Infopane (Re: Revision 4f8fce..)

Kevin M Stange kevin at
Fri Jul 27 16:06:35 EDT 2007

Sean Egan wrote:
> On 7/27/07, Sadrul Habib Chowdhury <imadil at> wrote:
>> I committed some stuff a couple of hours back to change the right-click
>> menu on the infopane: I
>> don't mind if only the 'Send To' menu shows up on right-click and the
>> rest shows up on left-click. I wouldn't generally expect a menu on
>> left-click, though.
> My plans were that when you hovered over the info pane, a drop-down
> arrow would appear, and then left clicking would act like a combo box,
> drawing infopanes for all of the buddies in the person.
> Having a simple submenu in the context menu is not a pretty good idea, though.
> Should we keep the "Send To" menu in the menubar? Maybe only if the
> infopane is turned off?

I'm not sure I'm a fan of changing the menubar.  Doesn't our HIG suggest
we should keep the menu bar the same at all times and only disable items
which aren't applicable in a situation?


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