mandriva packages

Dale Worley dworley at
Sat May 19 16:58:21 EDT 2007

On Sat, 2007-05-19 at 13:23 -0500, Casey Harkins wrote:
> Mark Doliner wrote:
> > On Sat, 19 May 2007 14:54:29 +0000, Tomasz Bednarski - Mandriva Poland
> > wrote
> >> My friend created packages for mandriva Linux. Could it be added to
> >> ??
> > 
> > Sorry, as a rule we don't provide packages created by people that we don't
> > know, which basically means we only provide packages that we create ourselves.
> >  It's important for us to know that the package hasn't been tampered with
> > (maliciously or otherwise).
> As this seems to come up frequently (three times on this list since 2.0 
> was released), maybe this should be noted on the download page (linking 
> to the WhyPackagesExist page on the wiki).

Might it be possible to provide a list of links to other people's pages
for downloading packages created by outsiders?  ISTM that that would
create enough clarity that the packages aren't the Pidgin group's
responsibility, and at the same time satisfy users who want those


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