/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification: 3d44db6dd9b4: Refactored joi...

Ankit Vani a at nevitus.org
Mon Sep 16 07:54:47 EDT 2013

Changeset: 3d44db6dd9b49fc5316e6d26cc9662217222d4b0
Author:	 Ankit Vani <a at nevitus.org>
Date:	 2013-09-16 16:48 +0530
Branch:	 soc.2013.gobjectification.plugins
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification/rev/3d44db6dd9b4


Refactored joinpart to use the new plugin API


 libpurple/plugins/joinpart.c |  157 ++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

diffs (189 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/joinpart.c b/libpurple/plugins/joinpart.c
--- a/libpurple/plugins/joinpart.c
+++ b/libpurple/plugins/joinpart.c
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ struct joinpart_key
 	char *user;
+static GHashTable *users;
+static guint id;
 static guint joinpart_key_hash(const struct joinpart_key *key)
 	g_return_val_if_fail(key != NULL, 0);
@@ -173,52 +177,6 @@ static gboolean clean_users_hash(GHashTa
 	return TRUE;
-static gboolean plugin_load(PurplePlugin *plugin)
-	void *conv_handle;
-	GHashTable *users;
-	guint id;
-	gpointer *data;
-	users = g_hash_table_new_full((GHashFunc)joinpart_key_hash,
-	                              (GEqualFunc)joinpart_key_equal,
-	                              (GDestroyNotify)joinpart_key_destroy,
-	                              g_free);
-	conv_handle = purple_conversations_get_handle();
-	purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "chat-user-joining", plugin,
-	                    PURPLE_CALLBACK(chat_user_joining_cb), users);
-	purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "chat-user-leaving", plugin,
-	                    PURPLE_CALLBACK(chat_user_leaving_cb), users);
-	purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "received-chat-msg", plugin,
-	                    PURPLE_CALLBACK(received_chat_msg_cb), users);
-	/* Cleanup every 5 minutes */
-	id = purple_timeout_add_seconds(60 * 5, (GSourceFunc)clean_users_hash, users);
-	data = g_new(gpointer, 2);
-	data[0] = users;
-	data[1] = GUINT_TO_POINTER(id);
-	plugin->extra = data;
-	return TRUE;
-static gboolean plugin_unload(PurplePlugin *plugin)
-	gpointer *data = plugin->extra;
-	/* Destroy the hash table. The core plugin code will
-	 * disconnect the signals, and since Purple is single-threaded,
-	 * we don't have to worry one will be called after this. */
-	g_hash_table_destroy((GHashTable *)data[0]);
-	purple_timeout_remove(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(data[1]));
-	g_free(data);
-	return TRUE;
 static PurplePluginPrefFrame *
 get_plugin_pref_frame(PurplePlugin *plugin)
@@ -250,65 +208,70 @@ get_plugin_pref_frame(PurplePlugin *plug
 	return frame;
-static PurplePluginUiInfo prefs_info = {
-	get_plugin_pref_frame,
-	0,   /* page_num (reserved) */
-	NULL, /* frame (reserved) */
+static PurplePluginInfo *
+plugin_query(GError **error)
+	const gchar * const authors[] = {
+		"Richard Laager <rlaager at pidgin.im>",
+	};
-	/* padding */
+	return purple_plugin_info_new(
+		"id",                 JOINPART_PLUGIN_ID,
+		"name",               N_("Join/Part Hiding"),
+		"version",            DISPLAY_VERSION,
+		"category",           N_("Utility"),
+		"summary",            N_("Hides extraneous join/part messages."),
+		"description",        N_("This plugin hides join/part messages in "
+		                         "large rooms, except for those users actively "
+		                         "taking part in a conversation."),
+		"authors",            authors,
+		"website",            PURPLE_WEBSITE,
+		"abi-version",        PURPLE_ABI_VERSION,
+		"preferences-frame",  get_plugin_pref_frame,
+	);
-static PurplePluginInfo info =
+static gboolean plugin_load(PurplePlugin *plugin, GError **error)
-	PURPLE_PLUGIN_STANDARD,                             /**< type           */
-	NULL,                                             /**< ui_requirement */
-	0,                                                /**< flags          */
-	NULL,                                             /**< dependencies   */
-	PURPLE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,                            /**< priority       */
+	void *conv_handle;
-	JOINPART_PLUGIN_ID,                               /**< id             */
-	N_("Join/Part Hiding"),                           /**< name           */
-	DISPLAY_VERSION,                                  /**< version        */
-	                                                  /**  summary        */
-	N_("Hides extraneous join/part messages."),
-	                                                  /**  description    */
-	N_("This plugin hides join/part messages in large "
-	   "rooms, except for those users actively taking "
-	   "part in a conversation."),
-	"Richard Laager <rlaager at pidgin.im>",             /**< author         */
-	PURPLE_WEBSITE,                                     /**< homepage       */
-	plugin_load,                                      /**< load           */
-	plugin_unload,                                    /**< unload         */
-	NULL,                                             /**< destroy        */
-	NULL,                                             /**< ui_info        */
-	NULL,                                             /**< extra_info     */
-	&prefs_info,                                      /**< prefs_info     */
-	NULL,                                             /**< actions        */
-	/* padding */
-static void
-init_plugin(PurplePlugin *plugin)
 	purple_prefs_add_int(DELAY_PREF, DELAY_DEFAULT);
 	purple_prefs_add_int(THRESHOLD_PREF, THRESHOLD_DEFAULT);
+	users = g_hash_table_new_full((GHashFunc)joinpart_key_hash,
+	                              (GEqualFunc)joinpart_key_equal,
+	                              (GDestroyNotify)joinpart_key_destroy,
+	                              g_free);
+	conv_handle = purple_conversations_get_handle();
+	purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "chat-user-joining", plugin,
+	                    PURPLE_CALLBACK(chat_user_joining_cb), users);
+	purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "chat-user-leaving", plugin,
+	                    PURPLE_CALLBACK(chat_user_leaving_cb), users);
+	purple_signal_connect(conv_handle, "received-chat-msg", plugin,
+	                    PURPLE_CALLBACK(received_chat_msg_cb), users);
+	/* Cleanup every 5 minutes */
+	id = purple_timeout_add_seconds(60 * 5, (GSourceFunc)clean_users_hash, users);
+	return TRUE;
-PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN(joinpart, init_plugin, info)
+static gboolean plugin_unload(PurplePlugin *plugin, GError **error)
+	/* Destroy the hash table. The core plugin code will
+	 * disconnect the signals, and since Purple is single-threaded,
+	 * we don't have to worry one will be called after this. */
+	g_hash_table_destroy(users);
+	purple_timeout_remove(id);
+	return TRUE;
+PURPLE_PLUGIN_INIT(joinpart, plugin_query, plugin_load, plugin_unload);

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