contact list merging and metacontacts in Pidgin

Kevin Stange kstange at
Sat Dec 22 00:32:01 EST 2007

q10 wrote:
> Hello:
> Will there be development to merge contacts from different accounts of
> the same protocol?  For example, there won't be repeated sn's of johndoe
> when I log into two or more AIM accounts, and I can choose which of my
> AIM sn to IM him with when I start a conversation.

There will always be two entries on the buddy list because buddies in
Pidgin are attached to accounts, but they can be grouped into one
contact.  If you alias two buddies in the same group to the same name,
Pidgin will ask you if you want to merge them together.

> Also, will there be a meta contacts capability coming soon?


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