Pidgin GUI addon: "me" bar

James Wald james.wald at
Tue Aug 26 20:58:23 EDT 2008

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Wolter Hellmund <whellmundv at> wrote:
> You would choose which service do you want to show from a list
> Or, if you wish, you make a person with your accounts and display it there.

I understand the first suggestion where you would only see yourself
for one service at a time, selectable from a list.

I think a good way to implement such a feature would be to have a
"me" group.  For each service you would have the option to enable
or disable an entry in the "me" group.  The only problem with this
discerning which service each entry in the "me" group belongs to.
If you put each entry in a group named after the account, you
would quickly start running out of space.

When you add yourself to the user list now you only create an
entry in a group.  I have done this, but I did not create a group just
for "me."  I know which service my entry belongs to because it is in
the same group as other users from the same service.

Have any suggestions to deal with the spacing?  I would have to
think about this some more to determine how feasible such a
feature would be.


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