REMINDER: Board meeting one week from today

Kevin M Stange kevin at
Wed May 9 03:33:25 EDT 2007

Luke Schierer wrote:
> On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 08:56:17PM -0400, Ethan Blanton wrote:
>> Luke Schierer spake unto us the following wisdom:
>>> On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 05:41:46PM -0700, Sean Egan wrote:
>>>> I am now accepting nominations for directors and officers. Currently
>>>> all directors and officers are nominated and unopposed for reelection.
>>>> I am also accepting topics of discussion to be put on the agenda.
>>>> -s.
>>> I propose that a budget for a second, non-virtual server be discussed.
>> If we want to discuss this, please prepare some prices and budgetary
>> needs ahead of time, so we know what we are talking about ... some of
>> us (like me) have no idea.  And also I have the money, and I'm a
>> pinchpenny, so keep that in mind.  ;-)
>> Is there a particular reason we want a non-virtual server, as opposed
>> to, say, a second virtual server?
>> Ethan
> I will attempt to get prices both ways.  A non-virtual server is less
> fragile, it cannot be taken down by its host server going down.

As I have offered on several occasions, I believe my boss may still be
willing to donate / reduce prices for some type of equipment,
particularly older servers, such as P4 3.0 or Celeron 2.4/2.8 systems
(possibly a Dual Xeon 2.66 GHz), possibly even with a reasonable amount
of bandwidth.  Luke, if you want me to see whether we can provide
something still, I can ask my boss for some quotes to include in your
research.  Just let me know what kind of need there would be.


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