msn-pecan now has direct connection support (fast file transfers)

Daniel Atallah daniel.atallah at
Thu Jan 3 11:31:11 EST 2008

On Jan 3, 2008 11:22 AM, Richard Laager <rlaager at> wrote:

> On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 22:24 -0600, Gary Kramlich wrote:
> > I think the best way to describe this is that a personal message has
> > absolutely nothing to do with presence.  Trying to tie it onto a
> > presence API is just wrong.
> Why? How is a "personal status message" different from an away message
> or an available message?

I have to agree with rlaager here, I've seen a number of assertions that it
is "different", but I haven't seen anything about that examples that really
convinces me of this.

Even if the usage of this "Personal Message" for some MSN users is different
than how some people might expect other protocols to work, it still seems to
me that (at least within Pidgin), the Status Message is the appropriate

I might be missing something here - the only thing I can think of is that
someone will want to have both a PSM and an Away message at the same time;
is this the concern?

I've asked this several times now, requested examples, provided a couple
> minor change suggestions, and all I keep hearing is: These are totally
> different and we need to redo EVERYTHING in some way which I haven't
> described.
> Please provide a use case that hasn't been covered and/or a concrete
> suggestion. Until then, I'm done here.
> Richard
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