I want to participate!

Sevcsik András sevcsik at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 10:58:26 EDT 2007


You can use the API on developer.pidgin.im, but there are only function
signatures and short documentations. I suggest you to study nullcient
(purple/example) and Finch, if you want to know, how does it work.

2007/7/13, Markus Zuercher <zuerchermarkus at gmail.com>:
> Hi
> I'm new to this mailing list and I don't know if my question is right
> here. I use Gaim/Pidgin now for about a year and want to code some
> plugins. I'm new to C++, but have experience in other programming
> languages.
> Is there any documentation of the code? I just don't know where to
> start.. I just read some plugins that came with Pidgin. As far as I
> can see, the _libpurple_ library has all the functions, classes etc.
> that Pidgin/Finch uses, right?
> Thanks and best regards
> Markus
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Minden jót,
Sevcsik András
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