A Study on Free/Open Source Software Defect Management

Anu Gupta DCSA anugupta at pu.ac.in
Sun May 13 23:50:19 EDT 2007

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am really thankful to Free/Open Source Software development community for 
their overwhelming response to the survey on  practices and problems of 
defect management in Free/Open Source Software projects. 

If you have not participated ealier, you may spend a few minutes now too. 

The Online Questionnaire is available at:


I hope you have found all the questions interesting and thought-provoking. 
Your answers will be kept anonymous.The data thus collected will only be 
used for research purpose. The insights gained from the study can further 
help us to extract publicly accessible defect data and determine impact of 
defect management practices on software quality. The results of study will 
soon be communicated to you.

Thank You 

With regards, 

Anu Gupta 
Senior Lecturer 
Department of Computer Science and Applications, 
Panjab University, Chandigarh. 

In case of any problem in accessing/using the above mentioned link please 
E-mail: anugupta at pu.ac.in 
     	anugupta98 at gmail.com 

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