having pidgin run commands from the im windows?

Conor Fitzsimons conunx at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 16:01:26 EST 2007

Thanks for the quick responses, but i have another question

i use a laptop and a desktop, both with pidgin

is it possible to have the desktop be signed off automatically when my
laptop signs on? i know that aim already detects that i am signed on in two
locations.  but could pidgin also know this and for instance, if the desktop
see's me logged in in 2 places, it could automatically forward all waiting
messages to the newly signed on account, then sign off.   and once the
laptop signs on (there are no instances of me being online), it would auto
re sign in?

i know that this is kind of complicated, especially the forwarding of the
messages which have been recieved on the desktop. but i was wondering if
anybody else had thought of/made it already

On Dec 2, 2007 2:44 AM, Sadrul Habib Chowdhury <imadil at gmail.com> wrote:

> * Conor Fitzsimons had this to say on [01 Dec 2007, 23:36:37 -0500]:
> > i was just wondering if it was possible... or easy to implement a
> solution
> > to either use/modify the text replacement plugin... or in some other
> way,
> > enable a user to type someting like /exit, into an im window and have it
> > either close the window/go away/close pidgin.  and from that then have
> > commands like /join, where you could add other users to the chat (send
> them
> > an invitation to join)
> >
> > if there is an easier way to do this, or if it already exists let me
> know
> It sounds like you want to use the command API in purple. Look at the
> uses of purple_cmd_register in pidgin source.
> We can probably have a 'Command API How-To'. John? :D
> Sadrul
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