/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification: fca907f6d892: Better text fo...

Ankit Vani a at nevitus.org
Tue Jul 9 18:17:42 EDT 2013

Changeset: fca907f6d892ffac6a0f0ca3e37f8e5e6ac5494b
Author:	 Ankit Vani <a at nevitus.org>
Date:	 2013-07-10 03:47 +0530
Branch:	 soc.2013.gobjectification
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification/rev/fca907f6d892


Better text for reminder to subclass PurpleBuddy in protocols


 libpurple/blistnodetypes.c |  8 +++++---
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diffs (18 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/blistnodetypes.c b/libpurple/blistnodetypes.c
--- a/libpurple/blistnodetypes.c
+++ b/libpurple/blistnodetypes.c
@@ -57,9 +57,11 @@ struct _PurpleBuddyPrivate {
 	char *local_alias;           /**< The user-set alias of the buddy         */
 	char *server_alias;          /**< The server-specified alias of the buddy.
 	                                  (i.e. MSN "Friendly Names")             */
-	void *proto_data;            /**< TODO remove - use protocol subclasses
-	                                  This allows the prpl to associate
-	                                  whatever data it wants with a buddy     */
+	void *proto_data;            /**< This allows the prpl to associate
+	                                  whatever data it wants with a buddy
+	                                  TODO Remove this field. Protocols should
+	                                       subclass PurpleBuddy and store
+	                                       their data as they see fit.        */
 	PurpleBuddyIcon *icon;       /**< The buddy icon.                         */
 	PurpleAccount *account;      /**< the account this buddy belongs to       */
 	PurplePresence *presence;    /**< Presense information of the buddy       */

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