Change the Green Online Icon to an Icon reflecting the IM Protocol?

Tommy Thorsen tommy at
Thu Oct 11 07:32:06 EDT 2007

Johan Gunnarsson wrote:
> Also, I'd like to add that I like Pidgin in every way. I use it every
> day and I love the new features, including the buddy icons. Cheers,
> all Pidgin developers.

I second that. I'm also very happy with Pidgin the way it works now.

In fact, I think that implementing the wishes of people who write angry 
mails in all caps on this public list would turn out very badly for the 
quality of Pidgin. I don't know how many people who use Pidgin 
worldwide, but trying to measure "the wishes and the interests of users" 
by looking at the comments on this public mailinglist does not work. 
Most happy users probably don't even know about this list.

Seems to me that most popular projects attract their share of 
weirdos/trolls with very strong opinions and infinite patience for 

Keep up the good work everyone :-)


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