Some suggestions on the infopane of conversation

Kevin M Stange kevin at
Fri Jun 29 00:31:04 EDT 2007

Sean Egan wrote:
> On 6/27/07, Ka-Hing Cheung <khc at> wrote:
 >>>  * The tab is displayed even when you have only one tab.
>>>  * You cannot drag-n-drop the infopane for anything.
> A few people have mentioned "widget jumping" as the reason they prefer
> always having tabs. Lots of people think it's silly having tabs when
> there's only one conversation window is open. I'm impartial (really!).
> Is "widget jumping" really an issue? I can't honestly imagine it is.

One of the consequences of the widget jumping that is bothering me right
now is when a new tab is spawned if you have only one, the input area
shrinks and the scroll position, which was formerly at the end of the
conversation shifts, so that I'm no longer scrolled to the bottom and
new updates don't autoscroll into view.


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