/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification: 65e7b4566de4: Fix HTML gener...

Ankit Vani a at nevitus.org
Thu Feb 6 06:24:49 EST 2014

Changeset: 65e7b4566de4630f0acb855b45d0a251d1f6cdea
Author:	 Ankit Vani <a at nevitus.org>
Date:	 2014-02-06 16:46 +0530
Branch:	 gtkdoc-conversion
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification/rev/65e7b4566de4


Fix HTML generation warnings by using DocBook tags


 libpurple/cmds.h       |  24 ++++++++++++------------
 libpurple/dbus-maybe.h |   1 -
 libpurple/eventloop.h  |   3 ++-
 libpurple/prpl.h       |  18 +++++++++---------
 libpurple/request.h    |   6 +++---
 libpurple/sslconn.h    |  12 ++++++------
 libpurple/util.h       |   6 +++---
 libpurple/xfer.h       |   6 +++---
 libpurple/xmlnode.h    |  10 +++++-----
 9 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diffs (213 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/cmds.h b/libpurple/cmds.h
--- a/libpurple/cmds.h
+++ b/libpurple/cmds.h
@@ -141,18 +141,18 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
  *             the flag #PURPLE_CMD_FLAG_ALLOW_WRONG_ARGS is passed in @f.
  *             This string should contain no whitespace, and use a single
  *             character for each argument.  The recognized characters are:
- *             <ul>
- *               <li><literal>'w'</literal>: Matches a single word.</li>
- *               <li><literal>'W'</literal>: Matches a single word, with
- *                                           formatting.</li>
- *               <li><literal>'s'</literal>: Matches the rest of the arguments
- *                                           after this point, as a single
- *                                           string.</li>
- *               <li><literal>'S'</literal>: Same as <literal>'s'</literal> but
- *                                           with formatting.</li>
- *             </ul>
- *             If args is the empty string, then the command accepts no arguments.
- *             The args passed to the callback @func will be a %NULL
+ *         <itemizedlist>
+ *           <listitem><literal>'w'</literal>: Matches a single word.</listitem>
+ *           <listitem><literal>'W'</literal>: Matches a single word, with
+ *                                             formatting.</listitem>
+ *           <listitem><literal>'s'</literal>: Matches the rest of the
+ *                                             arguments after this point,
+ *                                             as a single string.</listitem>
+ *           <listitem><literal>'S'</literal>: Same as <literal>'s'</literal>
+ *                                             but with formatting.</listitem>
+ *         </itemizedlist>
+ *             If args is the empty string, then the command accepts no
+ *             arguments. The args passed to the callback @func will be a %NULL
  *             terminated array of %NULL terminated strings, and will always
  *             match the number of arguments asked for, unless
  *             #PURPLE_CMD_FLAG_ALLOW_WRONG_ARGS is passed.
diff --git a/libpurple/dbus-maybe.h b/libpurple/dbus-maybe.h
--- a/libpurple/dbus-maybe.h
+++ b/libpurple/dbus-maybe.h
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
-#define DBUS_EXPORT
 #endif	/* HAVE_DBUS */
diff --git a/libpurple/eventloop.h b/libpurple/eventloop.h
--- a/libpurple/eventloop.h
+++ b/libpurple/eventloop.h
@@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ guint purple_input_add(int fd, PurpleInp
  * purple_input_remove:
  * @handle: The handle of the input handler. Note that this is the return
- *               value from purple_input_add(), <i>not</i> the file descriptor.
+ *          value from purple_input_add(), <emphasis>not</emphasis> the
+ *          file descriptor.
  * Removes an input handler.
diff --git a/libpurple/prpl.h b/libpurple/prpl.h
--- a/libpurple/prpl.h
+++ b/libpurple/prpl.h
@@ -146,31 +146,31 @@ struct proto_chat_entry {
  * PurpleProtocolOptions:
  * @OPT_PROTO_UNIQUE_CHATNAME: User names are unique to a chat and are not
- *           shared between rooms.<br/>
+ *           shared between rooms.<sbr/>
  *           XMPP lets you choose what name you want in chats, so it shouldn't
  *           be pulling the aliases from the buddy list for the chat list; it
  *           gets annoying.
- * @OPT_PROTO_CHAT_TOPIC: Chat rooms have topics.<br/>
+ * @OPT_PROTO_CHAT_TOPIC: Chat rooms have topics.<sbr/>
  *           IRC and XMPP support this.
- * @OPT_PROTO_NO_PASSWORD: Don't require passwords for sign-in.<br/>
+ * @OPT_PROTO_NO_PASSWORD: Don't require passwords for sign-in.<sbr/>
  *           Zephyr doesn't require passwords, so there's no need for a
  *           password prompt.
- * @OPT_PROTO_MAIL_CHECK: Notify on new mail.<br/>
+ * @OPT_PROTO_MAIL_CHECK: Notify on new mail.<sbr/>
  *           MSN and Yahoo notify you when you have new mail.
- * @OPT_PROTO_IM_IMAGE: Images in IMs.<br/>
+ * @OPT_PROTO_IM_IMAGE: Images in IMs.<sbr/>
  *           Oscar lets you send images in direct IMs.
- * @OPT_PROTO_PASSWORD_OPTIONAL: Allow passwords to be optional.<br/>
+ * @OPT_PROTO_PASSWORD_OPTIONAL: Allow passwords to be optional.<sbr/>
  *           Passwords in IRC are optional, and are needed for certain
  *           functionality.
  * @OPT_PROTO_USE_POINTSIZE: Allows font size to be specified in sane point
- *           size.<br/>
+ *           size.<sbr/>
  *           Probably just XMPP and Y!M
  * @OPT_PROTO_REGISTER_NOSCREENNAME: Set the Register button active even when
- *           the username has not been specified.<br/>
+ *           the username has not been specified.<sbr/>
  *           Gadu-Gadu doesn't need a username to register new account (because
  *           usernames are assigned by the server).
  * @OPT_PROTO_SLASH_COMMANDS_NATIVE: Indicates that slash commands are native
- *           to this protocol.<br/>
+ *           to this protocol.<sbr/>
  *           Used as a hint that unknown commands should not be sent as
  *           messages.
  * @OPT_PROTO_INVITE_MESSAGE: Indicates that this protocol supports sending a
diff --git a/libpurple/request.h b/libpurple/request.h
--- a/libpurple/request.h
+++ b/libpurple/request.h
@@ -1929,9 +1929,9 @@ gboolean purple_request_field_alphanumer
  *                 because it allows a request to be closed with
  *                 purple_request_close_with_handle() when, for
  *                 example, you sign offline.  If the request is
- *                 <emphasis>not</emphasis> closed it is <strong>very</strong>
- *                 likely to cause a crash whenever the callback
- *                 handler functions are triggered.
+ *                 <emphasis>not</emphasis> closed it is
+ *                 <emphasis>very</emphasis> likely to cause a crash whenever
+ *                 the callback handler functions are triggered.
  * @title:         The title of the message, or %NULL if it should have
  *                 no title.
  * @primary:       The main point of the message, or %NULL if you're
diff --git a/libpurple/sslconn.h b/libpurple/sslconn.h
--- a/libpurple/sslconn.h
+++ b/libpurple/sslconn.h
@@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ const gchar * purple_ssl_strerror(Purple
  * @port:       The destination port.
  * @func:       The SSL input handler function.
  * @error_func: The SSL error handler function.  This function
- *                   should <strong>NOT</strong> call purple_ssl_close().  In
- *                   the event of an error the #PurpleSslConnection will be
- *                   destroyed for you.
+ *              should <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> call purple_ssl_close(). In
+ *              the event of an error the #PurpleSslConnection will be
+ *              destroyed for you.
  * @data:       User-defined data.
  * Makes a SSL connection to the specified host and port.  The caller
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ PurpleSslConnection *purple_ssl_connect(
  * @port:       The destination port.
  * @func:       The SSL input handler function.
  * @error_func: The SSL error handler function.  This function
- *                   should <strong>NOT</strong> call purple_ssl_close().  In
- *                   the event of an error the #PurpleSslConnection will be
- *                   destroyed for you.
+ *              should <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> call purple_ssl_close(). In
+ *              the event of an error the #PurpleSslConnection will be
+ *              destroyed for you.
  * @ssl_host:   The hostname of the other peer (to verify the CN)
  * @data:       User-defined data.
diff --git a/libpurple/util.h b/libpurple/util.h
--- a/libpurple/util.h
+++ b/libpurple/util.h
@@ -649,8 +649,8 @@ char *purple_markup_strip_html(const cha
  * Adds the necessary HTML code to turn URIs into HTML links in a string.
  * Returns: The new string with all URIs surrounded in standard
- *         HTML <a href="whatever"></a> tags.  You must g_free this
- *         string when finished with it.
+ *          HTML <a href="whatever"></a> tags. You must g_free()
+ *          this string when finished with it.
 char *purple_markup_linkify(const char *str);
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ gboolean purple_strequal(const gchar *le
  * Normalizes a string, so that it is suitable for comparison.
  * The returned string will point to a static buffer, so if the
- * string is intended to be kept long-term, you <i>must</i>
+ * string is intended to be kept long-term, you <emphasis>must</emphasis>
  * g_strdup() it. Also, calling normalize() twice in the same line
  * will lead to problems.
diff --git a/libpurple/xfer.h b/libpurple/xfer.h
--- a/libpurple/xfer.h
+++ b/libpurple/xfer.h
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ purple_xfer_read_file(PurpleXfer *xfer, 
  * Starts a file transfer.
- * Either @fd must be specified <i>or</i> @ip and @port on a
+ * Either @fd must be specified <emphasis>or</emphasis> @ip and @port on a
  * file receive transfer. On send, @fd must be specified, and
  * @ip and @port are ignored.
@@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ void purple_xfer_cancel_remote(PurpleXfe
  * Displays a file transfer-related error message.
  * This is a wrapper around purple_notify_error(), which automatically
- * specifies a title ("File transfer to <i>user</i> failed" or
- * "File Transfer from <i>user</i> failed").
+ * specifies a title ("File transfer to <literal>user</literal> failed" or
+ * "File Transfer from <literal>user</literal> failed").
 void purple_xfer_error(PurpleXferType type, PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, const char *msg);
diff --git a/libpurple/xmlnode.h b/libpurple/xmlnode.h
--- a/libpurple/xmlnode.h
+++ b/libpurple/xmlnode.h
@@ -280,11 +280,11 @@ const char *purple_xmlnode_get_namespace
  * own namespace.
  * For example, given:
- * \verbatim
- * <iq type='get' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:ns1='http://example.org/ns1'>
- *     <ns1:element><child1/></ns1:element>
- * </iq>
- * \endverbatim
+ * <programlisting>
+ * <iq type='get' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:ns1='http://example.org/ns1'>
+ *     <ns1:element><child1/></ns1:element>
+ * </iq>
+ * </programlisting>
  * The default namespace of all nodes (including 'child1') is "jabber:client",
  * though the namespace for 'element' is "http://example.org/ns1".

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