/pidgin/main: 4d2e2182f901: Adding new API for fetch_url with bi...

Youness Alaoui kakaroto at kakaroto.homelinux.net
Thu Jun 16 16:23:51 EDT 2016

Changeset: 4d2e2182f9010107f402320dc37b059b4e2f5470
Author:	 Youness Alaoui <kakaroto at kakaroto.homelinux.net>
Date:	 2016-06-14 17:48 -0400
Branch:	 release-2.x.y
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/pidgin/main/rev/4d2e2182f901


Adding new API for fetch_url with binary request.

The current fetch API uses 'strlen' to check the length of the request.
This is changed to use a request_len argument which allows for POST
requests to be sent with binary data.


 libpurple/util.c |  18 ++++++++++++++++--
 libpurple/util.h |  26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (92 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/util.c b/libpurple/util.c
--- a/libpurple/util.c
+++ b/libpurple/util.c
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ struct _PurpleUtilFetchUrlData
 	char *user_agent;
 	gboolean http11;
 	char *request;
+	gsize request_len;
 	gsize request_written;
 	gboolean include_headers;
@@ -4082,6 +4083,7 @@ url_fetch_send_cb(gpointer data, gint so
 		g_string_append(request_str, "\r\n");
 		gfud->request = g_string_free(request_str, FALSE);
+		gfud->request_len = strlen(gfud->request);
@@ -4089,7 +4091,7 @@ url_fetch_send_cb(gpointer data, gint so
 		purple_debug_misc("util", "request constructed\n");
-	total_len = strlen(gfud->request);
+	total_len = gfud->request_len;
 	if (gfud->is_ssl)
 		len = purple_ssl_write(gfud->ssl_connection, gfud->request + gfud->request_written,
@@ -4196,6 +4198,17 @@ purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_a
 		const char *request, gboolean include_headers, gssize max_len,
 		PurpleUtilFetchUrlCallback callback, void *user_data)
+	return purple_util_fetch_url_request_data_len_with_account(account, url, full,
+		user_agent, http11, request, request ? strlen (request) : 0, include_headers, max_len, callback,
+			user_data);
+PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *
+purple_util_fetch_url_request_data_len_with_account(PurpleAccount *account,
+		const char *url, gboolean full,	const char *user_agent, gboolean http11,
+		const char *request, gsize request_len, gboolean include_headers, gssize max_len,
+		PurpleUtilFetchUrlCallback callback, void *user_data)
 	PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *gfud;
 	g_return_val_if_fail(url      != NULL, NULL);
@@ -4216,7 +4229,8 @@ purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_a
 	gfud->user_agent = g_strdup(user_agent);
 	gfud->http11 = http11;
 	gfud->full = full;
-	gfud->request = g_strdup(request);
+	gfud->request = request_len ? g_memdup(request, request_len) : NULL;
+	gfud->request_len = request_len;
 	gfud->include_headers = include_headers;
 	gfud->fd = -1;
 	if (max_len <= 0) {
diff --git a/libpurple/util.h b/libpurple/util.h
--- a/libpurple/util.h
+++ b/libpurple/util.h
@@ -1209,6 +1209,32 @@ PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *purple_util_fetc
 		PurpleUtilFetchUrlCallback callback, gpointer data);
+ * Fetches the data from a URL, and passes it to a callback function.
+ *
+ * @param account    The account for which the request is needed, or NULL.
+ * @param url        The URL.
+ * @param full       TRUE if this is the full URL, or FALSE if it's a
+ *                   partial URL.
+ * @param user_agent The user agent field to use, or NULL.
+ * @param http11     TRUE if HTTP/1.1 should be used to download the file.
+ * @param request    A HTTP request to send to the server instead of the
+ *                   standard GET
+ * @param request_len
+ *                   Then length of the request being sent
+ * @param include_headers
+ *                   If TRUE, include the HTTP headers in the response.
+ * @param max_len    The maximum number of bytes to retrieve, or a negative
+ *                   number to use the default max of 512 KiB.
+ * @param callback   The callback function.
+ * @param data       The user data to pass to the callback function.
+ * @deprecated       In 3.0.0, we'll rename this to "purple_util_fetch_url_request" and get rid of the old one
+ */
+PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *
+purple_util_fetch_url_request_data_len_with_account(PurpleAccount *account,
+		const char *url, gboolean full,	const char *user_agent, gboolean http11,
+		const char *request, gsize request_len, gboolean include_headers, gssize max_len,
+		PurpleUtilFetchUrlCallback callback, void *user_data);
  * Cancel a pending URL request started with either
  * purple_util_fetch_url_request() or purple_util_fetch_url().

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