Skinning WAS Change the Green Online Icon to an Icon reflecting the IM Protocol?

Chris Forsythe chris at
Thu Oct 11 12:56:22 EDT 2007

Luke Schierer wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 08:58:48AM -0500, Chris Forsythe wrote:
>> Billy Crook wrote:
>>> I dont think they want the confusion that 20 different skins would 
>>> bring in.  If idiots are trusted to make skins, they will fuck parts 
>>> up, and give pidgin a bad image.
>> I would disagree with this. Customizations is one of the cornerstones of 
>> why a lot of users like Adium. In my opinion they feel a sense of pride 
>> and ownership in the product, since they can make it "their own".
>> If you provide the tools to do this, then the concern about skins 
>> reflecting a poor image of Pidgin can be decreased significantly, imho.
>> Anyhow, take a look for yourself:
>> Chris
> Looking at these, I'm seeing things that change colors, graphics, and
> then apple scripts.  I'm assuming these last are more or less like perl
> plugins, but in apple script instead of perl.

Right, basically changes some stuff inline and font settings and some 
images like status icons/protocol icons.

Sorry about missing your faq entry.


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