trouble building pidgin 2.4.0

Jeff Smith jsmith at
Fri Apr 4 11:40:11 EDT 2008

Stu Tomlinson wrote:
> Good luck trying to remove the suse dbus! it's become a pretty integral
> part of Linux distributions... removing it *would* break things.
> SuSE 10.1 includes dbus 0.60, SuSE 10.2 has 1.0.0 and SuSE 10.3 has
> 1.0.2 - maybe you could just upgrade your SuSE ?
> Regards,
> Stu.
Thanks I understand, but also my understanding of GNU/Linux is that it 
is easier to work with and experiment with these components, having an 
intuitive way to restore things if problems arise (just change files 
back). In this case I will try not to upgrade dbus by too far if there 
are API changes, and will note previous configuration so I can revert. 
It is mostly a test to see what else breaks if I replace dbus with newer 
version. D-Bus will never actually be removed because it is already 
installed in /usr/local. Hmmm, it will sure help that I look at the suse 
rpmsrc because maybe I will be able to upgrade that src where needed.

I guess I actually don't know how much dbus integrates with the kernel.

My impression is the package management restrictions (i.e. RPM) are 
merely to keep people from breaking things when they don't known that 
their actions might, and speed up work for those who are not trying 
something as ambiguous as upgrading packages not released with a 
particular distro.

I'll try to let y'all know how things go, FYI.
Thanks mucho   --jeffs

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