Website and recent conversation UI changes

Kevin M Stange kevin at
Sun Jul 15 17:34:54 EDT 2007

Moritz 'Morty' Strübe wrote:
> Kevin M Stange schrieb:
>> Ka-Hing Cheung wrote:
>>> First of all, website. The news section has been broken for 3 months
>>> now, and it doesn't look like the planet is updated either. Luke said
>>> that the person who was doing the website disappeared, is there anyone
>>> who will fix it soonish?
>> I have and will continue to offer to completely redo the site without
>> the CMS if anyone tells me that the resulting pages I create will be
>> accepted to replace what's there.  I'm not going to recode the site if
>> it's not going to be used.  If anyone says to go ahead, I'll get started
>> today and hopefully have something by this evening or tomorrow. ;)
>> Kevin
> It doesn't sound very reasonable to me to abandon a CMS once it's set
> up. Shouldn't there just be a few more people with a login so they can
> fix things?

I don't see the point in using a CMS when we can just have clean, simple
web pages with includes that can be stored in our VCS and edited by
everyone with commit access without having to log into a web-based
editor.  Working with pages them is a similar process to committing code
changes and we can rest assured that anyone with commit access to pidgin
can also update the web pages as needed without the mess and overhead of
a secondary system.

I also despise CMS systems in general for various reasons, but mostly
due to lack of flexibility, tendency toward inefficiency and poor design.


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