Google Talk

Chris Forsythe chris at
Tue May 22 21:41:18 EDT 2007

On May 22, 2007, at 7:45 PM, Sean Egan wrote:

> On 5/22/07, Chris Forsythe <chris at> wrote:
>> We actually created a google talk and livejournal account in Adium,
>> out of anticipation of support requests. Before we did this, we had a
>> ton of problems with folks setting up accounts, even those who
>> followed the very explicit instructions on the google howto pages.
>> Afterwards, the only issues I've seen are from people who use google
>> for domains, which we defer to the actual jabber account itself.
> I've been wanting to add a proper Google Talk protocol for a while,
> but removed myself due to any perceived conflict of interest. The XMPP
> prpl maintainers have been dead against doing this. Richard already
> has added a Google Talk option; this e-mail is about how
> Google-Talk-like it should be.

Ah, I misread a bit of your original email. To me it makes sense to  
have a google talk account of some kind, whether it be a virtual  
account that points at the xmpp prpl, or a new gtalk prpl that shares  
code with the xmpp prpl, and to have that account sync up with what  
the protocol provides as much as is possible.

I have a few reasons, one is support costs. It didn't cost a lot in  
implementation time, and it shaved off quite a bit of support costs  
in irc and on the feedback mailing list. Another thing to note is  
that gtalk is one of the big im protocols, at least from statistics  
we see on the Adium side (1), so it makes sense to try to at least  
match up on things like status modes. A lot of people I interact with  
in real life who use xmpp only use google talk, and would probably be  
somewhat confused in the situation you brought up.



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