A blog about someones first time with a Linux desktop which mentions Pidgin

Etan Reisner pidgin at unreliablesource.net
Tue Apr 29 13:09:46 EDT 2008

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:22:01PM -0500, Mark Doliner wrote:
> I can dig it.
> What should we use to refer to the username of remote people?  "Buddy name" or
> "Buddy's username"?
> -Mark

I have no idea, I really didn't want to even try bringing that up at the
same time. In large part I think if we can remove this initial confusion
the rest of things will not be nearly as bad so we may not need to worry
about it much. That being said I think waiting to see what happens with
the change to Username might be useful before trying to rename other


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