user question

Kevin M Stange kevin at
Fri Jul 13 03:37:43 EDT 2007

Sean Egan wrote:
> On 7/12/07, Chris Forsythe <chris at> wrote:
>> Hasn't this been rehashed over and over again? I think everyone who gets
>> it on the list gets it, and anyone who is required to put it in their
>> email for their paycheck can't do much about it except find a new job.
>> What's the point of bringing it up on a public list beyond making
>> yourself look like a jerk?
> "can't do much about it except find a new job"? You can talk to the
> people you work for and explain to them that the disclaimer is stupid
> at best, and breaks your e-mail(*) at worst, and get the policy
> improved. This e-mail disclaimer is really no skin off of my back, but
> it reflects poorly on the state of Vermont.
> -s.
> * Some mail servers will actually scan all incoming mail for
> disclaimers and refuse to accept it if one exists. does
> this, for instance, as their public mail archives directly violate
> most of the headers you see.

I saw something come through a wine mailing list when I was on it
briefly.  A patch was rejected because it had such a disclaimer in the
email to which the patch was attached.  They requested it be resubmitted
without the disclaimer, as it was seen as an "implied" license of the
code in a way that was not GPL compatible. :)


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