Icon view buddy list

Sean Egan seanegan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 16:58:46 EDT 2007

On 8/1/07, Hylke Bons <h.bons at student.rug.nl> wrote:
> Looks nice!
> I like Pidgin trying different stuff, tough I don't think we should
> switch to that as a default any time soon. :)

s/any time soon/ever/

> Maybe we can come up with
> more "alternative" buddy list ideas to have optional in 2.1.1. So people
> can pick what they like and see what works and what does not.

This would definitely not be a 2.1.1 thing; 2.2.0 at the earliest. I'm
really only interested in it for handheld devices like the Maemo stuff
that could make better use of its screen space this way.

That's why I'm glad Gabriel is interested.


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