Change the Green Online Icon to an Icon reflecting the IM Protocol?

Billy Crook billycrook at
Thu Oct 11 08:58:47 EDT 2007

(Replied inline

On 10/11/07, Charliep <charliep at> wrote:
> Kevin:
> Sorry for my blunt assessment of your software. The present implementation
> of the green / red / clock icons is STUPID. Because of this I will not be
> using your software - UNLESS you fix this. Many of your other users
> suggested that I should NOT use Pidgin if I don't like it! Thanks, I will
> take your advice.

OOh, scary, big threat, FUCKING LEAVE ALREADY.

When I finally got to the part where you mentioned that the Protocol Icons
> WERE available I almost wanted to take back some of my harsh criticism
> until
> I checked out the implementation of the IM Protocol icons. Until I tried
> to
> turn on the Protocol Icons. All in all, I think my cricism of the
> implementation of this particular feature is spot on: STUPID!

Fix it if you don't like it. You do know what Free Software means, right?

1. I have stated why I believe these icons are stupid: They provide no
> valuable information that could not be provided otherwise in a more
> efficient manner (using less space) and they specifically leave out
> information that is valuable to some users (although obviously NOT the
> developers).
> If you developers think that it is a good idea to have your colored /
> shaped
> icons for the <5% of the population who are color blind that is great, but
> you are completely inconsiderate of the user to insist that he be required
> to use your icons when you could just as easily allow the user to turn
> them
> off.
> For the rest of the world that is NOt colorblind, these icons serve
> absolutely NO PURPOSE that could not be accomplished by other means. Don't
> believe me? Lets take a look at Trillian - what do they do? They use color
> coded frames around the Avatar! along with symbols when the user is away.
> Wow, simple brilliant idea.
> AND your implementation of the IM Protocol icons is STUPID because you do
> not include the status of the user in the IM Protocol Icon - you use one
> icon for their IM Protocol status and another for the Online / Offline
> status of the user. THIS IS STUPID. NOBODY except PIDGIN in the IM
> industry
> does this!

IM "industry"? WTF

Why do I get the feeling that you (or somebody on your team) is color blind?
> 2. It would be a good idea to include settings for these "SHOW" options in
> the Pidgin -- Tools -- Preferences menu so that they are easier to find.
> Leave them in both places if you like.
> 3. There is absolutely NO REASON to NOT provide the user with the option
> to
> REPLACE the generic icons with IM Protocol icons.
> > However we're not removing the dot/clock/paper/etc, it's a
> > reliable, consistent status indicator used throughout the UI.
> 4. Your arbitrary decision to FORCE these STUPID icons on the rest of the
> world and your refusal to even allow the user to turn them off is STUPID!
> > Skinning results in an inconsistent user interface.  This is bad for
> > users and harder to support.  This will never become a feature.
> 5. This is a STUPID statement. You are not a UI guru. You are a
> programmer.

What is "guru"?  A UI is a program.  Programmers write programs (even their

Skinning is GOOD for users because sooner or later somebody with expertise
> or just born talent will go and Skin your program and produce a user
> interface that is more popular than anything you could have developed on
> your own. Skinning allows the input of creativity from non-programmers and
> expands the scope and the depth of the Pidgin team. You obviously don't
> want
> help in this area.

I dont think they want the confusion that 20 different skins would bring
in.  If idiots are trusted to make skins, they will fuck parts up, and give
pidgin a bad image.

Your argument about "harder to support" is total bullshit. Just include a
> standard response to emails which reads: "Please confirm that you are
> using
> the standard UI Skin. To check goto Tools -- Preferences -- Skins --
> Standard UI. We only provide support for the standard UI Skin."
> Wouldn't it be better to provide an easy way for people who ARE UI guru's
> to
> build a Skin that enhances the value of your software?
> 6. The entire point of my criticism is that the Pidgin team today does not
> include a UI guru. But when you have developers making decisions like "We
> will always include our stupid icons" and "We will NEVER allow anybody to
> skin our product" you immediately turn off ANYBODY who knows ANYTHING
> about
> UI design.

Continue speaking when your erection subsides from the use of the acronym

> We do not ignore the wishes of users.  We ask them to provide us a
> > good reason for their desires. If we are convinced something is
> justified
> > ...
> 7. If you aren't convinced something is justified then you ignore it.
> Which
> is a bad idea. And that is the whole point! Why should ANYBODY try to
> convince somebody who INSISTS that their wrong / stupid decision is good /
> smart? You damn yourself to eternal mediocrity by refusing to listen to
> the
> masses who want to volunteer - but for your arrogance.

It's not been ignored.  It's been struck down, for good justified reason.
Understand that your ignorance of that reason does not invalidate it.

The best software is designed by users who can't program at all

Thats your best quote.  You should be ripe and ready to write the next
multiprotocol IM client then I take it.

but KNOW /
> study how the user wants a software to perform. The second best software
> applications are designed by people who can think with both halves of
> their
> brains and try to do the same thing. The WORST software programs are
> designed by developers who build something for themselves and to hell with
> the rest of the world. What is the point to write a book if nobody (or few
> people) ever read it? That is why good authors get their books in front of
> great editors. Your insistence to blow off people with suggestions in two
> areas (Skins / Icons) will prevent you from getting the good editors which
> could make your software more popular than ... Skype, MSN, AOL, etc.

It's not a popularity contest.  Christ!  It's about writing great software,
then sharing it with people.  You're welcome.

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