/pidgin/main: 403b13cb3a47: PurpleCommandsUiOps: minor naming/do...

dx dx at dxzone.com.ar
Wed Jun 15 23:05:08 EDT 2016

Changeset: 403b13cb3a4755ccfe10484a09ae9c5e41a674a8
Author:	 dx <dx at dxzone.com.ar>
Date:	 2016-06-12 18:46 -0300
Branch:	 release-2.x.y
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/pidgin/main/rev/403b13cb3a47


PurpleCommandsUiOps: minor naming/docs fixes


 libpurple/cmds.h |  16 ++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (43 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/cmds.h b/libpurple/cmds.h
--- a/libpurple/cmds.h
+++ b/libpurple/cmds.h
@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ typedef struct
 	/** If implemented, the UI is responsible for handling commands. */
 	/* @see purple_cmd_register for the argument values. */
-	void (*register_command)(const gchar *name, PurpleCmdPriority p,
-				 PurpleCmdFlag f, const gchar *prpl_id,
-				 const gchar *helpstr, PurpleCmd *cmd);
+	void (*register_command)(const gchar *name, PurpleCmdPriority priority,
+				 PurpleCmdFlag flags, const gchar *prpl_id,
+				 const gchar *help, PurpleCmd *cmd);
 	/** Should be implemented if register_command is implemented.
-	 *  name and prpl_id should have the same value that were used
+	 *  name and prpl_id will have the same value that were used
 	 *  for the register_command call.
 	void (*unregister_command)(const gchar *name, const gchar *prpl_id);
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ void purple_cmd_unregister(PurpleCmdId i
  * @param cmdline The command the user typed (including all arguments) as a single string.
  *            The caller doesn't have to do any parsing, except removing the command
  *            prefix, which the core has no knowledge of. cmd should not contain any
- *            formatting, and should be in plain text (no html entities).
+ *            formatting, and should be in plain text (no HTML entities).
  * @param markup This is the same as cmd, but is the formatted version. It should be in
- *               HTML, with < > and &, at least, escaped to html entities, and should
+ *               HTML, with < > and &, at least, escaped to HTML entities, and should
  *               include both the default formatting and any extra manual formatting.
  * @param errormsg If the command failed errormsg is filled in with the appropriate error
  *                 message. It must be freed by the caller with g_free().
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ PurpleCmdStatus purple_cmd_do_command(Pu
  * @param cmdline The command the user typed (only the arguments).
  *            The caller should remove the prefix and the command name.
  *            It should not contain any formatting, and should be
- *            in plain text (no html entities).
- * @return TRUE if the command handled the cmdline, FALSE otherwise.
+ *            in plain text (no HTML entities).
+ * @return TRUE if the command handled the @a cmdline, FALSE otherwise.
 gboolean purple_cmd_execute(PurpleCmd *c, PurpleConversation *conv,
 			    const gchar *cmdline);

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