/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification: b78048ba0fbb: Convert protoc...

Ankit Vani a at nevitus.org
Fri Feb 7 07:45:14 EST 2014

Changeset: b78048ba0fbbc6d9f3bf4b65b82d6e6e79cdacb1
Author:	 Ankit Vani <a at nevitus.org>
Date:	 2014-02-07 16:46 +0530
Branch:	 soc.2013.gobjectification.plugins
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/soc/2013/ankitkv/gobjectification/rev/b78048ba0fbb


Convert protocol interfaces doc to gtk-doc format


 libpurple/protocol.h |  533 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 777 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/protocol.h b/libpurple/protocol.h
--- a/libpurple/protocol.h
+++ b/libpurple/protocol.h
@@ -107,37 +107,32 @@ struct _PurpleProtocol
  * PurpleProtocolClass:
+ * @login:        Log in to the server.
+ * @close:        Close connection with the server.
+ * @status_types: Returns a list of #PurpleStatusType which exist for this
+ *                account; and must add at least the offline and online states.
+ * @list_icon:    Returns the base icon name for the given buddy and account. If
+ *                buddy is %NULL and the account is non-%NULL, it will return
+ *                the name to use for the account's icon. If both are %NULL, it
+ *                will return the name to use for the protocol's icon.
  * The base class for all protocols.
  * All protocol types must implement the methods in this class.
+/* If adding new methods to this class, ensure you add checks for them in
+   purple_protocols_add().
 struct _PurpleProtocolClass
 	GObjectClass parent_class;
-	/**
-	 * Log in to the server.
-	 */
 	void (*login)(PurpleAccount *);
-	/**
-	 * Close connection with the server.
-	 */
 	void (*close)(PurpleConnection *);
-	/**
-	 * Returns a list of #PurpleStatusType which exist for this account;
-	 * and must add at least the offline and online states.
-	 */
 	GList *(*status_types)(PurpleAccount *account);
-	/**
-	 * Returns the base icon name for the given buddy and account.
-	 * If buddy is NULL and the account is non-NULL, it will return the
-	 * name to use for the account's icon. If both are NULL, it will
-	 * return the name to use for the protocol's icon.
-	 */
 	const char *(*list_icon)(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy);
 	/*< private >*/
@@ -156,6 +151,61 @@ typedef struct _PurpleProtocolClientIfac
  * PurpleProtocolClientIface:
+ * @get_actions:     Returns the actions the protocol can perform. These will
+ *                   show up in the Accounts menu, under a submenu with the name
+ *                   of the account.
+ * @list_emblem:     Fills the four <type>char**</type>'s with string
+ *                   identifiers for "emblems" that the UI will interpret and
+ *                   display as relevant
+ * @status_text:     Gets a short string representing this buddy's status. This
+ *                   will be shown on the buddy list.
+ * @tooltip_text:    Allows the protocol to add text to a buddy's tooltip.
+ * @blist_node_menu: Returns a list of #PurpleMenuAction structs, which
+ *                   represent extra actions to be shown in (for example) the
+ *                   right-click menu for @node.
+ * @normalize: Convert the username @who to its canonical form. Also checks for
+ *             validity.
+ *             <sbr/>For example, AIM treats "fOo BaR" and "foobar" as the same
+ *             user; this function should return the same normalized string for
+ *             both of those. On the other hand, both of these are invalid for
+ *             protocols with number-based usernames, so function should return
+ *             %NULL in such case.
+ *             <sbr/>@account: The account the username is related to. Can be
+ *                             %NULL.
+ *             <sbr/>@who:     The username to convert.
+ *             <sbr/>Returns:  Normalized username, or %NULL, if it's invalid.
+ * @offline_message: Checks whether offline messages to @buddy are supported.
+ *                   <sbr/>Returns: %TRUE if @buddy can be sent messages while
+ *                                  they are offline, or %FALSE if not.
+ * @get_account_text_table: This allows protocols to specify additional strings
+ *                          to be used for various purposes. The idea is to
+ *                          stuff a bunch of strings in this hash table instead
+ *                          of expanding the struct for every addition. This
+ *                          hash table is allocated every call and
+ *                          <emphasis>MUST</emphasis> be unrefed by the caller.
+ *                          <sbr/>@account: The account to specify.  This can be
+ *                                          %NULL.
+ *                          <sbr/>Returns:  The protocol's string hash table.
+ *                                          The hash table should be destroyed
+ *                                          by the caller when it's no longer
+ *                                          needed.
+ * @get_moods: Returns an array of #PurpleMood's, with the last one having
+ *             "mood" set to %NULL.
+ * @get_max_message_size: Gets the maximum message size in bytes for the
+ *                        conversation.
+ *                        <sbr/>It may depend on connection-specific or
+ *                        conversation-specific variables, like channel or
+ *                        buddy's name length.
+ *                        <sbr/>This value is intended for plaintext message,
+ *                              the exact value may be lower because of:
+ *                        <sbr/> - used newlines (some protocols count them as
+ *                                 more than one byte),
+ *                        <sbr/> - formatting,
+ *                        <sbr/> - used special characters.
+ *                        <sbr/>@conv:   The conversation to query, or NULL to
+ *                                       get safe minimum for the protocol.
+ *                        <sbr/>Returns: Maximum message size, 0 if unspecified,
+ *                                       -1 for infinite.
  * The protocol client interface.
@@ -167,98 +217,31 @@ struct _PurpleProtocolClientIface
 	GTypeInterface parent_iface;
 	/*< public >*/
-	/**
-	 * Returns the actions the protocol can perform. These will show up in the
-	 * Accounts menu, under a submenu with the name of the account.
-	 */
 	GList *(*get_actions)(PurpleConnection *);
-	/**
-	 * Fills the four char**'s with string identifiers for "emblems"
-	 * that the UI will interpret and display as relevant
-	 */
 	const char *(*list_emblem)(PurpleBuddy *buddy);
-	/**
-	 * Gets a short string representing this buddy's status.  This will
-	 * be shown on the buddy list.
-	 */
 	char *(*status_text)(PurpleBuddy *buddy);
-	/**
-	 * Allows the protocol to add text to a buddy's tooltip.
-	 */
 	void (*tooltip_text)(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info,
 						 gboolean full);
-	/**
-	 * Returns a list of #PurpleMenuAction structs, which represent extra
-	 * actions to be shown in (for example) the right-click menu for @node.
-	 */
 	GList *(*blist_node_menu)(PurpleBlistNode *node);
 	void (*buddy_free)(PurpleBuddy *);
 	void (*convo_closed)(PurpleConnection *, const char *who);
-	/**
-	 * Convert the username @who to its canonical form. Also checks for
-	 * validity.
-	 *
-	 * For example, AIM treats "fOo BaR" and "foobar" as the same user; this
-	 * function should return the same normalized string for both of those.
-	 * On the other hand, both of these are invalid for protocols with
-	 * number-based usernames, so function should return NULL in such case.
-	 *
-	 * @account:  The account the username is related to. Can
-	 *                 be NULL.
-	 * @who:      The username to convert.
-	 * Returns:         Normalized username, or NULL, if it's invalid.
-	 */
 	const char *(*normalize)(const PurpleAccount *account, const char *who);
 	PurpleChat *(*find_blist_chat)(PurpleAccount *account, const char *name);
-	/** Checks whether offline messages to @buddy are supported.
-	 *  Returns: %TRUE if @buddy can be sent messages while they are
-	 *          offline, or %FALSE if not.
-	 */
 	gboolean (*offline_message)(const PurpleBuddy *buddy);
-	/** This allows protocols to specify additional strings to be used for
-	 * various purposes.  The idea is to stuff a bunch of strings in this hash
-	 * table instead of expanding the struct for every addition.  This hash
-	 * table is allocated every call and MUST be unrefed by the caller.
-	 *
-	 * @account: The account to specify.  This can be NULL.
-	 * Returns: The protocol's string hash table. The hash table should be
-	 *         destroyed by the caller when it's no longer needed.
-	 */
 	GHashTable *(*get_account_text_table)(PurpleAccount *account);
-	/**
-	 * Returns an array of "PurpleMood"s, with the last one having
-	 * "mood" set to %NULL.
-	 */
 	PurpleMood *(*get_moods)(PurpleAccount *account);
-	/**
-	 * Gets the maximum message size in bytes for the conversation.
-	 *
-	 * It may depend on connection-specific or conversation-specific
-	 * variables, like channel or buddy's name length.
-	 *
-	 * This value is intended for plaintext message, the exact value may be
-	 * lower because of:
-	 *  - used newlines (some protocols count them as more than one byte),
-	 *  - formatting,
-	 *  - used special characters.
-	 *
-	 * @conv: The conversation to query, or NULL to get safe minimum
-	 *             for the protocol.
-	 *
-	 * Returns:     Maximum message size, 0 if unspecified, -1 for infinite.
-	 */
 	gssize (*get_max_message_size)(PurpleConversation *conv);
@@ -271,6 +254,65 @@ typedef struct _PurpleProtocolServerIfac
  * PurpleProtocolServerIface:
+ * @register_user:   New user registration
+ * @unregister_user: Remove the user from the server. The account can either be
+ *                   connected or disconnected. After the removal is finished,
+ *                   the connection will stay open and has to be closed!
+ * @get_info:        Should arrange for purple_notify_userinfo() to be called
+ *                   with @who's user info.
+ * @add_buddy:       Add a buddy to a group on the server.
+ *                   <sbr/>This protocol function may be called in situations in
+ *                   which the buddy is already in the specified group. If the
+ *                   protocol supports authorization and the user is not already
+ *                   authorized to see the status of @buddy, @add_buddy should
+ *                   request authorization.
+ *                   <sbr/>If authorization is required, then use the supplied
+ *                   invite message.
+ * @keepalive:       If implemented, this will be called regularly for this
+ *                   protocol's active connections. You'd want to do this if you
+ *                   need to repeatedly send some kind of keepalive packet to
+ *                   the server to avoid being disconnected. ("Regularly" is
+ *                   defined by #KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL in
+ *                   <filename>libpurple/connection.c</filename>.)
+ * @alias_buddy:     Save/store buddy's alias on server list/roster
+ * @group_buddy:     Change a buddy's group on a server list/roster
+ * @rename_group:    Rename a group on a server list/roster
+ * @set_buddy_icon:  Set the buddy icon for the given connection to @img. The
+ *                   protocol does <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> own a reference to
+ *                   @img; if it needs one, it must #purple_imgstore_ref(@img)
+ *                   itself.
+ * @send_raw:        For use in plugins that may understand the underlying
+ *                   protocol
+ * @set_public_alias: Set the user's "friendly name" (or alias or nickname or
+ *                    whatever term you want to call it) on the server. The
+ *                    protocol should call @success_cb or @failure_cb
+ *                    <emphasis>asynchronously</emphasis> (if it knows
+ *                    immediately that the set will fail, call one of the
+ *                    callbacks from an idle/0-second timeout) depending on if
+ *                    the nickname is set successfully. See
+ *                    purple_account_set_public_alias().
+ *                    <sbr/>@gc:    The connection for which to set an alias
+ *                    <sbr/>@alias: The new server-side alias/nickname for this
+ *                                  account, or %NULL to unset the
+ *                                  alias/nickname (or return it to a
+ *                                  protocol-specific "default").
+ *                    <sbr/>@success_cb: Callback to be called if the public
+ *                                       alias is set
+ *                    <sbr/>@failure_cb: Callback to be called if setting the
+ *                                       public alias fails
+ * @get_public_alias: Retrieve the user's "friendly name" as set on the server.
+ *                    The protocol should call @success_cb or @failure_cb
+ *                    <emphasis>asynchronously</emphasis> (even if it knows
+ *                    immediately that the get will fail, call one of the
+ *                    callbacks from an idle/0-second timeout) depending on if
+ *                    the nickname is retrieved. See
+ *                    purple_account_get_public_alias().
+ *                    <sbr/>@gc:         The connection for which to retireve
+ *                                       the alias
+ *                    <sbr/>@success_cb: Callback to be called with the
+ *                                       retrieved alias
+ *                    <sbr/>@failure_cb: Callback to be called if the protocol
+ *                                       is unable to retrieve the alias
  * The protocol server interface.
@@ -282,114 +324,54 @@ struct _PurpleProtocolServerIface
 	GTypeInterface parent_iface;
 	/*< public >*/
-	/** new user registration */
 	void (*register_user)(PurpleAccount *);
-	/** Remove the user from the server.  The account can either be
-	 * connected or disconnected. After the removal is finished, the
-	 * connection will stay open and has to be closed!
-	 */
 	void (*unregister_user)(PurpleAccount *, PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb cb,
 							void *user_data);
 	void (*set_info)(PurpleConnection *, const char *info);
-	/**
-	 * Should arrange for purple_notify_userinfo() to be called with
-	 * @who 's user info.
-	 */
 	void (*get_info)(PurpleConnection *, const char *who);

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