,7 +396,8 @@ const char *purple_date_format_short(con
  * @param tm The time to format, or @c NULL to use the current local time
- * @return The timestamp, formatted as per the user's settings.
+ * @return The timestamp, formatted as per the user's settings.  In the USA
+ *         this is something like "02/18/13 15:26:44"
 const char *purple_date_format_long(const struct tm *tm);
@@ -407,7 +409,8 @@ const char *purple_date_format_long(cons
  * @param tm The time to format, or @c NULL to use the current local time
- * @return The date and time, formatted as per the user's settings.
+ * @return The date and time, formatted as per the user's settings.  In the
+ *         USA this is something like "Mon Feb 18 15:26:44 2013"
 const char *purple_date_format_full(const struct tm *tm);
@@ -419,7 +422,8 @@ const char *purple_date_format_full(cons
  * @param tm The time to format, or @c NULL to use the current local time
- * @return The time, formatted as per the user's settings.
+ * @return The time, formatted as per the user's settings.  In the USA this
+ *         is something like "15:26:44"
 const char *purple_time_format(const struct tm *tm);

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