A few comments

Colin Barrett timber at lava.net
Wed Oct 17 23:24:18 EDT 2007

On Oct 17, 2007, at 7:39 PM, Ethan Blanton wrote:

> Chris Forsythe spake unto us the following wisdom:
>> On Oct 17, 2007, at 8:52 PM, Ethan Blanton wrote:
>>> Proteus uses a similar circumvention of the GPL in technicality  
>>> only,
>>> on OSX.
>> Originally it did this to evade the gpl and sell the os x frontend.
>> Just in case anyone wanted to know.
> Yes, which I took umbrage to at that time, too.

Isn't telepathy-haze behaving the same way?

It certainly seems like there is a great demand for libpurple which is  
at this point best of breed for accessing many popular IM protocols.

I realize that the copyright situation is probably intractable at this  
point, but seems like as a library, libpurple would want to be LGPL (I  
am aware the L is for Lesser, but it's a popular choice for library  
authors nonetheless)

Or maybe not -- some libraries (readline) are GPL. Your call.

Just my 0.02¢, which is worth less every day :(

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