/pidgin/main: aedbdb297552: Merged in rw_grim/pidgin (pull reque...

Gary Kramlich grim at reaperworld.com
Wed Mar 9 10:33:59 EST 2016

Changeset: aedbdb297552f262b7c6d31b3fa4d8ba50ecacae
Author:	 Gary Kramlich <grim at reaperworld.com>
Date:	 2016-03-09 09:33 -0600
Branch:	 default
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/pidgin/main/rev/aedbdb297552


Merged in rw_grim/pidgin (pull request #24)



 libpurple/plugins/fortuneprofile.pl                 |   125 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/BooPlugin.boo                |    22 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/GetBuddyBack.cs              |    34 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/MPlugin.cs                   |    38 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/Makefile.am                  |    19 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BlistNode.cs             |     4 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Buddy.cs                 |     9 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BuddyList.cs             |    19 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Contact.cs               |     4 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Debug.cs                 |    28 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Event.cs                 |    21 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Group.cs                 |     4 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Makefile.am              |    27 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/PurplePlugin.cs          |    67 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Signal.cs                |    18 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Status.cs                |     9 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/Makefile.am           |    25 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/blist-glue.c          |    26 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/debug-glue.c          |    16 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/mono-glue.h           |    19 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/mono-helper.c         |   260 --
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/mono-helper.h         |    72 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/mono.c                |   249 --
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/signal-glue.c         |   131 -
 libpurple/plugins/mono/loader/status-glue.c         |    16 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/Makefile.am                  |   171 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/Makefile.mingw               |    87 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Account.xs            |   353 ---
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/AccountOpts.xs        |   166 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/BuddyIcon.xs          |    71 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/BuddyList.xs          |   418 ----
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Certificate.xs        |   309 ---
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Cipher.xs             |   329 ---
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Cmds.xs               |   108 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Connection.xs         |    87 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Conversation.xs       |   435 ----
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Core.xs               |    21 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Debug.xs              |    72 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Idle.xs               |    12 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Log.xs                |   129 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/MANIFEST              |    36 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Makefile.PL.in        |    29 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Makefile.mingw        |   128 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Network.xs            |    42 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Notify.xs             |   178 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Plugin.xs             |   166 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/PluginPref.xs         |   188 --
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Pounce.xs             |   126 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Prefs.xs              |   244 --
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Presence.xs           |   102 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Proxy.xs              |    86 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Prpl.xs               |    76 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Purple.pm             |   129 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Purple.xs             |   108 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Request.xs            |   648 ------
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Roomlist.xs           |    92 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/SSLConn.xs            |    45 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/SavedStatuses.xs      |   152 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Server.xs             |   195 --
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Signal.xs             |    34 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Sound.xs              |    37 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Status.xs             |   267 --
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Stringref.xs          |    37 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Util.xs               |   437 ----
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Whiteboard.xs         |    74 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/XMLNode.xs            |   122 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/Xfer.xs               |   179 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/fallback/const-c.inc  |   115 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/fallback/const-xs.inc |    88 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/module.h              |   310 ---
 libpurple/plugins/perl/common/typemap               |   210 --
 libpurple/plugins/perl/libpurpleperl.c              |    18 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/perl-common.c                |   620 ------
 libpurple/plugins/perl/perl-common.h                |    82 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/perl-handlers.c              |   967 ----------
 libpurple/plugins/perl/perl-handlers.h              |    91 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/perl.c                       |   726 -------
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/account.pl           |   155 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/buddy_list.pl        |   107 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/conversation.pl      |   119 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/count_down.pl        |    89 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/function_list.pl     |    69 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/gtk_frame_test.pl    |    66 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/plugin_action.pl     |    58 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/plugin_pref.pl       |   103 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/request.pl           |   109 -
 libpurple/plugins/perl/scripts/signals-test.pl      |    88 -
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/Makefile.am                   |    23 -
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/Makefile.mingw                |    78 -
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/signal-test.tcl               |   123 -
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl.c                         |   503 -----
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl_cmd.c                     |   189 --
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl_cmds.c                    |  1769 -------------------
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl_glib.c                    |   259 --
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl_glib.h                    |    29 -
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl_purple.h                  |   118 -
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl_ref.c                     |   156 -
 libpurple/plugins/tcl/tcl_signals.c                 |   404 ----
 libpurple/plugins/test.pl                           |    42 -
 99 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 15870 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 16365 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/fortuneprofile.pl b/libpurple/plugins/fortuneprofile.pl
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/fortuneprofile.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Sets your AIM profile to a fortune (with a header and footer of your
-# choice).
-# By Sean Egan
-# seanegan at gmail.com
-# AIM: SeanEgn
-# Updated by Nathan Conrad, 31 January 2002
-# Changes:
-#  * Fortunes have HTML tabs and newlines
-# AIM: t98502
-# ICQ: 16106363
-# Updated by Mark Doliner, 15 October 2002
-# Changes:
-#  * Modified to work with the changed perl interface of gaim 0.60
-#  * Fixed a bug where your info would be set to nothing if you had 
-#    no pre and no post message
-# AIM: lbdash
-# Updated by Christian Hammond, 20 August 2003
-# Changes:
-#  * Modified to work with the changed perl interface of gaim 0.68
-# AIM: ChipX86
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Sean Egan
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111-1301 USA
-use Gaim;
-	perl_api_version => 2,
-	name             => "Fortune Profile",
-	version          => "3.4",
-	summary          => "Sets your AIM profile to a fortune (with a header and footer of your choice).",
-	description      => "Sets your AIM profile to a fortune (with a header and footer of your choice).",
-	author           => "Sean Egan <seanegan\@gmail.com>",
-	url              => "https://pidgin.im/",
-	load             => "plugin_load"
-sub plugin_init {
-	return %PLUGIN_INFO;
-sub plugin_load {
-	$plugin = shift;
-	$tab = " ";
-	$tab = $tab . $tab . $tab . $tab;
-	$nl = "<BR>";
-	$seconds = 30;                   # Delay before updating away messages.
-	$max = 1020;                     # Max length of an profile. It should be
-									 # 1024, but I am being safe
-	$pre_message = "";               # This gets added before the fortune
-	$post_message ="";
-	$len = 0;
-	if ($pre_message ne "") {
-	  $len += length( $pre_message . "---$nl" );
-	}
-	if ($post_message ne "") {
-	  $len += length("---$nl" . $post_message);
-	}
-	# Command to get dynamic message from
-	$command = "fortune -sn " . ($max - $len);
-	# output the first message and start the timers...
-	# This is done as a timeout to prevent attempts to set the
-	# profile before logging in.
-	Gaim::timeout_add($plugin, $seconds, \&update_away, 0);
-sub update_away {
-  # The fortunes are expanded into HTML (the tabs and newlines) which
-  # causes the -s option of fortune to be a little bit meaningless. This
-  # will loop until it gets a fortune of a good size (after expansion).
-  do {
-    do {  #It's a while loop because it doesn't always work for some reason
-      $fortune =  `$command`;
-      if ($? == -1) {
-        return;
-      }
-    } while ($fortune eq "");
-    $fortune =~ s/\n/$nl/g;
-    $fortune =~ s/\t/$tab/g;
-  } while ((length($fortune) + $len ) > $max);
-  $message = $fortune;
-  if ($pre_message ne "") {
-    $message = $pre_message . "---$nl" . $message;
-  }
-  if ($post_message ne "") {
-    $message = $message . "---$nl" . $post_message ;
-  }
-  foreach $account (Gaim::accounts()) {
-    if ($account->is_connected()) {
-      $account->set_user_info($message);
-    }
-  }
-  Gaim::timeout_add($plugin, $seconds, \&update_away, 0);
diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/mono/BooPlugin.boo b/libpurple/plugins/mono/BooPlugin.boo
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/mono/BooPlugin.boo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-import Purple
-class BooPlugin(PurplePlugin):
-	def handle(*args as (object)):
-		b as Buddy
-		b = args[0]
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "booplugin",  "Boo Plugin knows that " + b.Alias + " is away\n")
-	override def Load():
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "booplugin", "loading...\n")
-		BuddyList.OnBuddyAway.connect(self, handle)
-	override def Unload():
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "booplugin", "unloading...\n")
-	override def Destroy():
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "booplugin", "destroying...\n")
-	override def Info():
-		return PurplePluginInfo("mono-boo", "Boo Plugin", "0.1", "Test Boo Plugin", "Longer Description", "Eoin Coffey", "urled")
diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/mono/GetBuddyBack.cs b/libpurple/plugins/mono/GetBuddyBack.cs
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/mono/GetBuddyBack.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-using Purple;
-public class GetBuddyBack : Plugin
-	private static PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo("mono-buddyback", "C# Get Buddy Back", "0.1", "Prints when a Buddy returns", "Longer Description", "Eoin Coffey", "urled");
-	public GetBuddyBack()
-		: base (info)
-	{
-	}
-	public void HandleSig(object[] args)
-	{
-		Buddy buddy = (Buddy)args[0];
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "buddyback", "buddy " + buddy.Name + " is back!\n");
-	}
-	public override void Load()
-	{
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "buddyback", "loading...\n");
-		/*Signal.connect(BuddyList.GetHandle(), this, "buddy-back", new Signal.Handler(HandleSig));*/
-		BuddyList.OnBuddyStatusChanged.connect(this, new Signal.Handler(HandleSig));
-	}
-	public override void Unload()
-	{
-	}
-	public override void Destroy()
-	{
-	}
diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/mono/MPlugin.cs b/libpurple/plugins/mono/MPlugin.cs
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/mono/MPlugin.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-using Purple;
-public class MPlugin : Plugin
-	private static PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo("mono-mplugin", "C# Plugin", "0.1", "Test C# Plugin", "Longer Description", "Eoin Coffey", "urled");
-	public MPlugin()
-		: base(info)
-	{
-	}
-	public void HandleSig(object[] args)
-	{
-		Buddy buddy = (Buddy)args[0];
-		Status old_status = (Status)args[1];
-		Status status = (Status)args[2];
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "mplug", "buddy " + buddy.Name + " went from " + old_status.Id + " to " + status.Id + "\n");
-	}
-	public override void Load()
-	{
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "mplug", "loading...\n");
-		/*Signal.connect(BuddyList.GetHandle(), this, "buddy-away", new Signal.Handler(HandleSig));*/
-		BuddyList.OnBuddyStatusChanged.connect(this, new Signal.Handler(HandleSig));
-	}
-	public override void Unload()
-	{
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "mplug", "unloading...\n");
-	}
-	public override void Destroy()
-	{
-		Debug.debug(Debug.INFO, "mplug", "destroying...\n");
-	}
diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/mono/Makefile.am b/libpurple/plugins/mono/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/mono/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = api loader
-mono_sources = GetBuddyBack.cs \
-			   MPlugin.cs
-EXTRA_DIST = $(mono_sources)
-mono_SCRIPTS = MPlugin.dll GetBuddyBack.dll
-mono_build_sources = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(mono_sources))
-all: $(mono_SCRIPTS)
-SUFFIXES = .cs .dll
-.cs.dll: api/PurpleAPI.dll $(mono_build_sources)
-	mcs -t:library -lib:./api -out:$@ -r:PurpleAPI.dll $<
-	rm -f $(mono_SCRIPTS)
diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BlistNode.cs b/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BlistNode.cs
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BlistNode.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-namespace Purple {
-	public abstract class BlistNode {
-	}
diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Buddy.cs b/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Buddy.cs
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/Buddy.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-namespace Purple {
-	public class Buddy : BlistNode {
-		private string name;
-		private string alias;
-		public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } }
-		public string Alias { get { return alias; } set { alias = value; } }
-	}
diff --git a/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BuddyList.cs b/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BuddyList.cs
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/libpurple/plugins/mono/api/BuddyList.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-namespace Purple {
-	using System;
-	using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-	public class BuddyList {
-		[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
-		extern private static IntPtr _get_handle();
-		private static IntPtr handle = _get_handle();

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