Remotelogging stuff (Re: Revision 4f37cd..)

Sadrul Habib Chowdhury imadil at
Mon Jul 23 22:54:42 EDT 2007

* mshkutkov at had this to say on [23 Jul 2007, 06:24:30 -0400]:
> +static void get_total_size_for_contact_cb(int size, void *data)
> +{
> +	struct _finch_log_size_data *callback_data = data;
> +
> +	callback_data->counter--;
> +	callback_data->total_size += size;
> +
> +	if (!callback_data->counter) {
> +		callback_data->lc->finished = TRUE;
> +		if (callback_data->value != callback_data->total_size) {
> +			g_hash_table_replace(logsize_contacts, callback_data->lc, GINT_TO_POINTER(callback_data->total_size));
> +			/* refresh buddy list */
> +			populate_buddylist();
> +			/* saving value into blist file */
> +			purple_blist_node_set_int(callback_data->lc->node, "log_size", callback_data->total_size);
> +		}
> +		g_free(callback_data);
> +	}
> +}

I was looking at the nonblocking-logging stuff in .remotelogging and
.finchfeat.logging. A couple of suggestions/requests for clarifications:

* Does it make sense to send the account and name to the callbacks
(PurpleLogListCallback etc.)?

* Instead of maintaining a counter in the callback data, does it make
sense to use something like a PurpleLogContext or something)? For example,

  PurpleLogContext *ct = purple_log_context_new(destroy_context_cb);
  purple_log_context_set_userdata(ct, some_data);
  purple_log_read_nonblocking(ct, ..., callback_fn, ...);

and the _nonblocking functions will _ref the 'ct', and an internal
log-callback (not 'callback_fn') will _unref it, and call
'destroy_context_cb' when appropriate.

Am I making any sense, or making things unnecessarily more complex than
they need to be?


PS: Oh, and we can do 'gpointer data', instead of 'gpointer *data'

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