I want to help!!

Martin Ott pahaloom at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 03:21:19 EST 2008

On Jan 7, 2008 10:01 AM, Herman Schmidt <hermanschmidt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, everyone!!  My name is Herman Schmidt and I am a designer.
> I wonder if I can help making a good looking Pidgin. May I? please,
> please!!

Don't please get me wrong or consider this to be the ultimate decision of
all Pidgin developers, but maybe you could use it a little and find out if
there is anything at all making it non-good-looking.

Pidgin really rocks!

Martin (va PahaLOOM)
GTalk: pahaloom at gmail.com
AIM: ploomik
ICQ: 53393983
MSN: martin.ott[at]mail.ee
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