I can't using nss or gnutls to connect with MSN

Wade Yin wade.yinn at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 12:08:42 EDT 2007

After `make install`, it worked!

Thanks Etan.

It looks many files were copied from the source directory...

But if I just want to using pidgin in my home directory, that will be a

On 8/21/07, Etan Reisner <pidgin at unreliablesource.net> wrote:
> You need to install pidgin before testing it. Run 'make install' and try
> again. Also make sure you don't have multiple copies of pidgin installed
> (like one compiled from source and one from a package). Lastly, run pidgin
> -d and see if it says anything about the gnutls plugin.
>         -Etan

Wade Yin
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